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RA Flexible Software Package Documentation
Release v5.8.0
Functions | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_Init (ble_gap_app_cb_t gap_cb) |
Initialize the Host Stack. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_Terminate (void) |
Terminate the Host Stack. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_UpdConn (uint16_t conn_hdl, uint8_t mode, uint16_t accept, st_ble_gap_conn_param_t *p_conn_updt_param) |
Update the connection parameters. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_SetDataLen (uint16_t conn_hdl, uint16_t tx_octets, uint16_t tx_time) |
Update the packet size and the packet transmit time. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_Disconnect (uint16_t conn_hdl, uint8_t reason) |
Disconnect the link. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_SetPhy (uint16_t conn_hdl, st_ble_gap_set_phy_param_t *p_phy_param) |
Set the phy for connection. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_SetDefPhy (st_ble_gap_set_def_phy_param_t *p_def_phy_param) |
Set the default phy which allows remote device to change. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_SetPrivMode (st_ble_dev_addr_t *p_addr, uint8_t *p_privacy_mode, uint8_t device_num) |
Set the privacy mode. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_ConfWhiteList (uint8_t op_code, st_ble_dev_addr_t *p_addr, uint8_t device_num) |
Set White List. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_GetVerInfo (void) |
Get the version number of the Controller and the host stack. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_ReadPhy (uint16_t conn_hdl) |
Get the phy settings. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_ConfRslvList (uint8_t op_code, st_ble_dev_addr_t *p_addr, st_ble_gap_rslv_list_key_set_t *p_peer_irk, uint8_t device_num) |
Set Resolving List. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_EnableRpa (uint8_t enable) |
Enable/Disable address resolution and generation of a resolvable private address. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_SetRpaTo (uint16_t rpa_timeout) |
Set the update time of resolvable private address. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_ReadRpa (st_ble_dev_addr_t *p_addr) |
Get the resolvable private address of local device. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_ReadRssi (uint16_t conn_hdl) |
Get RSSI. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_ReadChMap (uint16_t conn_hdl) |
Get the Channel Map. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_SetRandAddr (uint8_t *p_random_addr) |
Set a random address. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_SetAdvParam (st_ble_gap_adv_param_t *p_adv_param) |
Set advertising parameters. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_SetAdvSresData (st_ble_gap_adv_data_t *p_adv_srsp_data) |
Set advertising data/scan response data/periodic advertising data. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_StartAdv (uint8_t adv_hdl, uint16_t duration, uint8_t max_extd_adv_evts) |
Start advertising. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_StopAdv (uint8_t adv_hdl) |
Stop advertising. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_SetPerdAdvParam (st_ble_gap_perd_adv_param_t *p_perd_adv_param) |
Set periodic advertising parameters. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_StartPerdAdv (uint8_t adv_hdl) |
Start periodic advertising. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_StopPerdAdv (uint8_t adv_hdl) |
Stop periodic advertising. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_GetRemainAdvBufSize (uint16_t *p_remain_adv_data_size, uint16_t *p_remain_perd_adv_data_size) |
Get buffer size for advertising data/scan response data/periodic advertising data in the Controller. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_RemoveAdvSet (uint8_t op_code, uint8_t adv_hdl) |
Delete advertising set. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_CreateConn (st_ble_gap_create_conn_param_t *p_param) |
Request for a link establishment. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_CancelCreateConn (void) |
Cancel the request for a link establishment. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_SetChMap (uint8_t *p_channel_map) |
Set the Channel Map. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_StartScan (st_ble_gap_scan_param_t *p_scan_param, st_ble_gap_scan_on_t *p_scan_enable) |
Set scan parameter and start scan. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_StopScan (void) |
Stop scan. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_CreateSync (st_ble_dev_addr_t *p_addr, uint8_t adv_sid, uint16_t skip, uint16_t sync_to) |
Request for a periodic sync establishment. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_CancelCreateSync (void) |
Cancel the request for a periodic sync establishment. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_TerminateSync (uint16_t sync_hdl) |
Terminate the periodic sync. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_ConfPerdAdvList (uint8_t op_code, st_ble_dev_addr_t *p_addr, uint8_t *p_adv_sid_set, uint8_t device_num) |
Set Periodic Advertiser List. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_AuthorizeDev (uint16_t conn_hdl, uint8_t author_flag) |
Authorize a remote device. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_GetRemDevInfo (uint16_t conn_hdl) |
Get the information about remote device. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_SetPairingParams (st_ble_gap_pairing_param_t *p_pair_param) |
Set the parameters using pairing. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_SetLocIdInfo (st_ble_dev_addr_t *p_lc_id_addr, uint8_t *p_lc_irk) |
Set the IRK and the identity address distributed to a remote device. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_SetLocCsrk (uint8_t *p_local_csrk) |
Set the CSRK distributed to a remote device. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_StartPairing (uint16_t conn_hdl) |
Start pairing. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_ReplyPairing (uint16_t conn_hdl, uint8_t response) |
Reply the pairing request from a remote device. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_StartEnc (uint16_t conn_hdl) |
Encryption the link. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_ReplyPasskeyEntry (uint16_t conn_hdl, uint32_t passkey, uint8_t response) |
Reply the passkey entry request. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_ReplyNumComp (uint16_t conn_hdl, uint8_t response) |
Reply the numeric comparison request. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_NotifyKeyPress (uint16_t conn_hdl, uint8_t key_press) |
Notify the input key type which a remote device inputs in the passkey entry. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_GetDevSecInfo (uint16_t conn_hdl, st_ble_gap_auth_info_t *p_sec_info) |
Get the security information about the remote device. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_ReplyExKeyInfoReq (uint16_t conn_hdl) |
Distribute the keys of local device. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_SetRemOobData (st_ble_dev_addr_t *p_addr, uint8_t oob_data_flag, st_ble_gap_oob_data_t *p_oob) |
Set the oob data from a remote device. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_CreateScOobData (void) |
Create data for oob in secure connection. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_SetBondInfo (st_ble_gap_bond_info_t *p_bond_info, uint8_t device_num, uint8_t *p_set_num) |
Set the bonding information stored in non-volatile memory to the host stack. More... | |
void | R_BLE_GAP_DeleteBondInfo (int32_t local, int32_t remote, st_ble_dev_addr_t *p_addr, ble_gap_del_bond_cb_t gap_del_bond_cb) |
This function deletes the bonding information in Host Stack. When a function for deleting the bonding information stored in non-volatile area is registered by the gap_del_bond_cb parameter, it is deleted as well as the bonding information in Host Stack. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_ReplyLtkReq (uint16_t conn_hdl, uint16_t ediv, uint8_t *p_peer_rand, uint8_t response) |
Reply the LTK request from a remote device. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_SetCteConnlessParam (st_ble_gap_cte_connless_t *p_cte_param) |
Set the parameters for the transmission of Constant Tone Extensions in any periodic advertising. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_EnableCteConnless (uint16_t adv_hdl, uint8_t enable) |
Enable or disable Constant Tone Extensions in periodic advertising identified by the adv_hdl. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_StartCteConnlessRecv (st_ble_gap_cte_connless_recv_t *p_cte_recv) |
Enable sampling received Constant Tone Extension fields. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_StopCteConnlessRecv (uint16_t sync_hdl) |
Disable sampling received Constant Tone Extension fields. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_SetCteConnParam (st_ble_gap_cte_conn_t *p_cte_param) |
Set the parameters for the transmission of Constant Tone Extensions in ACL link. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_EnableCteConnRsp (uint16_t conn_hdl, uint8_t enable) |
Enable or disable Constant Tone Extensions Transmission in ACL link by conn_hdl. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_SetCteConnRecvParam (st_ble_gap_cte_conn_rx_param_t *p_cte_param) |
Set the parameters for the receiving of Constant Tone Extensions in ACL link. and start sampling. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_StopCteConnRecvSampling (uint16_t conn_hdl) |
Stop sampling of Constant Tone Extensions on the specified connection. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_StartCteConnReq (st_ble_gap_cte_conn_req_t *p_req) |
Set the parameters and start sending request of Constant Tone Extensions in ACL link to peer. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_StopCteConnReq (uint16_t handle) |
Stop sending request of Constant Tone Extensions in ACL link to peer. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_SetDefaultSubrate (st_ble_gap_subrate_param_t *p_subrate_param) |
Set the initial values for the acceptable parameters for subrating requests,. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_RequestSubrate (uint16_t conn_hdl, st_ble_gap_subrate_param_t *p_subrate_param) |
Request a change to the subrating factor other parameters applied to an existing connection using the Connection Subrate Update procedure. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_StartPerdAdvSetInfoTransfer (uint16_t adv_hdl, uint16_t conn_hdl, uint16_t service_data) |
This function starts Periodic advertising adv set info transfer to the connection. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_StartPerdAdvSyncTransfer (uint16_t sync_hdl, uint16_t conn_hdl, uint16_t service_data) |
This function starts Periodic advertising sync transfer. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_SetPerdAdvSyncTransferParam (uint16_t conn_hdl, st_ble_gap_past_param_t *p_past_param) |
This function starts to accept Periodic advertising sync transfer from the connection. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_SetDefPerdAdvSyncTransferParam (st_ble_gap_past_param_t *p_past_param) |
This function set the default parameter of Periodic advertising sync transfer for all subsequent connection. It does not affect any existing connection. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_ReadAntennaInfo (void) |
This function read the switching rates, the sampling rates, the number of antennae, and the maximum length of a transmitted Constant Tone Extension. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_ReceiverTest (st_ble_gap_recv_test_param_t *p_rx_test_param) |
Start a test where the DUT receives test reference packets at a fixed interval. The tester generates the test reference packets. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_TransmitterTest (st_ble_gap_trans_test_param_t *p_tx_test_param) |
Start a test where the DUT generates test reference packets at a fixed interval. The Controller shall transmit at the power level indicated by the TX_Power_Level parameter. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_ModifySleepClockAccuracy (uint8_t act) |
request that the Controller changes its sleep clock accuracy for testing purposes. It should not be used under other circumstances. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_ReadRemoteTransmitPowerLevel (uint16_t conn_hdl, uint8_t phy) |
Read the transmit power level used by the remote device. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_SetPathLossReportingParam (st_ble_gap_set_path_loss_rpt_param_t *p_loss_rpt_param) |
Set the path loss threshold reporting parameters for the ACL connection identified. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_SetPathLossReportingEnable (uint16_t conn_hdl, uint8_t enable) |
Enable or disable path loss reporting for the ACL connection. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_SetTransmitPowerReportingEnable (uint16_t conn_hdl, uint8_t local_enable, uint8_t remote_enable) |
Enable or disable the transmit power level changing report. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_SetDataRelatedAddrChanges (uint8_t adv_hdl, uint8_t change_reason) |
Specifies circumstances when the Controller shall refresh any Resolvable Private Address. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_TestEnd (void) |
Stop any test which is in progress. The Num_Packets for a transmitter test shall be reported as 0x0000. The Num_Packets is an unsigned number and contains the number of received packets. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_ReqPeerSCA (uint16_t conn_hdl) |
Read the Sleep Clock Accuracy (SCA) of the peer device. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_EnhancedReadTxPowerLevel (uint16_t conn_hdl, uint8_t phy) |
Read the current and maximum transmit power levels of the local Controller on the ACL connection identified by the Connection_Handle parameter and the PHY indicated by the PHY parameter. More... | |
ble_status_t | R_BLE_GAP_SetHostFeat (uint8_t bit_number, uint8_t bit_value) |
Set or clear a bit controlled by the Host in the Link Layer FeatureSet stored in the Controller. More... | |
(end addtogroup BLE_API)
Data Structures | |
struct | st_ble_evt_data_t |
st_ble_evt_data_t is the type of the data notified in a GAP Event. More... | |
struct | st_ble_dev_addr_t |
st_ble_dev_addr_t is the type of bluetooth device address(BD_ADDR). More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_ext_adv_param_t |
Advertising parameters. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_adv_data_t |
Advertising data/scan response data/periodic advertising data. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_perd_adv_param_t |
Periodic advertising parameter. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_scan_phy_param_t |
Scan parameters per scan PHY. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_ext_scan_param_t |
Scan parameters. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_scan_on_t |
Parameters configured when scanning starts. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_conn_param_t |
Connection parameters included in connection interval, slave latency, supervision timeout, ce length. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_conn_phy_param_t |
Connection parameters per PHY. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_create_conn_param_t |
Connection parameters used in R_BLE_GAP_CreateConn(). More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_rslv_list_key_set_t |
IRK of a remote device and IRK type of local device used in R_BLE_GAP_ConfRslvList(). More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_set_phy_param_t |
PHY configuration parameters used in R_BLE_GAP_SetPhy(). More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_set_def_phy_param_t |
PHY preferences which allows a remote device to set used in R_BLE_GAP_SetDefPhy(). More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_auth_info_t |
Pairing parameters required from a remote device or information about keys distributed from a remote device. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_key_dist_t |
Keys distributed from a remote device. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_key_ex_param_t |
This structure includes the distributed keys and negotiated LTK size. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_pairing_param_t |
Pairing parameters used in R_BLE_GAP_SetPairingParams(). More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_oob_data_t |
Oob data received from the remote device. This is used in R_BLE_GAP_SetRemOobData(). More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_cte_antenna_info_t |
This is the parameters used in R_BLE_GAP_GetAntennaInfo(). More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_recv_test_param_t |
