RA Flexible Software Package Documentation  Release v5.7.0


Detailed Description

Monitoring Modules.


 CRC (r_crc)
 Driver for the CRC peripheral on RA MCUs. This module implements the CRC Interface.
 Clock Accuracy Circuit (r_cac)
 Driver for the CAC peripheral on RA MCUs. This module implements the CAC Interface.
 Data Operation Circuit (r_doc)
 Driver for the DOC peripheral on RA MCUs. This module implements the DOC Interface.
 Independent Watchdog (r_iwdt)
 Driver for the IWDT peripheral on RA MCUs. This module implements the WDT Interface.
 Low/Programmable Voltage Detection (r_lvd)
 Driver for the LVD and PVD peripherals on RA MCUs. This module implements the Low Voltage Detection Interface.
 Watchdog (r_wdt)
 Driver for the WDT peripheral on RA MCUs. This module implements the WDT Interface.