RA Flexible Software Package Documentation  Release v5.8.0

Azure Embedded Wireless Framework GM Port (rm_azure_ewf_gm)
This page has been updated to reference GM cellular modules. GM cellular modules are a direct replacement for RYZ. RYZ cellular modules are deprecated and will be removed from FSP in a future release.
The Azure Embedded Wireless Framework is still in beta and not all APIs may be fully implemented yet.


This documentation is for the GMxxx ports of the Azure Embedded Wireless Framework.



The following are the limitations of the Azure EWF Library:

Unsupported NetX Duo Features

These features are handled directly on the GMxxx hardware or are not supported yet in the EWF library. NetX APIs for these features should not be used:


The GM02S port for the Embedded Wireless Framework can be added to the Stacks tab via New Stack > Networking > Azure EWF Adapter on GM02S.

Build Time Configurations for Common

The following build time configurations are defined in fsp_cfg/azure/ewf/ewf.config.h:

Parameter Checking
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
Enabled This enables checking of function parameters. When this is disabled, parameter checking code is not present and the footprint is reduced
Enable Logging
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
Disabled This enables logging and the compilation of debug code. When disabled, logging and debug code is not present and the footprint is reduced.
Verbose Logging
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
Disabled This enables verbose logging. Verbose logging will only work if a EWF Log Function is set and logging is enabled.
EWF Log FunctionManual Entryprintf(__VA_ARGS__) Function the library uses for standard log messages when logging is enabled.
EWF Log Error FunctionManual Entryprintf(__VA_ARGS__) Function the library uses for error log messages when logging is enabled.

Usage Notes

The basic setup for the library is as follows:

**The message allocator (EWF_ALLOCATOR_THREADX_STATIC_DECLARE) should be at least 1500 bytes for GM**
  2. Start the adapter with ewf_adapter_start.
  3. Setup modem service if necessary with functions from ewf_adapter_api_modem.h and other included api_modem_* files.
  4. Set functionality with ewf_adapter_modem_functionality_set.
  5. Wait for network registration (can use ewf_adapter_modem_network_registration_check to wait).
  6. Do a service activate to set desired PDP context with ewf_adapter_modem_packet_service_activate. This should be called regardless of whether context is already activated as it sets an internal library context number for functions like ewf_adapter_get_ipv4_address.
  7. Call other network functions as needed from desired headers (i.e. TCP functions are in ewf_adapter_api_tcp.h).

When using NetX Duo the following must be done:


Basic TCP Socket Example

The user should choose the relevant EWF_ALLOCATOR and EWF_ADAPTER macros from this example to use based on the hardware and RTOS being used
#define EWF_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE (256)
#define EWF_HTTP_GET_SERVER "www.microsoft.com"
#define EWF_HTTP_GET "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:www.microsoft.com\r\n\r\n"
#define EWF_HTTP_PORT (80)
ewf_allocator * message_allocator_ptr = NULL;
ewf_interface * interface_ptr = NULL;
ewf_adapter * adapter_ptr = NULL;
char ewf_log_buffer[EWF_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE];
void rm_azure_ewf_gm_example ()
static uint8_t buffer[2048]; // NOLINT
uint32_t buffer_length = sizeof(buffer);
/* Azure library has macros to declare/allocate structs and pointers.
* Different ones should be used depending on Adapter and whether the library is being used on bare metal or ThreadX */
/* This is for the memory allocator using ThreadX block pools */
EWF_ALLOCATOR_THREADX_STATIC_DECLARE(message_allocator_ptr, message_allocator, 12, 2048);
/* This is for the memory allocator using static memory on bare metal */
EWF_ALLOCATOR_MEMORY_POOL_STATIC_DECLARE(message_allocator_ptr, message_allocator, 12, 2048);
/* This is for the memory allocator using the heap on bare metal */
EWF_ALLOCATOR_C_HEAP_STATIC_DECLARE(message_allocator_ptr, message_allocator, 12, 2048);
/* This is for the communications interface using R_UART */
EWF_INTERFACE_RA_UART_STATIC_DECLARE(interface_ptr, sci_uart);
/* If using GM01Q */
EWF_ADAPTER_RENESAS_GM01Q_STATIC_DECLARE(adapter_ptr, renesas_gm01q, message_allocator_ptr, NULL, interface_ptr);
/* If using GM02S */
EWF_ADAPTER_RENESAS_GM02S_STATIC_DECLARE(adapter_ptr, renesas_gm02s, message_allocator_ptr, NULL, interface_ptr);
/* Start the adapter */
assert(EWF_RESULT_OK == ewf_adapter_start(adapter_ptr));
/* Set the ME functionality */
assert(EWF_RESULT_OK == ewf_adapter_modem_functionality_set(adapter_ptr, "1"));
/* Wait for the modem functionality to be up */
assert(EWF_RESULT_OK ==
ewf_adapter_modem_network_registration_check(adapter_ptr, EWF_ADAPTER_MODEM_CMD_QUERY_EPS_NETWORK_REG,
/* Do a service activate to set context num correctly */
ewf_adapter_modem_packet_service_activate(adapter_ptr, 1);
ewf_socket_tcp socket_tcp = {0};
/* Open TCP Socket */
assert(EWF_RESULT_OK == ewf_adapter_tcp_open(adapter_ptr, &socket_tcp));
/* Connect to server */
assert(EWF_RESULT_OK == ewf_adapter_tcp_connect(&socket_tcp, EWF_HTTP_GET_SERVER, EWF_HTTP_PORT));
/* Send HTTP GET */
assert(EWF_RESULT_OK == ewf_adapter_tcp_send(&socket_tcp, (const uint8_t *) EWF_HTTP_GET, strlen(EWF_HTTP_GET)));
/* Receive HTTP GET response */
assert(EWF_RESULT_OK == ewf_adapter_tcp_receive(&socket_tcp, buffer, &buffer_length, true));
/* Shutdown socket connection to server */
assert(EWF_RESULT_OK == ewf_adapter_tcp_shutdown(&socket_tcp));
/* Close/destroy socket */
assert(EWF_RESULT_OK == ewf_adapter_tcp_close(&socket_tcp));