This is the parameters used in R_BLE_GAP_ReceiverTest() More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_trans_test_param_t |
This is the parameters used in R_BLE_GAP_TransmitterTest(). More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_set_path_loss_rpt_param_t |
This is the parameters used in R_BLE_GAP_SetPathLossReportingParam(). More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_cte_connless_t |
connectionless CTE param More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_cte_conn_t |
connection CTE param More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_cte_connless_recv_t |
connectionless CTE receive param More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_cte_conn_rx_param_t |
connection CTE receive param More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_cte_conn_req_t |
connection CTE request More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_subrate_param_t |
subrating param More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_ver_num_t |
Version number of host stack. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_loc_ver_info_t |
Version number of Controller. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_loc_dev_info_evt_t |
Version information of local device. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_hw_err_evt_t |
Hardware error that is notified from Controller. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_cmd_err_evt_t |
HCI Command error. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_adv_rept_t |
Advertising Report. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_ext_adv_rept_t |
Extended Advertising Report. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_perd_adv_rept_t |
Periodic Advertising Report. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_adv_rept_evt_t |
Advertising report. More... | |
union | st_ble_gap_adv_rept_evt_t.param |
Advertising Report. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_adv_set_evt_t |
Advertising handle. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_adv_off_evt_t |
Information about the advertising set which stops advertising. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_adv_data_evt_t |
This structure notifies that advertising data has been set to Controller by R_BLE_GAP_SetAdvSresData(). More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_rem_adv_set_evt_t |
This structure notifies that an advertising set has been removed. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_conn_evt_t |
This structure notifies that a link has been established. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_disconn_evt_t |
This structure notifies that a link has been disconnected. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_rd_ch_map_evt_t |
This structure notifies that Channel Map has been retrieved by R_BLE_GAP_ReadChMap(). More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_rd_rssi_evt_t |
This structure notifies that RSSI has been retrieved by R_BLE_GAP_ReadRssi(). More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_dev_info_evt_t |
This structure notifies that information about remote device has been retrieved by R_BLE_GAP_GetRemDevInfo(). More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_conn_upd_evt_t |
This structure notifies that connection parameters has been updated. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_conn_upd_req_evt_t |
This structure notifies that a request for connection parameters update has been received. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_conn_hdl_evt_t |
This structure notifies that a GAP Event that includes only connection handle has occurred. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_data_len_chg_evt_t |
This structure notifies that the packet data length has been updated. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_rd_rpa_evt_t |
This structure notifies that the local resolvable private address has been retrieved by R_BLE_GAP_ReadRpa(). More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_phy_upd_evt_t |
This structure notifies that PHY for a connection has been updated. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_phy_rd_evt_t |
This structure notifies that the PHY settings has been retrieved by R_BLE_GAP_ReadPhy(). More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_scan_req_recv_evt_t |
This structure notifies that a Scan Request packet has been received from a Scanner. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_sync_est_evt_t |
This structure notifies that a Periodic sync has been established. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_sync_hdl_evt_t |
This structure notifies that a GAP Event that includes only sync handle has occurred. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_white_list_conf_evt_t |
This structure notifies that White List has been configured. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_rslv_list_conf_evt_t |
This structure notifies that Resolving List has been configured. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_perd_list_conf_evt_t |
This structure notifies that Periodic Advertiser List has been configured. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_set_priv_mode_evt_t |
This structure notifies that Privacy Mode has been configured. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_pairing_req_evt_t |
This structure notifies that a pairing request from a remote device has been received. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_passkey_display_evt_t |
This structure notifies that a request for Passkey display in pairing has been received. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_num_comp_evt_t |
This structure notifies that a request for Numeric Comparison in pairing has been received. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_key_press_ntf_evt_t |
This structure notifies that the remote device has input a key in Passkey Entry. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_pairing_info_evt_t |
This structure notifies that the pairing has completed. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_enc_chg_evt_t |
This structure notifies that the encryption status of a link has been changed. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_peer_key_info_evt_t |
This structure notifies that the remote device has distributed the keys. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_ltk_req_evt_t |
This structure notifies that a LTK request from a remote device has been received. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_ltk_rsp_evt_t |
This structure notifies that local device has replied to the LTK request from the remote device. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_sc_oob_data_evt_t |
This structure notifies that OOB data for Secure Connections has been generated by R_BLE_GAP_CreateScOobData(). More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_bond_info_t |
Bonding information used in R_BLE_GAP_SetBondInfo(). More... | |
struct | st_cte_iq_sample_t |
CTE IQ sample data. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_cte_connless_rept_t |
connectionless CTE data report More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_cte_conn_rept_t |
connection CTE data report More... | |
struct | st_ble_subrate_upd_t |
subrating update event More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_past_est_evt_t |
This structure notifies that. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_tx_power_reporting_evt_t |
This structure notifies that. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_pass_loss_thr_evt_t |
This structure notifies that a path loss report has been received. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_req_peer_sca_evt_t |
This structure notifies that a SCA request to a remote device has been completed. More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_dtm_test_end_evt_t |
report of dtm transmit/receive test end More... | |
struct | st_ble_gap_enhanced_read_tx_power_level_evt_t |
Power level report of remove device. More... | |
Macros | |
#define | BLE_BD_ADDR_LEN |
#define | BLE_MASTER |
#define | BLE_SLAVE |
#define | BLE_GAP_ADDR_RAND |
Resolvable Private Address. More... | |
Resolvable Private Address. More... | |
LE Limited Discoverable Mode flag used in AD type. | |
LE General Discoverable Mode flag used in AD type. | |
BR/EDR Not Supported flag used in AD type. | |
Advertising data. | |
Scan response data. | |
Periodic advertising data. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_ADV_CH_37 |
Use 37 CH. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_ADV_CH_38 |
Use 38 CH. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_ADV_CH_39 |
Use 39 CH. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_ADV_CH_ALL |
Use 37 - 39 CH. | |
Passive Scan. | |
Active Scan. | |
Active Scan. | |
Duplicate filter disabled. | |
Duplicate filter enabled. | |
Duplicate filtering enabled, reset for each scan period. | |
Accept all advertising and scan response PDUs except directed advertising PDUs not addressed to local device. | |
Accept only advertising and scan response PDUs from remote devices whose address is registered in the White List. Directed advertising PDUs which are not addressed to local device is ignored. | |
Accept all advertising and scan response PDUs except directed advertising PDUs whose the target address is identity address but doesn't address local device. However directed advertising PDUs whose the target address is the local resolvable private address are accepted. | |
Accept all advertising and scan response PDUs. The following are excluded. More... | |
White List is not used. | |
White List is used. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_DATA_0_CLEAR |
Clear the advertising data/scan response data/periodic advertising data in the advertising set. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_DATA_0_DID_UPD |
Update Advertising DID without changing advertising data. | |
Network Privacy Mode. | |
Device Privacy Mode. | |
The length of the features supported by a remote device. | |
Not authorize the remote device. | |
Authorize the remote device. | |
Delete an advertising set. | |
Delete all the advertising sets. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_SC_PROC_GEN |
General Discovery Procedure. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_SC_PROC_LIM |
Limited Discovery Procedure. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_SC_PROC_OBS |
Observation Procedure. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_LIST_ADD_DEV |
Add the device to the list. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_LIST_REM_DEV |
Delete the device from the list. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_LIST_CLR |
Clear the list. | |
The maximum entry number of White List. | |
The maximum entry number of Resolving List. | |
The maximum entry number of Periodic Advertiser List. | |
Disable RPA generation/resolution. | |
Enable RPA generation/resolution. | |
All-zero IRK. | |
The IRK registered by R_BLE_GAP_SetLocIdInfo(). | |
The maximum number of advertising set for the Abstraction API. | |
Connectable and scannable undirected Legacy Advertising Packet. | |
Connectable directed (low duty cycle) Legacy Advertising Packet. | |
Connectable directed (high duty cycle) Legacy Advertising Packet. | |
Scannable undirected Legacy Advertising Packet. | |
Non-connectable and non-scannable undirected Legacy Advertising Packet. | |
Connectable and non-scannable undirected Extended Advertising Packet. | |
Connectable and non-scannable directed (low duty cycle) Extended Advertising Packet. | |
Connectable and non-scannable directed (high duty cycle) Extended Advertising Packet. | |
Non-connectable and scannable undirected Extended Advertising Packet. | |
Non-connectable and scannable directed (low duty cycle) Extended Advertising Packet. | |
Non-connectable and scannable directed (high duty cycle) Extended Advertising Packet. | |
Non-connectable and non-scannable undirected Extended Advertising Packet. | |
Non-connectable and non-scannable directed (low duty cycle) Extended Advertising Packet. | |
Non-connectable and non-scannable directed (high duty cycle) Extended Advertising Packet. | |
Omit the advertiser address from Extended Advertising Packet. | |
Indicate that the advertising data includes TX Power. | |
Process scan and connection requests from all devices. | |
Process connection requests from all devices and scan requests from only devices that are in the White List. | |
Process scan requests from all devices and connection requests from only devices that are in the White List. | |
Process scan and connection requests from only devices in the White List. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_ADV_PHY_1M |
Use 1M PHY. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_ADV_PHY_2M |
Use 2M PHY. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_ADV_PHY_CD |
Use Coded PHY. | |
Disable Scan Request Notification. | |
Enable Scan Request Notification. | |
Indicate that periodic advertising data includes Tx Power. | |
Invalid advertising handle. | |
Use 1M PHY. | |
Use 2M PHY. | |
Use Coded PHY. | |
No preferred coding. | |
Use S=2 coding. | |
Use S=8 coding. | |
Request for updating the connection parameters. | |
Reply a connection parameter update request. | |
Accept the update request. | |
Reject the update request. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_CH_MAP_SIZE |
The size of channel map. | |
Invalid Connection handle. | |
This macro indicates that connection handle is not used. | |
Initial Connection handle. | |
Accept a request regarding pairing. | |
Reject a request regarding pairing. | |
Reply for the LTK request. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_LTK_REQ_DENY |
Reject the LTK request. | |
Notify that passkey entry started. | |
Notify that passkey digit entered. | |
Notify that passkey digit erased. | |
Notify that passkey cleared. | |
Notify that passkey entry completed. | |
MITM Protection not required. | |
MITM Protection required. | |
LTK. | |
IRK and Identity Address. | |
CSRK. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_ID_ADDR_SIZE |
The size of identity address. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_IRK_SIZE |
The size of IRK. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_CSRK_SIZE |
The size of CSRK. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_LTK_SIZE |
The size of LTK. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_EDIV_SIZE |
The size of EDIV. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_RAND_64_BIT_SIZE |
The size of Rand. | |
Unauthenticated pairing. | |
Authenticated pairing. | |
Legacy pairing. | |
Secure Connections. | |
The device doesn't support Bonding. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_BONDING |
The device supports Bonding. | |
Display Only iocapability. More... | |
Display Yes/No iocapability. More... | |
Keyboard Only iocapability. More... | |
No Input No Output iocapability. More... | |
Keyboard Display iocapability. More... | |
Reply that No OOB data has been received when pairing. | |
Reply that the OOB data has been received when pairing. | |
Accept Legacy pairing and Secure Connections. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_SC_STRICT |
Accept only Secure Connections. | |
Not support for Key Press Notification. | |
Support for Key Press Notification. | |
The size of Temporary Key for OOB in legacy pairing. | |
The size of Confirmation Value for OOB in Secure Connections. | |
The size of Rand for OOB in Secure Connections. | |
Delete no local keys. | |
Delete local IRK. | |
Delete local CSRK. | |
Delete all local keys. | |
Delete no remote device keys. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_SEC_DEL_REM_SA |
Delete a key specified by the p_addr parameter. | |
Delete keys of not connected remote devices. | |
Delete all remote device keys. | |
Disable CTE transmission or receive. | |
Enable CTE transmission or receive. | |
Max antenna number. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_CTE_TYPE_AOA |
CTE type AoA. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_CTE_TYPE_AOD_1US |
CTE type AoD with slot of 1 us. | |
#define | BLE_GAP_CTE_TYPE_AOD_2US |
CTE type AoD with slot of 2 us. | |
Typedefs | |
typedef void(* | ble_gap_app_cb_t) (uint16_t event_type, ble_status_t event_result, st_ble_evt_data_t *p_event_data) |
ble_gap_app_cb_t is the GAP Event callback function type. More... | |
typedef void(* | ble_gap_del_bond_cb_t) (st_ble_dev_addr_t *p_addr) |
ble_gap_del_bond_cb_t is the type of the callback function for delete bonding information stored in non-volatile area. This type is used in R_BLE_GAP_DeleteBondInfo(). More... | |
typedef st_ble_gap_ext_adv_param_t | st_ble_gap_adv_param_t |
Advertising parameters. More... | |
typedef st_ble_gap_ext_scan_param_t | st_ble_gap_scan_param_t |
Scan parameters. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | e_ble_gap_evt_t |
GAP Event Identifier. More... | |
struct st_ble_evt_data_t |
st_ble_evt_data_t is the type of the data notified in a GAP Event.
