RA Flexible Software Package Documentation  Release v5.8.0

Flash Interface

Detailed Description

Interface for the Flash Memory.


The Flash interface provides the ability to read, write, erase, and blank check the code flash and data flash regions.

Data Structures

struct  flash_block_info_t
struct  flash_regions_t
struct  flash_info_t
struct  flash_callback_args_t
struct  flash_cfg_t
struct  flash_api_t
struct  flash_instance_t


typedef void flash_ctrl_t


enum  flash_result_t
enum  flash_startup_area_swap_t
enum  flash_event_t
enum  flash_id_code_mode_t
enum  flash_status_t
enum  flash_arc_t

Data Structure Documentation

◆ flash_block_info_t

struct flash_block_info_t

Flash block details stored in factory flash.

Data Fields
uint32_t block_section_st_addr Starting address for this block section (blocks of this size)
uint32_t block_section_end_addr Ending address for this block section (blocks of this size)
uint32_t block_size Flash erase block size.
uint32_t block_size_write Flash write block size.

◆ flash_regions_t

struct flash_regions_t

Flash block details

Data Fields
uint32_t num_regions Length of block info array.
flash_block_info_t const * p_block_array Block info array base address.

◆ flash_info_t

struct flash_info_t

Information about the flash blocks

Data Fields
flash_regions_t code_flash Information about the code flash regions.
flash_regions_t data_flash Information about the code flash regions.

◆ flash_callback_args_t

struct flash_callback_args_t

Callback function parameter data

Data Fields
flash_event_t event Event can be used to identify what caused the callback (flash ready or error).
void const * p_context Placeholder for user data. Set in flash_api_t::open function in::flash_cfg_t.

◆ flash_cfg_t

struct flash_cfg_t

FLASH Configuration

Data Fields

bool data_flash_bgo
 True if BGO (Background Operation) is enabled for Data Flash.
void(* p_callback )(flash_callback_args_t *p_args)
 Callback provided when a Flash interrupt ISR occurs.
void const * p_extend
 FLASH hardware dependent configuration.
void const * p_context
 Placeholder for user data. Passed to user callback in flash_callback_args_t.
uint8_t ipl
 Flash ready interrupt priority.
IRQn_Type irq
 Flash ready interrupt number.
uint8_t err_ipl
 Flash error interrupt priority (unused in r_flash_lp)
IRQn_Type err_irq
 Flash error interrupt number (unused in r_flash_lp)

◆ flash_api_t

struct flash_api_t

Shared Interface definition for FLASH

Data Fields

fsp_err_t(* open )(flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, flash_cfg_t const *const p_cfg)
fsp_err_t(* write )(flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint32_t const src_address, uint32_t const flash_address, uint32_t const num_bytes)
fsp_err_t(* erase )(flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint32_t const address, uint32_t const num_blocks)
fsp_err_t(* blankCheck )(flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint32_t const address, uint32_t const num_bytes, flash_result_t *const p_blank_check_result)
fsp_err_t(* infoGet )(flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, flash_info_t *const p_info)
fsp_err_t(* close )(flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl)
fsp_err_t(* statusGet )(flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, flash_status_t *const p_status)
fsp_err_t(* accessWindowSet )(flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint32_t const start_addr, uint32_t const end_addr)
fsp_err_t(* accessWindowClear )(flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl)
fsp_err_t(* idCodeSet )(flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint8_t const *const p_id_bytes, flash_id_code_mode_t mode)
fsp_err_t(* reset )(flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl)
fsp_err_t(* updateFlashClockFreq )(flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl)
fsp_err_t(* startupAreaSelect )(flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, flash_startup_area_swap_t swap_type, bool is_temporary)
fsp_err_t(* bankSwap )(flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl)
fsp_err_t(* callbackSet )(flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, void(*p_callback)(flash_callback_args_t *), void const *const p_context, flash_callback_args_t *const p_callback_memory)
fsp_err_t(* antiRollbackCounterIncrement )(flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, flash_arc_t counter)
fsp_err_t(* antiRollbackCounterRefresh )(flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, flash_arc_t counter)
fsp_err_t(* antiRollbackCounterRead )(flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, flash_arc_t counter, uint32_t *const p_count)
fsp_err_t(* userLockableAreaWrite )(flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint32_t const src_address, uint32_t const flash_address, uint32_t const num_bytes)

Field Documentation

◆ open

fsp_err_t(* flash_api_t::open) (flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, flash_cfg_t const *const p_cfg)

Open FLASH device.

[out]p_ctrlPointer to FLASH device control. Must be declared by user. Value set here.
[in]flash_cfg_tPointer to FLASH configuration structure. All elements of this structure must be set by the user.

◆ write

fsp_err_t(* flash_api_t::write) (flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint32_t const src_address, uint32_t const flash_address, uint32_t const num_bytes)

Write FLASH device.