NetX Duo Example

NX_PACKET_POOL g_packet_pool;
NX_IP g_ip;
static uint8_t g_ip_stack_memory[NETXDUO_EXAMPLE_IP_STACK_SIZE] BSP_ALIGN_VARIABLE(4);
static uint8_t g_packet_pool_memory[NETXDUO_EXAMPLE_PACKET_POOL_SIZE] BSP_ALIGN_VARIABLE(4);
void rm_azure_ewf_gm_netx_example ()
uint32_t modem_ip_addr;
/* Azure library has macros to declare/allocate structs and pointers.
* Different ones should be used depending on Adapter and whether the library is being used on bare metal or ThreadX */
/* This is for the memory allocator using ThreadX block pools */
EWF_ALLOCATOR_THREADX_STATIC_DECLARE(message_allocator_ptr, message_allocator, 12, 2048);
/* This is for the communications interface using R_UART */
EWF_INTERFACE_RA_UART_STATIC_DECLARE(interface_ptr, sci_uart);
/* If using GM01Q */
EWF_ADAPTER_RENESAS_GM01Q_STATIC_DECLARE(adapter_ptr, renesas_gm01q, message_allocator_ptr, NULL, interface_ptr);
/* If using GM02S */
EWF_ADAPTER_RENESAS_GM02S_STATIC_DECLARE(adapter_ptr, renesas_gm02s, message_allocator_ptr, NULL, interface_ptr);
/* Start the adapter */
assert(EWF_RESULT_OK == ewf_adapter_start(adapter_ptr));
/* Set the ME functionality */
assert(EWF_RESULT_OK == ewf_adapter_modem_functionality_set(adapter_ptr, "1"));
/* Wait for the modem functionality to be up */
assert(EWF_RESULT_OK ==
ewf_adapter_modem_network_registration_check(adapter_ptr, EWF_ADAPTER_MODEM_CMD_QUERY_EPS_NETWORK_REG,
/* Do a service activate to set context num correctly */
ewf_adapter_modem_packet_service_activate(adapter_ptr, 1);
/* Get modem IP */
assert(EWF_RESULT_OK == ewf_adapter_get_ipv4_address(adapter_ptr, &modem_ip_addr));
UINT status;
/* Create a packet pool */
status = nx_packet_pool_create(&g_packet_pool,
"Packet Pool",
assert(NX_SUCCESS == status);
/* Create an IP instance using EWF middleware */
status = nx_ip_create(&g_ip,
"IP Instance",
IP_ADDRESS(255, 255, 255, 0),
assert(NX_SUCCESS == status);
/* Save the adapter pointer in the IP instance */
g_ip.nx_ip_interface->nx_interface_additional_link_info = adapter_ptr;
/* EWF requires gateway address to be set */
status = nx_ip_gateway_address_set(&g_ip, modem_ip_addr);
assert(NX_SUCCESS == status);