Data Fields | ||
uint16_t | param_len | The size of GAP Event parameters. |
void * | p_param | GAP Event parameters. This parameter differs in each GAP Event. |
struct st_ble_dev_addr_t |
st_ble_dev_addr_t is the type of bluetooth device address(BD_ADDR).
Data Fields | ||||||||
uint8_t | addr[BLE_BD_ADDR_LEN] | BD_ADDR. | ||||||
uint8_t | type |
Bluetooth address type.
struct st_ble_gap_ext_adv_param_t |
Advertising parameters.
Data Fields | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | adv_hdl |
Advertising handle identifying the advertising set to be set the advertising parameters. Valid range is 0x00 - 0x03. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
uint16_t | adv_prop_type |
Advertising packet type. Legacy advertising PDU type, or bitwise or of Extended advertising PDU type and Extended advertising option.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
uint32_t | adv_intv_min |
Minimum advertising interval. Time(ms) = adv_intv_min * 0.625. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
uint32_t | adv_intv_max |
Maximum Advertising interval. Time(ms) = adv_intv_max * 0.625. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | adv_ch_map |
The adv_ch_map is channels used in advertising with primary advertising channels. It is a bitwise OR of the following values.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | o_addr_type |
Own BD Address Type.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | o_addr[BLE_BD_ADDR_LEN] |
Random address set to the advertising set, when the o_addr_type field is BLE_GAP_ADDR_RAND. When the o_addr_type field is other than BLE_GAP_ADDR_RAND, this field is ignored.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | p_addr_type |
Peer address type. When the Advertising PDU type is other than directed or the o_addr_type is BLE_GAP_ADDR_PUBLIC or BLE_GAP_ADDR_RAND,this field is ignored.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | p_addr[BLE_BD_ADDR_LEN] |
Peer address. When the Advertising PDU type is other than directed or the o_addr_type is BLE_GAP_ADDR_PUBLIC or BLE_GAP_ADDR_RAND,this field is ignored.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | filter_policy |
Advertising Filter Policy.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | adv_phy |
Primary ADV PHY. In this parameter, only 1M PHY and Coded PHY can be specified, and 2M PHY cannot be specified.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | sec_adv_max_skip |
Secondary ADV Max Skip. Valid range is 0x00 - 0xFF. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | sec_adv_phy |
Secondary ADV Phy. When the adv_prop_type is Legacy Advertising PDU, this field is ignored.
Coding scheme is configured by R_BLE_VS_SetCodingScheme(). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | scan_req_ntf_flag |
Scan Request Notifications Flag. When the adv_prop_type field is non-scannable Advertising PDU, this field is ignored.
struct st_ble_gap_adv_data_t |
Advertising data/scan response data/periodic advertising data.
Data Fields | ||||||||||
uint8_t | adv_hdl |
Advertising handle identifying the advertising set to be set advertising data/scan response/periodic advertising data. Valid range is 0x00 - 0x03. | ||||||||
uint8_t | data_type |
Data type.
| ||||||||
uint16_t | data_length |
The length of advertising data/scan response data/periodic advertising data (in bytes). In case of Legacy Advertising PDU, the length is 0 - 31 bytes. | ||||||||
uint8_t * | p_data |
Advertising data/scan response data/periodic advertising data. When the data_length field is 0, this field is ignored. | ||||||||
uint8_t | zero_length_flag |
Operation when the data_length field is 0. If the data_length is other than 0, this field is ignored.
struct st_ble_gap_perd_adv_param_t |
Periodic advertising parameter.
Data Fields | ||||||
uint8_t | adv_hdl |
Advertising handle identifying the advertising set to be set periodic advertising parameter. Valid range is 0x00 - 0x03. | ||||
uint16_t | prop_type |
Periodic ADV Properties. The prop_type field is set to the following values.
| ||||
uint16_t | perd_intv_min |
Minimum Periodic Advertising Interval. Time(ms) = perd_intv_min * 1.25. | ||||
uint16_t | perd_intv_max |
Maximum Periodic Advertising Interval. Time(ms) = perd_intv_max * 1.25. |
struct st_ble_gap_scan_phy_param_t |
Scan parameters per scan PHY.
In case of start scanning with both 1M PHY and Coded PHY, adjust scan windows and scan intervals according to the following.
p_phy_param_1M->scan_window / p_phy_param_1M->scan_intv + p_phy_param_coded->scan_window / p_phy_param_coded->scan_intv <= 1
Data Fields | ||||||||
uint8_t | scan_type |
Scan type.
| ||||||
uint16_t | scan_intv |
Scan interval. interval(ms) = scan_intv * 0.625. | ||||||
uint16_t | scan_window |
Scan window. window(ms) = scan_window * 0.625. |
struct st_ble_gap_ext_scan_param_t |
Scan parameters.
Data Fields | ||||||||||||
uint8_t | o_addr_type |
Own BD Address Type. In case of passive scan, this field is ignored.
| ||||||||||
uint8_t | filter_policy |
Scan Filter Policy.
| ||||||||||
st_ble_gap_scan_phy_param_t * | p_phy_param_1M |
Scan parameters 1M PHY. When this field is NULL, Controller doesn't set the scan parameters for 1M PHY. | ||||||||||
st_ble_gap_scan_phy_param_t * | p_phy_param_coded |
Scan parameters Coded PHY. When this field is NULL, Controller doesn't set the scan parameters for Coded PHY. |
struct st_ble_gap_scan_on_t |
Parameters configured when scanning starts.
Data Fields | ||||||||||
uint8_t | proc_type |
Procedure type.
| ||||||||
uint8_t | filter_dups |
Filter duplicates.
| ||||||||
uint16_t | duration |
Scan duration. Time(ms) = duration * 10. | ||||||||
uint16_t | period |
Scan period. Time(s) = N * 1.28. |
struct st_ble_gap_conn_param_t |
Connection parameters included in connection interval, slave latency, supervision timeout, ce length.
This structure is used in R_BLE_GAP_CreateConn() and R_BLE_GAP_UpdConn().
Set the fields in this structure to match the following condition.
Supervision_timeout(ms) >= (1 + conn_latency) * conn_intv_max_Time(ms)
conn_intv_max_Time(ms) = conn_intv_max * 1.25 Supervision_timeout(ms) = sup_to * 10
struct st_ble_gap_conn_phy_param_t |
Connection parameters per PHY.
Data Fields | ||
uint16_t | scan_intv |
Scan interval. Time(ms) = scan_intv * 0.625. |
uint16_t | scan_window |
Scan window. Time(ms) = scan_window * 0.625. |
st_ble_gap_conn_param_t * | p_conn_param | Connection interval, slave latency, supervision timeout, and CE length. |
struct st_ble_gap_create_conn_param_t |
Connection parameters used in R_BLE_GAP_CreateConn().
Data Fields | ||||||||||||
uint8_t | init_filter_policy |
This field specifies whether the White List is used or not, when connecting with a remote device.
| ||||||||||
uint8_t | remote_bd_addr[BLE_BD_ADDR_LEN] |
Address of the device to be connected.
| ||||||||||
uint8_t | remote_bd_addr_type |
Address type of the device to be connected.
| ||||||||||
uint8_t | own_addr_type |
Address type which local device uses in creating a link with the remote device.
| ||||||||||
st_ble_gap_conn_phy_param_t * | p_conn_param_1M |
Connection parameters for 1M PHY. If this field is set to NULL, 1M PHY is not used in connecting. | ||||||||||
st_ble_gap_conn_phy_param_t * | p_conn_param_2M |
Connection parameters for 2M PHY. If this field is set to NULL, 2M PHY is not used in connecting. | ||||||||||
st_ble_gap_conn_phy_param_t * | p_conn_param_coded |
Connection parameters for Coded PHY. If this field is set to NULL, Coded PHY is not used in connecting. |
struct st_ble_gap_rslv_list_key_set_t |
IRK of a remote device and IRK type of local device used in R_BLE_GAP_ConfRslvList().
Data Fields | ||||||||
uint8_t | remote_irk[BLE_GAP_IRK_SIZE] | IRK of a remote device to be registered in the Resolving List. | ||||||
uint8_t | local_irk_type |
IRK type of the local device to be registered in the Resolving List.
struct st_ble_gap_set_phy_param_t |
PHY configuration parameters used in R_BLE_GAP_SetPhy().
Data Fields | ||||||||||
uint8_t | tx_phys |
Transmitter PHY preference. The tx_phys field is set to a bitwise OR of the following values. All other values are ignored.
| ||||||||
uint8_t | rx_phys |
Receiver PHY preference. The rx_phys field is set to a bitwise OR of the following values. All other values are ignored.
| ||||||||
uint16_t | phy_options |
Coding scheme used in Coded PHY. Select one of the following.
struct st_ble_gap_set_def_phy_param_t |
PHY preferences which allows a remote device to set used in R_BLE_GAP_SetDefPhy().
Data Fields | ||||||||||
uint8_t | tx_phys |
Transmitter PHY preferences which a remote device may change. The tx_phys field is set to a bitwise OR of the following values. All other values are ignored.
| ||||||||
uint8_t | rx_phys |
Receiver PHY preferences which a remote device may change. The rx_phys field is set to a bitwise OR of the following values. All other values are ignored.
struct st_ble_gap_auth_info_t |
Pairing parameters required from a remote device or information about keys distributed from a remote device.
struct st_ble_gap_key_dist_t |
Keys distributed from a remote device.