[in]p_ctrlControl for the FLASH device context.
[in]src_addressAddress of the buffer containing the data to write to Flash.
[in]flash_addressCode Flash or Data Flash address to write. The address must be on a programming line boundary.
[in]num_bytesThe number of bytes to write. This number must be a multiple of the programming size. For Code Flash this is FLASH_MIN_PGM_SIZE_CF. For Data Flash this is FLASH_MIN_PGM_SIZE_DF.
Specifying a number that is not a multiple of the programming size will result in SF_FLASH_ERR_BYTES being returned and no data written.

◆ erase

fsp_err_t(* flash_api_t::erase) (flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint32_t const address, uint32_t const num_blocks)

Erase FLASH device.

[in]p_ctrlControl for the FLASH device.
[in]addressThe block containing this address is the first block erased.
[in]num_blocksSpecifies the number of blocks to be erased, the starting block determined by the block_erase_address.

◆ blankCheck

fsp_err_t(* flash_api_t::blankCheck) (flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint32_t const address, uint32_t const num_bytes, flash_result_t *const p_blank_check_result)

Blank check FLASH device.

[in]p_ctrlControl for the FLASH device context.
[in]addressThe starting address of the Flash area to blank check.
[in]num_bytesSpecifies the number of bytes that need to be checked. See the specific handler for details.
[out]p_blank_check_resultPointer that will be populated by the API with the results of the blank check operation in non-BGO (blocking) mode. In this case the blank check operation completes here and the result is returned. In Data Flash BGO mode the blank check operation is only started here and the result obtained later when the supplied callback routine is called. In this case FLASH_RESULT_BGO_ACTIVE will be returned in p_blank_check_result.

◆ infoGet

fsp_err_t(* flash_api_t::infoGet) (flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, flash_info_t *const p_info)

Close FLASH device.

[in]p_ctrlPointer to FLASH device control.
[out]p_infoPointer to FLASH info structure.

◆ close

fsp_err_t(* flash_api_t::close) (flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl)

Close FLASH device.

[in]p_ctrlPointer to FLASH device control.

◆ statusGet

fsp_err_t(* flash_api_t::statusGet) (flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, flash_status_t *const p_status)

Get Status for FLASH device.

[in]p_ctrlPointer to FLASH device control.
[out]p_ctrlPointer to the current flash status.

◆ accessWindowSet

fsp_err_t(* flash_api_t::accessWindowSet) (flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint32_t const start_addr, uint32_t const end_addr)

Set Access Window for FLASH device.

[in]p_ctrlPointer to FLASH device control.
[in]start_addrDetermines the Starting block for the Code Flash access window.
[in]end_addrDetermines the Ending block for the Code Flash access window. This address will not be within the access window.

◆ accessWindowClear

fsp_err_t(* flash_api_t::accessWindowClear) (flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl)

Clear any existing Code Flash access window for FLASH device.

[in]p_ctrlPointer to FLASH device control.
[in]start_addrDetermines the Starting block for the Code Flash access window.
[in]end_addrDetermines the Ending block for the Code Flash access window.

◆ idCodeSet

fsp_err_t(* flash_api_t::idCodeSet) (flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint8_t const *const p_id_bytes, flash_id_code_mode_t mode)

Set ID Code for FLASH device. Setting the ID code can restrict access to the device. The ID code will be required to connect to the device. Bits 126 and 127 are set based on the mode.

For example, uint8_t id_bytes[] = {0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0x00}; with mode FLASH_ID_CODE_MODE_LOCKED_WITH_ALL_ERASE_SUPPORT will result in an ID code of 00112233445566778899aabbccddeec0

With mode FLASH_ID_CODE_MODE_LOCKED, it will result in an ID code of 00112233445566778899aabbccddee80

[in]p_ctrlPointer to FLASH device control.
[in]p_id_bytesPonter to the ID Code to be written.
[in]modeMode used for checking the ID code.

◆ reset

fsp_err_t(* flash_api_t::reset) (flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl)

Reset function for FLASH device.

[in]p_ctrlPointer to FLASH device control.

◆ updateFlashClockFreq

fsp_err_t(* flash_api_t::updateFlashClockFreq) (flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl)

Update Flash clock frequency (FCLK) and recalculate timeout values

[in]p_ctrlPointer to FLASH device control.

◆ startupAreaSelect

fsp_err_t(* flash_api_t::startupAreaSelect) (flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, flash_startup_area_swap_t swap_type, bool is_temporary)

Select which block - Default (Block 0) or Alternate (Block 1) is used as the start-up area block.

[in]p_ctrlPointer to FLASH device control.
[in]is_temporaryTrue or false. See table below.
swap_type is_temporary Operation
FLASH_STARTUP_AREA_BLOCK0 false On next reset Startup area will be Block 0.
FLASH_STARTUP_AREA_BLOCK1 true Startup area is immediately, but temporarily switched to Block 1.
FLASH_STARTUP_AREA_BTFLG true Startup area is immediately, but temporarily switched to the Block determined by the Configuration BTFLG.