Data Fields | ||
uint8_t | enc_info[BLE_GAP_LTK_SIZE] | LTK. |
uint8_t | mid_info[BLE_GAP_EDIV_SIZE+BLE_GAP_RAND_64_BIT_SIZE] | Ediv and rand. The first two bytes is ediv, the remaining bytes are rand. |
uint8_t | id_info[BLE_GAP_IRK_SIZE] | IRK. |
uint8_t | id_addr_info[BLE_GAP_ID_ADDR_SIZE] | Identity address. The first byte is address type. The remaining bytes are device address. |
uint8_t | sign_info[BLE_GAP_CSRK_SIZE] | CSRK. |
struct st_ble_gap_key_ex_param_t |
This structure includes the distributed keys and negotiated LTK size.
Data Fields | ||||||||||
st_ble_gap_key_dist_t * | p_keys_info | Key information. | ||||||||
uint8_t | keys |
Type of the distributed keys. This field is a bitwise OR of the following values.
| ||||||||
uint8_t | ekey_size | The negotiated LTK size. |
struct st_ble_gap_pairing_param_t |
Pairing parameters used in R_BLE_GAP_SetPairingParams().
Data Fields | ||||||||||||||
uint8_t | iocap |
IO capabilities of local device. Select one of the following.
| ||||||||||||
uint8_t | mitm |
MITM protection policy. Select one of the following.
| ||||||||||||
uint8_t | bonding |
Bonding policy.
| ||||||||||||
uint8_t | max_key_size |
Maximum LTK size(in bytes). Valid range is 7 - 16. | ||||||||||||
uint8_t | min_key_size |
Minimum LTK size(in bytes). Valid range is 7 - 16. | ||||||||||||
uint8_t | loc_key_dist |
Type of keys to be distributed from local device. The loc_key_dist field is set to a bitwise OR of the following values.
| ||||||||||||
uint8_t | rem_key_dist |
Type of keys which local device requests a remote device to distribute. The rem_key_dist field is set to a bitwise OR of the following values.
| ||||||||||||
uint8_t | key_notf |
Support for Key Press Notification in Passkey Entry.
| ||||||||||||
uint8_t | sec_conn_only |
Determine whether to accept only Secure Connections or not.
struct st_ble_gap_oob_data_t |
Oob data received from the remote device. This is used in R_BLE_GAP_SetRemOobData().
Data Fields | ||
uint8_t | legacy_oob[BLE_GAP_LEGACY_OOB_SIZE] | OOB data used in Legacy Pairing. |
uint8_t | sc_cnf_val[BLE_GAP_OOB_CONFIRM_VAL_SIZE] | OOB confirmation value used in Secure Connections. |
uint8_t | sc_rand[BLE_GAP_OOB_RANDOM_VAL_SIZE] | OOB rand used in Secure Connections. |
struct st_ble_gap_cte_antenna_info_t |
This is the parameters used in R_BLE_GAP_GetAntennaInfo().
struct st_ble_gap_recv_test_param_t |
This is the parameters used in R_BLE_GAP_ReceiverTest()
Data Fields | ||
uint8_t | rx_ch | RF channel. |
uint8_t | phy | The transmitter PHY of packets. |
uint8_t | mod_idx | Whether or not the Controller should assume the receiver has a stable modulation index. |
uint8_t | expect_cte_len | Expected length of the Constant Tone Extensions in received test reference packets. |
uint8_t | expect_cte_type | Expected type of the Constant Tone Extensions in received test reference packets. |
uint8_t | slot_duration | Switching and sampling slots durations. |
uint8_t | switch_pattern_len | The number of Antenna IDs in the pattern. |
uint8_t | ant_ids[BLE_GAP_CTE_MAX_ANTENNA] | Antenna ID in the pattern. |
struct st_ble_gap_trans_test_param_t |
This is the parameters used in R_BLE_GAP_TransmitterTest().
Data Fields | ||
uint8_t | tx_ch | RF channel. |
uint8_t | test_data_len | Length of the Payload of the test reference packets. |
uint8_t | packet_payload | Contents of the Payload of the test reference packets. |
uint8_t | phy | The transmitter PHY of packets. |
uint8_t | cte_len | Length of the Constant Tone Extension in the test reference packets. |
uint8_t | cte_type | Type of the Constant Tone Extension in the test reference packets. |
uint8_t | switch_pattern_len | The number of Antenna IDs in the pattern. |
uint8_t | ant_ids[BLE_GAP_CTE_MAX_ANTENNA] | Antenna ID in the pattern. |
int8_t | tx_power_level | Transmit power level to be used by the transmitter. |
struct st_ble_gap_set_path_loss_rpt_param_t |
This is the parameters used in R_BLE_GAP_SetPathLossReportingParam().
Data Fields | ||
uint16_t | conn_hdl | Connection handle. |
uint8_t | high_thr | High threshold for the path loss. |
uint8_t | high_hys | Hysteresis value for the high threshold. |
uint8_t | low_thr | Low threshold for the path loss. |
uint8_t | low_hys | Hysteresis value for the low threshold. |
uint16_t | min_time_spent | Minimum time in number of connection events to be observed once the path loss crosses the threshold before an event is generated. |
struct st_ble_gap_cte_connless_t |
connectionless CTE param
Data Fields | ||
uint16_t | adv_hdl | For connectionless CTE handle is the Sync handle identifying the Periodic Sync that has been established. |
uint8_t | cte_len |
Length of CTE in 8us units. Range: 0x02 to 0x14 |
uint8_t | cte_type |
uint8_t | cte_count |
Number of CTE to transmit in each periodic adv interval. Range: 0x01 to 0x10 |
uint8_t | pattern_len |
Number of Antenna IDs in the switch pattern. |
uint8_t | ant_ids[BLE_GAP_CTE_MAX_ANTENNA] |
List of antenna IDs in the pattern. |
struct st_ble_gap_cte_conn_t |
connection CTE param
Data Fields | ||
uint16_t | conn_hdl | The ACL connection handle. |
uint8_t | allow_cte_types |
bitfield of CTE types that are allowed bit should be one or compose of: BLE_GAP_CTE_TYPE_AOA (bit 0) BLE_GAP_CTE_TYPE_AOD_1US (bit 1) BLE_GAP_CTE_TYPE_AOD_2US (bit 2) |
uint8_t | pattern_len |
Number of Antenna IDs in the switch pattern. |
uint8_t | ant_ids[BLE_GAP_CTE_MAX_ANTENNA] |
List of antenna IDs in the pattern. |
struct st_ble_gap_cte_connless_recv_t |
connectionless CTE receive param
Data Fields | ||
uint16_t | sync_hdl | Periodic Sync that has been established for CTE. |
uint8_t | cte_type |
CTE type. CTE type should be get from st_ble_gap_perd_adv_rept_t of BLE_GAP_EVENT_ADV_REPT_IND event in connectionless CTE, or get from ACL connection in connection CTE. The slot_durations, pattern_len, and ant_ids parameters are only used when receiving an AoA Constant Tone Extension and do not affect the reception of an AoD Constant Tone Extension. |
uint8_t | max_cte_count | Max number of CTEs to receive. Min is 1, max is 10, 0 means receive continuously. |
uint8_t | slot_durations |
Antenna switching slots. 1 for 1us or 2 for 2us |
uint8_t | pattern_len | Length of antenna switch pattern. |
uint8_t | ant_ids[BLE_GAP_CTE_MAX_ANTENNA] | Antenna switch pattern. |
struct st_ble_gap_cte_conn_rx_param_t |
connection CTE receive param
Data Fields | ||
uint16_t | conn_hdl | For connection CTE handle is the ACL connection handle. |
uint8_t | slot_durations |
Antenna switching slots. 1 for 1us or 2 for 2us |
uint8_t | pattern_len | Length of antenna switch pattern. |
uint8_t | ant_ids[BLE_GAP_CTE_MAX_ANTENNA] | Antenna switch pattern. |
struct st_ble_gap_cte_conn_req_t |
connection CTE request
Data Fields | ||
uint16_t | conn_hdl | For connection CTE handle is the ACL connection handle. |
uint16_t | interval |
Requested interval for initiating the CTE Request procedure. Value 0x0 means, run the procedure once. Other values are intervals in number of connection events, to run the command periodically. |
uint8_t | cte_length |
Requested length of the CTE in 8 us units. |
uint8_t | cte_type |
Requested type of the CTE. Allowed values are BLE_GAP_CTE_TYPE_AOA, BLE_GAP_CTE_TYPE_AOD_1US and BLE_GAP_CTE_TYPE_AOD_2US |
struct st_ble_gap_subrate_param_t |
subrating param
struct st_ble_gap_ver_num_t |
struct st_ble_gap_loc_ver_info_t |
Version number of Controller.
Refer Bluetooth SIG Assigned Number(https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/assigned-numbers).
Data Fields | ||
uint8_t | hci_ver | Bluetooth HCI version. |
uint16_t | hci_rev | Bluetooth HCI revision. |
uint8_t | lmp_ver | Link Layer revision. |
uint16_t | mnf_name | Manufacturer ID. |
uint16_t | lmp_sub_ver | Link Layer subversion. |
struct st_ble_gap_loc_dev_info_evt_t |
Version information of local device.
Data Fields | ||
st_ble_dev_addr_t | l_dev_addr | Bluetooth Device Address. |
st_ble_gap_ver_num_t | l_ver_num | Version number of host stack in local device. |
st_ble_gap_loc_ver_info_t | l_bt_info | Version number of Controller in local device. |
struct st_ble_gap_hw_err_evt_t |
struct st_ble_gap_cmd_err_evt_t |
struct st_ble_gap_adv_rept_t |
Advertising Report.
Data Fields | ||||||||||||||
uint8_t | num | The number of Advertising Reports received. | ||||||||||||
uint8_t | adv_type |
Type of Advertising Packet.
| ||||||||||||
uint8_t | addr_type |
Address type of the advertiser.
| ||||||||||||
uint8_t * | p_addr |
Address of the advertiser.
| ||||||||||||
uint8_t | len |
Length of Advertising data(in bytes). Valid range is 0 - 31. | ||||||||||||
int8_t | rssi |
RSSI(in dBm). Valid range is -127 <= tx_pwr <= 20 and 127. | ||||||||||||
uint8_t * | p_data | Advertising data/Scan Response Data. |
struct st_ble_gap_ext_adv_rept_t |
Extended Advertising Report.
Data Fields | ||||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | num | The number of Advertising Reports received. | ||||||||||||||||
uint16_t | adv_type |
Type of Advertising Packet.
| ||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | addr_type |
Address type of the advertiser.
| ||||||||||||||||
uint8_t * | p_addr |
Address of the advertiser.
| ||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | adv_phy |
The primary PHY configuration of the advertiser. The primary PHY configuration of the advertiser.
| ||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | sec_adv_phy |
The secondary PHY configuration of the advertiser.
| ||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | adv_sid |
Advertising SID included in the received Advertising Report. Valid range is 0 <= adv_sid <= 0x0F and 0xFF. | ||||||||||||||||
int8_t | tx_pwr |
TX power(in dBm). Valid range is -127 <= tx_pwr <= 20 and 127. | ||||||||||||||||
int8_t | rssi |
RSSI(in dBm). Valid range is -127 <= tx_pwr <= 20 and 127. | ||||||||||||||||
uint16_t | perd_adv_intv |
Periodic Advertising interval. If the perd_adv_intv is 0x0000, it means that this advertising is not periodic advertising. | ||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | dir_addr_type |
The address type of Direct Advertising PDU.
| ||||||||||||||||
uint8_t * | p_dir_addr |
Address of Direct Advertising PDU.
| ||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | len |
Length of Advertising data(in bytes). Valid range is 0 - 229. | ||||||||||||||||
uint8_t * | p_data | Advertising data/Scan Response Data. |
struct st_ble_gap_perd_adv_rept_t |
Periodic Advertising Report.
Data Fields | ||||||||||||
uint16_t | sync_hdl |
Sync handle. Valid range is 0x0000 - 0x0EFF. | ||||||||||
int8_t | tx_pwr |
TX power(in dBm). Valid range is -127 <= tx_pwr <= 20 and 127. | ||||||||||
int8_t | rssi |
RSSI(in dBm). Valid range is -127 <= rssi <= 20 and 127. | ||||||||||
uint8_t | cte_type |
Type of Constant Tone Extension in the periodic advertising packets.
| ||||||||||
uint8_t | data_status |
Reserved for future use.
| ||||||||||
uint8_t | len |
Length of Periodic Advertising data(in bytes). Valid range is 0 - 247. | ||||||||||
uint8_t * | p_data | Periodic Advertising data. |
struct st_ble_gap_adv_rept_evt_t |
Advertising report.
Data Fields | ||||||||||
uint8_t | adv_rpt_type |
Data type.
If the BLE Protocol Stack library type is "extended", the adv_rpt_type field in a Legacy Advertising Report event is 0x01. | ||||||||
union st_ble_gap_adv_rept_evt_t | param | Advertising Report. |
union st_ble_gap_adv_rept_evt_t.param |
Advertising Report.
Data Fields | ||
st_ble_gap_adv_rept_t * | p_adv_rpt | Advertising Report. |
st_ble_gap_ext_adv_rept_t * | p_ext_adv_rpt | Extended Advertising Report. |
st_ble_gap_perd_adv_rept_t * | p_per_adv_rpt | Periodic Advertising Report. |
struct st_ble_gap_adv_set_evt_t |
struct st_ble_gap_adv_off_evt_t |
Information about the advertising set which stops advertising.
Data Fields | ||||||||||||
uint8_t | adv_hdl |
Advertising handle identifying the advertising set which has stopped advertising. Valid range is 0x00 - 0x03. | ||||||||||
uint8_t | reason |
The reason for stopping advertising.
| ||||||||||
uint16_t | conn_hdl |
Connection handle. If the reason field is 0x04, this field indicates connection handle identifying the remote device connected with local device. If other reasons, ignore this field. | ||||||||||
uint8_t | num_comp_ext_adv_evts |
The number of the advertising event that has been received until advertising has terminated. If max_extd_adv_evts by R_BLE_GAP_StartAdv() is not 0, this parameter is valid. |
struct st_ble_gap_adv_data_evt_t |
This structure notifies that advertising data has been set to Controller by R_BLE_GAP_SetAdvSresData().
Data Fields | ||||||||||
uint8_t | adv_hdl | Advertising handle identifying the advertising set to which advertising data/scan response data/periodic advertising data is set. | ||||||||
uint8_t | data_type |
Type of the data set to the advertising set.
struct st_ble_gap_rem_adv_set_evt_t |
This structure notifies that an advertising set has been removed.
Data Fields | ||||||||
uint8_t | remove_op |
This field indicates that the advertising set has been removed or cleared.
| ||||||
uint8_t | adv_hdl |
Advertising handle identifying the advertising set which has been removed. If the advertising set has been cleared, this field is ignored. |
struct st_ble_gap_conn_evt_t |
This structure notifies that a link has been established.
Data Fields | ||||||||||||||||||||
uint16_t | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the created link. | ||||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | role |
The role of the link.
| ||||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | remote_addr_type |
Address type of the remote device.
| ||||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | remote_addr[BLE_BD_ADDR_LEN] |
Address of the remote device.
| ||||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | local_rpa[BLE_BD_ADDR_LEN] |
Resolvable private address that local device used in connection procedure. The local device address used in creating the link when the address type was set to BLE_GAP_ADDR_RPA_ID_PUBLIC or BLE_GAP_ADDR_RPA_ID_RANDOM by R_BLE_GAP_SetAdvParam() or R_BLE_GAP_CreateConn(). If the address type was set to other than BLE_GAP_ADDR_RPA_ID_PUBLIC and BLE_GAP_ADDR_RPA_ID_RANDOM, this field is set to all-zero.
| ||||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | remote_rpa[BLE_BD_ADDR_LEN] |
Resolvable private address that the remote device used in connection procedure. This field indicates the remote resolvable private address when remote_addr_type is 0x02 or 0x03. If remote_addr_type is other than 0x02 and 0x03, this field is set to all-zero.
| ||||||||||||||||||
uint16_t | conn_intv |
Connection interval. Valid range is 0x0006 - 0x0C80. | ||||||||||||||||||
uint16_t | conn_latency |
Slave latency. Valid range is 0x0000 - 0x01F3. | ||||||||||||||||||
uint16_t | sup_to |
Supervision timeout. Valid range is 0x000A - 0x0C80.Time(ms) = sup_to * 10. | ||||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | clk_acc |
struct st_ble_gap_disconn_evt_t |
struct st_ble_gap_rd_ch_map_evt_t |
This structure notifies that Channel Map has been retrieved by R_BLE_GAP_ReadChMap().
Data Fields | ||
uint16_t | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the link whose Channel Map was retrieved. |
uint8_t | ch_map[BLE_GAP_CH_MAP_SIZE] | Channel Map. |
struct st_ble_gap_rd_rssi_evt_t |
This structure notifies that RSSI has been retrieved by R_BLE_GAP_ReadRssi().
Data Fields | ||
uint16_t | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the link whose RSSI was retrieved. |
int8_t | rssi |
RSSI(in dBm). Valid range is -127 < rssi < 20 and 127. |
struct st_ble_gap_dev_info_evt_t |
This structure notifies that information about remote device has been retrieved by R_BLE_GAP_GetRemDevInfo().
Data Fields | ||||||||||||
uint16_t | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the remote device whose information has been retrieved. | ||||||||||
uint8_t | get_status |
Information about the remote device. This field is a bitwise OR of the following values.
| ||||||||||
st_ble_dev_addr_t | addr | Address of the remote device. | ||||||||||
uint8_t | version |
The version of Link Layer of the remote device. Refer to Bluetooth SIG Assigned Number (https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/assigned-numbers) regarding defined number. | ||||||||||
uint16_t | company_id |
The manufacturer ID of the remote device. Refer to Bluetooth SIG Assigned Number (https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/assigned-numbers) regarding defined number. | ||||||||||
uint16_t | subversion | The subversion of Link Layer. | ||||||||||
uint8_t | features[BLE_GAP_REM_FEATURE_SIZE] |
LE feature supported in the remote device. Refer to Core Spec Vol 6, Part B 4.6 FEATURE SUPPORT. |
struct st_ble_gap_conn_upd_evt_t |
This structure notifies that connection parameters has been updated.
Data Fields | ||
uint16_t | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the connection whose parameters has been updated. |
uint16_t | conn_intv |
Updated Connection Interval. Valid range is 0x0006 - 0x0C80. |
uint16_t | conn_latency |
Updated slave latency. Valid range is 0x0000 - 0x01F3. |
uint16_t | sup_to |
Updated supervision timeout. Valid range is 0x000A - 0x0C80. |
struct st_ble_gap_conn_upd_req_evt_t |
This structure notifies that a request for connection parameters update has been received.
Data Fields | ||
uint16_t | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the link that was requested to update connection parameters. |
uint16_t | conn_intv_min |
Minimum connection interval. Valid range is 0x0006 - 0x0C80. |
uint16_t | conn_intv_max |
Maximum connection interval. Valid range is 0x0006 - 0x0C80. |
uint16_t | conn_latency |
Slave latency. Valid range is 0x0000 - 0x01F3. |
uint16_t | sup_to |
Supervision timeout. Valid range is 0x000A - 0x0C80. |
struct st_ble_gap_conn_hdl_evt_t |
struct st_ble_gap_data_len_chg_evt_t |
This structure notifies that the packet data length has been updated.
Data Fields | ||
uint16_t | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the link that updated Data Length. |
uint16_t | tx_octets |
Updated transmission packet size(in bytes). Valid range is 0x001B - 0x00FB. |
uint16_t | tx_time |
Updated transmission time(us). Valid range is 0x0148 - 0x4290. |
uint16_t | rx_octets |
Updated receive packet size(in bytes). Valid range is 0x001B - 0x00FB. |
uint16_t | rx_time |
Updated receive time(us). Valid range is 0x0148 - 0x4290. |
struct st_ble_gap_rd_rpa_evt_t |
This structure notifies that the local resolvable private address has been retrieved by R_BLE_GAP_ReadRpa().
Data Fields | ||
st_ble_dev_addr_t | addr | The resolvable private address of local device. |
struct st_ble_gap_phy_upd_evt_t |
This structure notifies that PHY for a connection has been updated.
Data Fields | ||||||||||
uint16_t | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the link that has been updated. | ||||||||
uint8_t | tx_phy |
Transmitter PHY.
| ||||||||
uint8_t | rx_phy |
Receiver PHY.
struct st_ble_gap_phy_rd_evt_t |
This structure notifies that the PHY settings has been retrieved by R_BLE_GAP_ReadPhy().
Data Fields | ||||||||||
uint16_t | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the link that has been retrieved the PHY settings. | ||||||||
uint8_t | tx_phy |
Transmitter PHY.
| ||||||||
uint8_t | rx_phy |
Receiver PHY.
struct st_ble_gap_scan_req_recv_evt_t |
This structure notifies that a Scan Request packet has been received from a Scanner.
Data Fields | ||||||||||||
uint8_t | adv_hdl | Advertising handle identifying the advertising set that has received the Scan Request. | ||||||||||
uint8_t | scanner_addr_type |
Address type of the Scanner.
| ||||||||||
uint8_t | scanner_addr[BLE_BD_ADDR_LEN] |
Address of the Scanner.
struct st_ble_gap_sync_est_evt_t |
This structure notifies that a Periodic sync has been established.
Data Fields | ||||||||||||||||||||
uint16_t | sync_hdl | Sync handle identifying the Periodic Sync that has been established. | ||||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | adv_sid | Advertising SID identifying the advertising set that has established the Periodic Sync. | ||||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | adv_addr_type |
Address type of the advertiser.
| ||||||||||||||||||
uint8_t * | p_adv_addr |
Address of the advertiser.
| ||||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | adv_phy |
Advertising PHY.
| ||||||||||||||||||
uint16_t | perd_adv_intv |
Periodic Advertising Interval. Valid range is 0x0006 - 0xFFFF. | ||||||||||||||||||
uint8_t | adv_clk_acc |
Advertiser Clock Accuracy.
struct st_ble_gap_sync_hdl_evt_t |
struct st_ble_gap_white_list_conf_evt_t |
This structure notifies that White List has been configured.
Data Fields | ||||||||||
uint8_t | op_code |
The operation for White List.
| ||||||||
uint8_t | num | The number or devices which have been added to or deleted from White List. |
struct st_ble_gap_rslv_list_conf_evt_t |
This structure notifies that Resolving List has been configured.
Data Fields | ||||||||||
uint8_t | op_code |
The operation for Resolving List.
| ||||||||
uint8_t | num | The number or devices which have been added to or deleted from Resolving List. |
struct st_ble_gap_perd_list_conf_evt_t |
This structure notifies that Periodic Advertiser List has been configured.
Data Fields | ||||||||||
uint8_t | op_code |
The operation for Periodic Advertiser List.
| ||||||||
uint8_t | num | The number or devices which have been added to or deleted from Periodic Advertiser List. |
struct st_ble_gap_set_priv_mode_evt_t |
struct st_ble_gap_pairing_req_evt_t |
This structure notifies that a pairing request from a remote device has been received.
Data Fields | ||
uint16_t | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the remote device that sent the pairing request. |
st_ble_dev_addr_t | bd_addr | The address of the remote device. |
st_ble_gap_auth_info_t | auth_info | The Pairing parameters of the remote device. |
struct st_ble_gap_passkey_display_evt_t |
struct st_ble_gap_num_comp_evt_t |
This structure notifies that a request for Numeric Comparison in pairing has been received.
Data Fields | ||
uint16_t | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the remote device that requested Numeric Comparison. |
uint32_t | numeric |
The number to be confirmed in Numeric Comparison. This field is a 6 digit decimal number(000000-999999). |
struct st_ble_gap_key_press_ntf_evt_t |
This structure notifies that the remote device has input a key in Passkey Entry.
Data Fields | ||||||||||||||
uint16_t | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the remote device that input a key. | ||||||||||||
uint8_t | key_type |
Type of the key that the remote device input.
struct st_ble_gap_pairing_info_evt_t |
This structure notifies that the pairing has completed.