◆ bankSwap

fsp_err_t(* flash_api_t::bankSwap) (flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl)

Swap the bank used as the startup area. On Flash HP, need to change into dual bank mode to use this feature.

[in]p_ctrlPointer to FLASH device control.

◆ callbackSet

fsp_err_t(* flash_api_t::callbackSet) (flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, void(*p_callback)(flash_callback_args_t *), void const *const p_context, flash_callback_args_t *const p_callback_memory)

Specify callback function and optional context pointer and working memory pointer.

[in]p_ctrlPointer to FLASH device control.
[in]p_callbackCallback function to register
[in]p_contextPointer to send to callback function
[in]p_working_memoryPointer to volatile memory where callback structure can be allocated. Callback arguments allocated here are only valid during the callback.

◆ antiRollbackCounterIncrement

fsp_err_t(* flash_api_t::antiRollbackCounterIncrement) (flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, flash_arc_t counter)

Increment the selected anti-rollback counter.

Once incremented, the counter can never be decremented or reset, even with a debug probe.
[in]p_ctrlPointer to FLASH device control.
[in]counterThe anti-rollback counter to increment

◆ antiRollbackCounterRefresh

fsp_err_t(* flash_api_t::antiRollbackCounterRefresh) (flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, flash_arc_t counter)

Refresh the selected anti-rollback counter flash area.

[in]p_ctrlPointer to FLASH device control.
[in]counterThe anti-rollback counter to refresh

◆ antiRollbackCounterRead

fsp_err_t(* flash_api_t::antiRollbackCounterRead) (flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, flash_arc_t counter, uint32_t *const p_count)

Read current count value of the selected anti-rollback counter.

[in]p_ctrlPointer to FLASH device control.
[in]counterThe anti-rollback counter to read
[out]p_countThe current count value

◆ userLockableAreaWrite

fsp_err_t(* flash_api_t::userLockableAreaWrite) (flash_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint32_t const src_address, uint32_t const flash_address, uint32_t const num_bytes)

Write to the user lockable area for the flash device

Data will not be written if any segment of the specified area is locked.
[in]p_ctrlPointer to FLASH device control.
[in]src_addressAddress of the buffer containing the data to write to flash.
[in]flash_addressUser lockable area flash address to write. The address must be on a programming line boundary.
[in]num_bytesThe number of bytes to write. This number must be a multiple of the programming size.

◆ flash_instance_t

struct flash_instance_t

This structure encompasses everything that is needed to use an instance of this interface.

Data Fields
flash_ctrl_t * p_ctrl Pointer to the control structure for this instance.
flash_cfg_t const * p_cfg Pointer to the configuration structure for this instance.
flash_api_t const * p_api Pointer to the API structure for this instance.

Typedef Documentation

◆ flash_ctrl_t

typedef void flash_ctrl_t

Flash control block. Allocate an instance specific control block to pass into the flash API calls.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ flash_result_t

Result type for certain operations


Return status for Blank Check Function.


Return status for Blank Check Function.


Flash is configured for BGO mode. Result is returned in callback.

◆ flash_startup_area_swap_t

Parameter for specifying the startup area swap being requested by startupAreaSelect()


Startup area will be set based on the value of the BTFLG.


Startup area will be set to Block 0.


Startup area will be set to Block 1.

◆ flash_event_t

Event types returned by the ISR callback when used in Data Flash BGO mode


Erase operation successfully completed.


Write operation successfully completed.


Blank check operation successfully completed. Specified area is blank.


Blank check operation successfully completed. Specified area is NOT blank.


Data Flash operation failed. Can occur when writing an unerased section.


Code Flash operation failed. Can occur when writing an unerased section.


Operation failed, FCU is in Locked state (often result of an illegal command)


Erase or Program Operation failed.


A 1-bit error has been corrected when reading the flash memory area by the sequencer.

◆ flash_id_code_mode_t

ID Code Modes for writing to ID code registers


ID code is ignored.


ID code is checked. All erase is available.


ID code is checked.

◆ flash_status_t

Flash status


The flash is idle.


The flash is currently processing a command.

◆ flash_arc_t

Anti-rollback counter selection.


Anti-Rollback Counter for the secure application.


Anti-Rollback Counter for the OEM bootloader.


Anti-Rollback Counter for non-secure application 0 (use when a single non-secure counter is available or when multiple non-secure counters are available)


Anti-Rollback Counter for non-secure application 1 (use when multiple non-secure counters are available)


Anti-Rollback Counter for non-secure application 2 (use when multiple non-secure counters are available)


Anti-Rollback Counter for non-secure application 3 (use when multiple non-secure counters are available)