Data Fields | ||
uint16_t | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the remote device that the pairing has been done with. |
st_ble_dev_addr_t | bd_addr | Address of the remote device. |
st_ble_gap_auth_info_t | auth_info |
Key information exchanged in pairing. If local device supports bonding, store the information in non-volatile memory in order to set it to host stack after power re-supply. |
struct st_ble_gap_enc_chg_evt_t |
This structure notifies that the encryption status of a link has been changed.
Data Fields | ||||||||||
uint16_t | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the link that has been changed. | ||||||||
uint8_t | enc_status |
Encryption Status.
struct st_ble_gap_peer_key_info_evt_t |
This structure notifies that the remote device has distributed the keys.
Data Fields | ||
uint16_t | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the remote device that has distributed the keys. |
st_ble_dev_addr_t | bd_addr | Address of the remote device. |
st_ble_gap_key_ex_param_t | key_ex_param |
Distributed keys. If local device supports bonding, store the keys in non-volatile memory and at power re-supply set to the host stack by R_BLE_GAP_SetBondInfo(). |
struct st_ble_gap_ltk_req_evt_t |
struct st_ble_gap_ltk_rsp_evt_t |
This structure notifies that local device has replied to the LTK request from the remote device.
Data Fields | ||||||||
uint16_t | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the remote device to be sent the response to the LTK request. | ||||||
uint8_t | response |
The response to the LTK request.
struct st_ble_gap_sc_oob_data_evt_t |
This structure notifies that OOB data for Secure Connections has been generated by R_BLE_GAP_CreateScOobData().
Data Fields | ||
uint8_t * | p_sc_oob_conf | Confirmation value(16 bytes) of OOB Data. |
uint8_t * | p_sc_oob_rand | Rand(16bytes) of OOB Data. |
struct st_ble_gap_bond_info_t |
Bonding information used in R_BLE_GAP_SetBondInfo().
Data Fields | ||
st_ble_dev_addr_t * | p_addr | Address of the device which exchanged the keys. |
st_ble_gap_auth_info_t * | p_auth_info | Information about the keys. |
st_ble_gap_key_ex_param_t * | p_keys | Keys distributed from the remote device in paring. |
struct st_cte_iq_sample_t |
CTE IQ sample data.
struct st_ble_gap_cte_connless_rept_t |
connectionless CTE data report
struct st_ble_gap_cte_conn_rept_t |
connection CTE data report
struct st_ble_subrate_upd_t |
subrating update event
struct st_ble_gap_past_est_evt_t |
This structure notifies that.
Data Fields | ||
uint16_t | conn_hdl |
Periodic Advertising Sync Transfer options |
uint16_t | service_data | |
st_ble_gap_sync_est_evt_t | sync |
struct st_ble_gap_tx_power_reporting_evt_t |
This structure notifies that.
struct st_ble_gap_pass_loss_thr_evt_t |
This structure notifies that a path loss report has been received.
struct st_ble_gap_req_peer_sca_evt_t |
This structure notifies that a SCA request to a remote device has been completed.
struct st_ble_gap_dtm_test_end_evt_t |
struct st_ble_gap_enhanced_read_tx_power_level_evt_t |
#define BLE_BD_ADDR_LEN |
Bluetooth Device Address Size
#define BLE_MASTER |
Master Role.
#define BLE_SLAVE |
Slave Role.
Public Address.
Random Address.
Resolvable Private Address.
If the IRK of local device has not been registered in Resolving List, public address is used.
Resolvable Private Address.
If the IRK of local device has not been registered in Resolving List, random address is used.
Accept all advertising and scan response PDUs.
The following are excluded.
Display Only iocapability.
Output function : Local device has the ability to display a 6 digit decimal number.
Input function : None
Display Yes/No iocapability.
Output function : Output function : Local device has the ability to display a 6 digit decimal number.
Input function : Local device has the ability to indicate 'yes' or 'no'
Keyboard Only iocapability.
Output function : None
Input function : Local device has the ability to input the number '0' - '9'.
No Input No Output iocapability.
Output function : None
Input function : None
Keyboard Display iocapability.
Output function : Output function : Local device has the ability to display a 6 digit decimal number.
Input function : Local device has the ability to input the number '0' - '9'.
ble_gap_app_cb_t |
ble_gap_app_cb_t is the GAP Event callback function type.
[in] | event_type | The type of GAP Event. |
[in] | event_result | The result of API call which generates the GAP Event. |
[in] | p_event_data | Data notified in the GAP Event. |
ble_gap_del_bond_cb_t |
ble_gap_del_bond_cb_t is the type of the callback function for delete bonding information stored in non-volatile area.
This type is used in R_BLE_GAP_DeleteBondInfo().
[in] | p_addr | The parameter returns the address of the remote device whose keys are deleted by R_BLE_GAP_DeleteBondInfo(). If R_BLE_GAP_DeleteBondInfo() deletes the keys of all remote devices, the parameter returns NULL. |
Advertising parameters.
Scan parameters.
enum e_ble_gap_evt_t |
GAP Event Identifier.
Enumerator | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_INVALID | Invalid GAP Event. Event Code: 0x1001Event Data:none | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_STACK_ON | Host Stack has been initialized. When initializing host stack by R_BLE_GAP_Init() has been completed, BLE_GAP_EVENT_STACK_ON event is notified. Event Code: 0x1002result:
Event Data:none | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_STACK_OFF | Host Stack has been terminated. When terminating host stack by R_BLE_GAP_Terminate() has been completed, BLE_GAP_EVENT_STACK_OFF event is notified. Event Code: 0x1003result:
Event Data:none | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_LOC_VER_INFO | Version information of local device. When version information of local device has been retrieved by R_BLE_GAP_GetVerInfo(), BLE_GAP_EVENT_LOC_VER_INFO event is notified. Event Code: 0x1004result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_HW_ERR | Hardware Error. When hardware error has been received from Controller, BLE_GAP_EVENT_HW_ERR event is notified. Event Code: 0x1005result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_CMD_ERR | Command Status Error. When the error of HCI Command has occurred after a R_BLE GAP API call, BLE_GAP_EVENT_CMD_ERR event is notified. Event Code: 0x1101result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_ADV_REPT_IND | Advertising Report. When advertising PDUs has been received after scanning was started by R_BLE_GAP_StartScan(). Event Code: 0x1102result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_ADV_PARAM_SET_COMP | Advertising parameters have been set. Advertising parameters have been configured by R_BLE_GAP_SetAdvParam(). Event Code: 0x1103result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_ADV_DATA_UPD_COMP | Advertising data has been set. This event notifies that Advertising Data/Scan Response Data/Periodic Advertising Data has been set to the advertising set by R_BLE_GAP_SetAdvSresData(). Event Code: 0x1104result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_ADV_ON | Advertising has started. When advertising has been started by R_BLE_GAP_StartAdv(), this event is notified to the application layer. Event Code: 0x1105result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_ADV_OFF | Advertising has stopped. This event notifies the application layer that advertising has stopped. Event Code: 0x1106result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_PERD_ADV_PARAM_SET_COMP | Periodic advertising parameters have been set. This event notifies the application layer that Periodic Advertising Parameters has been configured by R_BLE_GAP_SetPerdAdvParam(). Event Code: 0x1107result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_PERD_ADV_ON | Periodic advertising has started. When Periodic Advertising has been started by R_BLE_GAP_StartPerdAdv(), this event is notified to the application layer. Event Code: 0x1108result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_PERD_ADV_OFF | Periodic advertising has stopped. When Periodic Advertising has terminated by R_BLE_GAP_StopPerdAdv(), this event is notified to the application layer. Event Code: 0x1109result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_ADV_SET_REMOVE_COMP | Advertising set has been deleted. When the advertising set has been removed by R_BLE_GAP_RemoveAdvSet(), this event is notified to the application layer. Event Code: 0x110Aresult:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_SCAN_ON | Scanning has started. When scanning has started by R_BLE_GAP_StartScan(), this event is notified to the application layer. Event Code: 0x110Bresult:
Event Data:none | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_SCAN_OFF | Scanning has stopped. When scanning has been stopped by R_BLE_GAP_StopScan(), this event is notified to the application layer. Event Code: 0x110Cresult:
Event Data:none | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_SCAN_TO | Scanning has stopped, because duration specified by API expired. When the scan duration specified by R_BLE_GAP_StartScan() has expired, this event notifies scanning has stopped. Event Code: 0x110Dresult:
Event Data:none | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_CREATE_CONN_COMP | Connection Request has been sent to Controller. This event notifies a request for a connection has been sent to Controller. Event Code: 0x110Eresult:
Event Data:none | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_CONN_IND | Link has been established. This event notifies a link has been established. Event Code: 0x110Fresult:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_DISCONN_IND | Link has been disconnected. This event notifies a link has been disconnected. Event Code: 0x1110result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_CONN_CANCEL_COMP | Connection Cancel Request has been sent to Controller. This event notifies the request for a connection has been cancelled by R_BLE_GAP_CancelCreateConn(). Event Code: 0x1111result:
Event Data:none | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_WHITE_LIST_CONF_COMP | The White List has been configured. When White List has been configured, this event is notified to the application layer. Event Code: 0x1112result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_RAND_ADDR_SET_COMP | Random address has been set to Controller. This event notifies Controller has been set the random address by R_BLE_GAP_SetRandAddr(). Event Code: 0x1113result:
Event Data:none | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_CH_MAP_RD_COMP | Channel Map has been retrieved. This event notifies Channel Map has been retrieved by R_BLE_GAP_ReadChMap(). Event Code: 0x1114result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_CH_MAP_SET_COMP | Channel Map has set. This event notifies Channel Map has been configured by R_BLE_GAP_SetChMap(). Event Code: 0x1115result:
Event Data:none | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_RSSI_RD_COMP | RSSl has been retrieved. This event notifies RSSI has been retrieved by R_BLE_GAP_ReadRssi(). Event Code: 0x1116result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_GET_REM_DEV_INFO | Information about the remote device has been retrieved. This event notifies information about the remote device has been retrieved by R_BLE_GAP_GetRemDevInfo(). Event Code: 0x1117result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_CONN_PARAM_UPD_COMP | Connection parameters has been configured. This event notifies the connection parameters has been updated. Event Code: 0x1118result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_CONN_PARAM_UPD_REQ | Local device has received the request for configuration of connection parameters. This event notifies the request for connection parameters update has been received. Event Code: 0x1119result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_AUTH_PL_TO_EXPIRED | Authenticated Payload Timeout. This event notifies Authenticated Payload Timeout has occurred. Event Code: 0x111Aresult:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_SET_DATA_LEN_COMP | The request for update transmission packet size and transmission time have been sent to Controller. This event notifies a request for updating packet data length and transmission timer has been sent to Controller. Event Code: 0x111Bresult:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_DATA_LEN_CHG | Transmission packet size and transmission time have been changed. This event notifies packet data length and transmission time have been updated. Event Code: 0x111Cresult:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_RSLV_LIST_CONF_COMP | The Resolving List has been configured. When Resolving List has been configured by R_BLE_GAP_ConfRslvList(), this event is notified to the application layer. Event Code: 0x111Dresult:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_RPA_EN_COMP | Resolvable private address function has been enabled or disabled. When Resolvable Private Address function in Controller has been enabled by R_BLE_GAP_EnableRpa(), this event is notified to the application layer. Event Code: 0x111Eresult:
Event Data:none | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_SET_RPA_TO_COMP | The update time of resolvable private address has been changed. When Resolvable Private Address Timeout in Controller has been updated by R_BLE_GAP_SetRpaTo(), this event is notified to the application layer. Event Code: 0x111Fresult:
Event Data:none | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_RD_RPA_COMP | The resolvable private address of local device has been retrieved. When the resolvable private address of local device has been retrieved by R_BLE_GAP_ReadRpa(), this event is notified to the application layer. Event Code: 0x1120result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_PHY_UPD | PHY for connection has been changed. This event notifies the application layer that PHY for a connection has been updated. Event Code: 0x1121result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_PHY_SET_COMP | The request for updating PHY for connection has been sent to Controller. When Controller has received a request for updating PHY for a connection by R_BLE_GAP_SetPhy(), this event is notified to the application layer. Event Code: 0x1122result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_DEF_PHY_SET_COMP | The request for setting default PHY has been sent to Controller. When the PHY preferences which a remote device may change has been configured by R_BLE_GAP_SetDefPhy(), this event is notified to the application layer. Event Code: 0x1123result:
Event Data:none | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_PHY_RD_COMP | PHY configuration has been retrieved. When the PHY settings has been retrieved by R_BLE_GAP_ReadPhy(), this event is notified to the application layer. Event Code: 0x1124result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_SCAN_REQ_RECV | Scan Request has been received. This event notifies the application layer that a Scan Request packet has been received from a Scanner. Event Code: 0x1125result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_CREATE_SYNC_COMP | The request for establishing a periodic sync has been sent to Controller. This event notifies the application layer that Controller has received a request for a Periodic Sync establishment. Event Code: 0x1126result:
Event Data:none | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_SYNC_EST | The periodic advertising sync has been established. This event notifies the application layer that a Periodic sync has been established. Event Code: 0x1127result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_SYNC_TERM | The periodic advertising sync has been terminated. This event notifies the application layer that the Periodic Sync has been terminated by R_BLE_GAP_TerminateSync(). Event Code: 0x1128result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_SYNC_LOST | The periodic advertising sync has been lost. This event notifies the application layer that the Periodic Sync has been lost. Event Code: 0x1129result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_SYNC_CREATE_CANCEL_COMP | The request for cancel of establishing a periodic advertising sync has been sent to Controller. This event notifies the request for a Periodic Sync establishment has been cancelled by R_BLE_GAP_CancelCreateSync(). Event Code: 0x112Aresult:
Event Data:none | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_PERD_LIST_CONF_COMP | The Periodic Advertiser list has been configured. When Periodic Advertiser List has been configured by R_BLE_GAP_ConfPerdAdvList(), this event is notified to the application layer. Event Code: 0x112Bresult:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_PRIV_MODE_SET_COMP | Privacy Mode has been configured. This event notifies the application layer that the Privacy Mode has been configured by R_BLE_GAP_SetPrivMode(). Event Code: 0x112Bresult:
Event Data:none | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_PAIRING_REQ | The pairing request from a remote device has been received. This event notifies the application layer that a pairing request from a remote device has been received. Event Code: 0x1401result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_PASSKEY_ENTRY_REQ | The request for input passkey has been received. This event notifies that a request for Passkey input in pairing has been received. Event Code: 0x1402result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_PASSKEY_DISPLAY_REQ | The request for displaying a passkey has been received. This event notifies that a request for Passkey display in pairing has been received. Event Code: 0x1403result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_NUM_COMP_REQ | The request for confirmation with Numeric Comparison has received. This event notifies that a request for Numeric Comparison in pairing has been received. Event Code: 0x1404result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_KEY_PRESS_NTF | Key Notification from a remote device has been received. This event notifies the application layer that the remote device has input a key in Passkey Entry. Event Code: 0x1405result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_PAIRING_COMP | Pairing has been completed. This event notifies the application layer that the pairing has completed. Event Code: 0x1406result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_ENC_CHG | Key Notification from a remote device has been received. This event notifies the application layer that the encryption status of a link has been changed. Event Code: 0x1407result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_PEER_KEY_INFO | Keys has been received from a remote device. This event notifies the application layer that the remote device has distributed the keys. Event Code: 0x1408result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_EX_KEY_REQ | The request for key distribution has been received. When local device has been received a request for key distribution to remote device, this event is notified to the application layer. Event Code: 0x1409result:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_LTK_REQ | LTK has been request from a remote device. When local device has been received a LTK request from a remote device, this event is notified to the application layer. Event Code: 0x140Aresult:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_LTK_RSP_COMP | LTK reply has been sent to Controller. When local device has replied to the LTK request from the remote device, this event is notified to the application layer. Event Code: 0x140Bresult:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_SC_OOB_CREATE_COMP | The authentication data to be used in Secure Connections OOB has been created. This event notifies OOB data for Secure Connections has been generated by R_BLE_GAP_CreateScOobData(). Event Code: 0x140Cresult:
Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_CTE_CONN_REQ_FAILED | An connectionless CTE IQ sample is reported. result0x0000 Response without CTE info other Rejected by remote peer Event Data:None | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_CTE_CONNLESS_REPT | An connectionless CTE IQ sample is reported. Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_CTE_CONN_REPT | An connection CTE IQ sample is reported. Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_SUBRATE_CHANGE | a Connection Subrate Update procedure has completed and some parameters of the specified connection have changed. Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_PAST_RECV | This event notifies that it has received periodic advertising synchronization information from the device referred to by the Connection_Handle parameter Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_TX_POWER_REPT | Transmit power level report. This event is a report of the transmit power level on the ACL connection identified by the conn_hdl Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_PATH_LOSS_THR | Report a path loss threshold crossing on the ACL connection identified by the Connection_Handle parameter. Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_REQ_PEER_SCA_COMP | Indicates that the HCI_LE_Request_Peer_SCA command has been completed. Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_CTE_SET_CONNLESS_PARAM_COMP | Event Data:None | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_CTE_CONNLESS_TX_ON | Event Data:None | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_CTE_CONNLESS_TX_OFF | Event Data:None | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_CTE_CONNLESS_RX_ON | Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_CTE_CONNLESS_RX_OFF | Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_CTE_SET_CONN_PARAM_COMP | Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_CTE_SET_CONN_RSP_ON | Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_CTE_SET_CONN_RSP_OFF | Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_CTE_SET_CONN_RECV_PARAM_COMP | Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_CTE_CONN_REQ_ON | Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_CTE_CONN_REQ_OFF | Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_SET_DEF_SUBRATE_COMP | Event Data:None | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_REQ_SUBRATE_COMP | Event Data:None | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_PAST_START_COMP | Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_PAST_SET_PARAM_COMP | Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_PAST_SET_DEF_PARAM_COMP | Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_UPD_SCA_COMP | Event Data:None | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_READ_REMOTE_TX_POWER_COMP | Event Data:None | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_SET_PATHLOSS_REPT_PARAM_COMP | Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_PATHLOSS_REPT_ON | Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_PATHLOSS_REPT_OFF | Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_LOCAL_TX_POWER_REPT_ON | Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_LOCAL_TX_POWER_REPT_OFF | Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_REMOTE_TX_POWER_REPT_ON | Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_REMOTE_TX_POWER_REPT_OFF | Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_SET_RPA_UPD_REASON_COMP | Event Data:None | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_DTM_RX_TEST_COMP | Event Data:None | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_DTM_TX_TEST_COMP | Event Data:None | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_DTM_TEST_END_COMP | Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BLE_GAP_EVENT_ENHANCED_READ_TX_POWER_LEVEL_COMP | Event Data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_Init | ( | ble_gap_app_cb_t | gap_cb | ) |
Initialize the Host Stack.
Host stack is initialized with this function. Before using All the R_BLE APIs, it's necessary to call this function. A callback function is registered with this function. In order to receive the GAP event, it's necessary to register a callback function. The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_STACK_ON event.
[in] | gap_cb | A callback function registered with this function. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_PTR(0x0001) | gap_cb is specified as NULL. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The reason for this error is as follows:
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_Terminate | ( | void | ) |
Terminate the Host Stack.
Host stack is terminated with this function. In order to reset all the Bluetooth functions, it's necessary to call this function. The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_STACK_OFF event.
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | Host stack hasn't been initialized. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_UpdConn | ( | uint16_t | conn_hdl, |
uint8_t | mode, | ||
uint16_t | accept, | ||
st_ble_gap_conn_param_t * | p_conn_updt_param | ||
) |
Update the connection parameters.
This function updates the connection parameters or replies a request for updating connection parameters notified by BLE_GAP_EVENT_CONN_PARAM_UPD_REQ event. When the connection parameters has been updated, BLE_GAP_EVENT_CONN_PARAM_UPD_COMP event is notified to the application layer.
[in] | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the link to be updated. | ||||||
[in] | mode | Connection parameter update request or response.
| ||||||
[in] | accept | When mode is BLE_GAP_CONN_UPD_MODE_RSP, accept or reject the connection parameters update request. If mode is BLE_GAP_CONN_UPD_MODE_REQ, accept is ignored.
| ||||||
[in] | p_conn_updt_param | Connection parameters to be updated. When mode is BLE_GAP_CONN_UPD_MODE_RSP and accept is BLE_GAP_CONN_UPD_REJECT, p_conn_updt_param is ignored. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_PTR(0x0001) | When accept is BLE_GAP_CONN_UPD_ACCEPT, p_conn_updt_param is specified as NULL. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | The following is out of range.
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | Not connected with the remote device. |
BLE_ERR_CONTEXT_FULL(0x000B) | Sending a L2CAP command, an error occurred. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_HDL(0x000E) | The remote device specified by conn_hdl is not found. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_SetDataLen | ( | uint16_t | conn_hdl, |
uint16_t | tx_octets, | ||
uint16_t | tx_time | ||
) |
Update the packet size and the packet transmit time.
This function requests for changing the maximum transmission packet size and the maximum packet transmission time. When Controller has received the request from host stack, BLE_GAP_EVENT_SET_DATA_LEN_COMP event is notified to the application layer. When the transmission packet size or the transmission time has been changed, BLE_GAP_EVENT_DATA_LEN_CHG event is notified to the application layer.
[in] | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the link whose the transmission packet size or the transmission time to be changed. |
[in] | tx_octets | Maximum transmission packet size. Valid range is 0x001B - 0x00FB. |
[in] | tx_time | Maximum transmission time(us). Valid range is 0x0148 - 0x4290. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_Disconnect | ( | uint16_t | conn_hdl, |
uint8_t | reason | ||
) |
Disconnect the link.
This function disconnects a link. When the link has disconnected, BLE_GAP_EVENT_DISCONN_IND event is notified to the application layer.
[in] | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the link to be disconnected. |
[in] | reason | The reason for disconnection. Usually, set 0x13 which indicates that a user disconnects the link. If setting other than 0x13, refer the error code described in Core Specification Vol.2 Part D ,"2 Error Code Descriptions". |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | conn_hdl is out of range. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_HDL(0x000E) | The remote device specified by conn_hdl is not found. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_SetPhy | ( | uint16_t | conn_hdl, |
st_ble_gap_set_phy_param_t * | p_phy_param | ||
) |
Set the phy for connection.
This function sets the PHY preferences for the connection. The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_PHY_SET_COMP event. When the PHY has been updated, BLE_GAP_EVENT_PHY_UPD event is notified to the application layer.
After PHY update, the PHY accept configuration of local device is the same as the values in BLE_GAP_EVENT_PHY_UPD event.
For example, after calling R_BLE_GAP_SetPhy(), if tx_phy, rx_phy by BLE_GAP_EVENT_PHY_UPD event are updated to 2M PHY, the PHY accept configuration is 2M PHY only.
Therefore after receiving BLE_GAP_EVENT_PHY_UPD event, if local device wants to accept the other PHY configuration, it needs to call R_BLE_GAP_SetPhy() with the desired PHY accept configuration.
Because the maximum transmission packet size or the maximum transmission time might be updated by PHY update, if the same packet size or transmission time as the previous one is desired, change the maximum transmission packet size or the maximum transmission time by R_BLE_GAP_SetDataLen().
[in] | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the link whose PHY to be updated. |
[in] | p_phy_param | PHY preferences. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_PTR(0x0001) | p_phy_param is specified as NULL. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | conn_hdl or option field in p_phy_param is out of range. |
BLE_ERR_UNSUPPORTED(0x0007) | Not supported. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_SetDefPhy | ( | st_ble_gap_set_def_phy_param_t * | p_def_phy_param | ) |
Set the default phy which allows remote device to change.
This function sets the PHY preferences which a remote device may change. The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_DEF_PHY_SET_COMP event.
[in] | p_def_phy_param | The PHY preference which a remote device may change. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_PTR(0x0001) | p_def_phy_param is specified as NULL. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | tx_phys or tx_phys field in p_def_phy_param is out of range. |
BLE_ERR_UNSUPPORTED(0x0007) | Not supported. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_SetPrivMode | ( | st_ble_dev_addr_t * | p_addr, |
uint8_t * | p_privacy_mode, | ||
uint8_t | device_num | ||
) |
Set the privacy mode.
This function sets privacy mode for the remote device registered in Resolving List. By default, Network Privacy Mode is set.
The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_PRIV_MODE_SET_COMP event.
[in] | p_addr | An array of identity address of the remote device to set privacy mode. The number of elements is specified by device_num. | ||||||
[in] | p_privacy_mode | An array of privacy mode to set to remote device. The number of elements is specified by device_num. The following value is set as the privacy mode.
| ||||||
[in] | device_num | The number of devices to set privacy mode. Valid range is 1-BLE_GAP_RSLV_LIST_MAX_ENTRY. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_PTR(0x0001) | p_addr or p_privacy_mode is specified as NULL. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | The following parameter is out of range.
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The reason for this error is as follows:
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_ConfWhiteList | ( | uint8_t | op_code, |
st_ble_dev_addr_t * | p_addr, | ||
uint8_t | device_num | ||
) |
Set White List.
This function supports the following operations regarding White List.
Clear White List.
The total number of White List entries is defined as BLE_GAP_WHITE_LIST_MAX_ENTRY. The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_WHITE_LIST_CONF_COMP event.
[in] | op_code | The operation for White List.
| ||||||||
[in] | p_addr | An array of device address to add / delete to the list. The number of elements is specified by device_num. If op_code is BLE_GAP_LIST_CLR, p_addr is ignored. | ||||||||
[in] | device_num | The number of devices add / delete to the list. Valid range is 1-BLE_GAP_WHITE_LIST_MAX_ENTRY. If op_code is BLE_GAP_LIST_CLR, device_num is ignored. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_PTR(0x0001) | When op_code is BLE_GAP_LIST_ADD_DEV or BLE_GAP_LIST_REM_DEV, p_addr is specified as NULL. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | op_code or address type field in p_addr is out of range. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The reason for this error is as follows:
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | There are no memories for operating the White List. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_GetVerInfo | ( | void | ) |
Get the version number of the Controller and the host stack.
This function retrieves the version information of local device. The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_LOC_VER_INFO event.
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_ReadPhy | ( | uint16_t | conn_hdl | ) |
Get the phy settings.
This function gets the PHY settings for the connection. The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_PHY_RD_COMP event.
[in] | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the link whose PHY settings to be retrieved. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | conn_hdl is out of range. |
BLE_ERR_UNSUPPORTED(0x0007) | Not supported. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_ConfRslvList | ( | uint8_t | op_code, |
st_ble_dev_addr_t * | p_addr, | ||
st_ble_gap_rslv_list_key_set_t * | p_peer_irk, | ||
uint8_t | device_num | ||
) |
Set Resolving List.
This function supports the following operations regarding Resolving List.
Clear Resolving List.
In order to generate a resolvable private address, a local IRK needs to be registered by R_BLE_GAP_SetLocIdInfo(). If communicating with the identity address, register all-zero IRK as local IRK. In order to resolve resolvable private address of the remote device, the IRK distributed from the remote device needs to be added to Resolving List. The total number of Resolving List entries is defined as BLE_GAP_RESOLV_LIST_MAX_ENTRY. The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_RSLV_LIST_CONF_COMP event.
[in] | op_code | The operation for Resolving List.
| ||||||||
[in] | p_addr | An array of Identity Addresses to add / delete to the list. The number of elements is specified by device_num. If op_code is BLE_GAP_LIST_CLR, p_addr is ignored. | ||||||||
[in] | p_peer_irk | The remote IRK and the type of local IRK added to Resolving List. If op_code is other than BLE_GAP_LIST_ADD_DEV, p_peer_irk is ignored. The number of elements is specified by device_num. | ||||||||
[in] | device_num | The number of devices add / delete to the list. Valid range is 1-BLE_GAP_RSLV_LIST_MAX_ENTRY. If op_code is BLE_GAP_LIST_CLR, device_num is ignored. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_PTR(0x0001) | The reason for this error is as follows:
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | The reason for this error is as follows:
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The reason for this error is as follows:
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | There are no memories for operating the Resolving List. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_HDL(0x000E) | The specified Identity Address was not found in Resolving List. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_EnableRpa | ( | uint8_t | enable | ) |
Enable/Disable address resolution and generation of a resolvable private address.
This function enables or disables RPA functionality. The RPA functionality includes the following.
In order to do advertising, scanning or creating a link with local resolvable private address, the RPA functionality needs to be enabled. After enabling the RPA functionality and the identity address of remote device and the IRKs of local/remote device is registered, local device can generate own resolvable private address in the time interval set by R_BLE_GAP_SetRpaTo(), and can resolve a resolvable private address of a remote device. It is recommended that the RPA functionality is called immediately after the initialization by R_BLE_GAP_Init(). The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_RPA_EN_COMP event.
[in] | enable | Enable or disable address resolution function.
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | enable is out of range. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_SetRpaTo | ( | uint16_t | rpa_timeout | ) |
Set the update time of resolvable private address.
This function sets the time interval to update the resolvable private address. The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_SET_RPA_TO_COMP event.
[in] | rpa_timeout | Time interval to update resolvable private address in seconds. Valid range is 0x003C - 0xA1B8. Default is 900s. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_ReadRpa | ( | st_ble_dev_addr_t * | p_addr | ) |
Get the resolvable private address of local device.
This function retrieves the local resolvable private address. Before getting the address, enable the resolvable private address function by R_BLE_GAP_EnableRpa(). The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_RD_RPA_COMP event.
[in] | p_addr | Identity address registered in Resolving List. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_PTR(0x0001) | p_addr is specified as NULL. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | Address type in p_addr is out of range. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The reason for this error is as follows.
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_ReadRssi | ( | uint16_t | conn_hdl | ) |
This function retrieves RSSI. The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_RSSI_RD_COMP event.
[in] | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the link whose RSSI to be retrieved. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | conn_hdl is out of range. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_ReadChMap | ( | uint16_t | conn_hdl | ) |
Get the Channel Map.
This function retrieves the channel map. The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_CH_MAP_RD_COMP event.
[in] | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the link whose channel map to be retrieved. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | conn_hdl is out of range. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_SetRandAddr | ( | uint8_t * | p_random_addr | ) |
Set a random address.
This function sets static address or non-resolvable private address to Controller. Refer to Core Specification Vol 6, PartB, "1.3.2 Random Device Address" regarding the format of the random address. Resolvable private address cannot set by this API. The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_RAND_ADDR_SET_COMP event.
[in] | p_random_addr | Static address or non-resolvable private address. The BD address setting format is little endian. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_PTR(0x0001) | p_random_addr is specified as NULL. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_SetAdvParam | ( | st_ble_gap_adv_param_t * | p_adv_param | ) |
Set advertising parameters.
This function sets advertising parameters. It's possible to do advertising where the advertising parameters are different every each advertising set. The number of advertising set in the Controller is defined as BLE_MAX_NO_OF_ADV_SETS_SUPPORTED. Each advertising set is identified with advertising handle (0x00-0x03). Create an advertising set with this function before start advertising, setting periodic advertising parameters, start periodic advertising, setting advertising data/scan response data/periodic advertising data. The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_ADV_PARAM_SET_COMP event.
[in] | p_adv_param | Advertising parameters. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_PTR(0x0001) | p_adv_param is specified as NULL. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | The below p_adv_param field value is out of range.
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_SetAdvSresData | ( | st_ble_gap_adv_data_t * | p_adv_srsp_data | ) |
Set advertising data/scan response data/periodic advertising data.
This function sets advertising data/scan response data/periodic advertising data to the advertising set. It is necessary to create an advertising set by R_BLE_GAP_SetAdvParam(), before calling this function. Set advertising data/scan response data/periodic advertising data, after allocating the memory for the data. The following shall be applied regarding the adv_prop_type field and the data_type field in st_ble_gap_adv_param_t parameter specified in R_BLE_GAP_SetAdvParam().
The following shall be applied regarding the adv_prop_type field and the data_type field in st_ble_gap_adv_param_t parameter specified in R_BLE_GAP_SetAdvParam().
The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_ADV_DATA_UPD_COMP event.
[in] | p_adv_srsp_data | Advertising data/scan response data/periodic advertising data. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_PTR(0x0001) | The reason for this error is as follows:
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | The following field in p_adv_srsp_data parameter is out of range.
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_StartAdv | ( | uint8_t | adv_hdl, |
uint16_t | duration, | ||
uint8_t | max_extd_adv_evts | ||
) |
Start advertising.
This function starts advertising. Create the advertising set specified with adv_hdl by R_BLE_GAP_SetAdvParam(), before calling this function. The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_ADV_ON event.
[in] | adv_hdl | The advertising handle pointing to the advertising set which starts advertising. The valid range is 0x00 - 0x03. |
[in] | duration | The duration for which the advertising set identified by adv_hdl is enabled. Time = duration * 10ms. When the duration expires, BLE_GAP_EVENT_ADV_OFF event notifies that advertising is stopped. The valid range is 0x0000 - 0xFFFF. The duration parameter is ignored when the value is set to 0x0000. |
[in] | max_extd_adv_evts | The maximum number of advertising events that be sent during advertising. When all the advertising events(max_extd_adv_evts) have been sent, BLE_GAP_EVENT_ADV_OFF event notifies that advertising is stopped. The max_extd_adv_evts parameter is ignored when the value is set to 0x00. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | adv_hdl is out of range. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_StopAdv | ( | uint8_t | adv_hdl | ) |
Stop advertising.
This function stops advertising. The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_ADV_OFF event.
[in] | adv_hdl | The advertising handle pointing to the advertising set which stops advertising. The valid range is 0x00 - 0x03. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | adv_hdl is out of range. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_SetPerdAdvParam | ( | st_ble_gap_perd_adv_param_t * | p_perd_adv_param | ) |
Set periodic advertising parameters.
This function sets periodic advertising parameters. Create the advertising set which supports Non-Connectable, Non-Scannable advertising by R_BLE_GAP_SetAdvParam() before setting periodic advertising parameters. The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_PERD_ADV_PARAM_SET_COMP event.
[in] | p_perd_adv_param | Periodic advertising parameters. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_PTR(0x0001) | p_perd_adv_param is specified as NULL. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | The following field in the p_perd_adv_param parameter is out of range.
BLE_ERR_UNSUPPORTED(0x0007) | Not supported. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_StartPerdAdv | ( | uint8_t | adv_hdl | ) |
Start periodic advertising.
This function starts periodic advertising. Set periodic advertising parameters to the advertising set, before starting periodic advertising. The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_PERD_ADV_ON event.
[in] | adv_hdl | Advertising handle identifying the advertising set which starts periodic advertising. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | adv_hdl is out of range. |
BLE_ERR_UNSUPPORTED(0x0007) | Not supported. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_StopPerdAdv | ( | uint8_t | adv_hdl | ) |
Stop periodic advertising.
This function stops periodic advertising. If the return value of this API is BLE_SUCCESS, the result is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_PERD_ADV_OFF event.
[in] | adv_hdl | Specify the handle of Advertising Set to stop Periodic Advertising. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | adv_hdl is out of range. |
BLE_ERR_UNSUPPORTED(0x0007) | Not supported. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_GetRemainAdvBufSize | ( | uint16_t * | p_remain_adv_data_size, |
uint16_t * | p_remain_perd_adv_data_size | ||
) |
Get buffer size for advertising data/scan response data/periodic advertising data in the Controller.
This function gets the total size of advertising data/scan response data/periodic advertising data which can be currently set to Controller(all of the advertising sets). The application layer gets the data sizes via the parameters. By this API function call, no events occur.
[out] | p_remain_adv_data_size | The free buffer size of Controller to which advertising data/scan response data can be currently set. |
[out] | p_remain_perd_adv_data_size | The free buffer size of Controller to which periodic advertising data can be currently set. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_PTR(0x0001) | p_remain_adv_data_size or p_remain_perd_adv_data_size is specified as NULL. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_RemoveAdvSet | ( | uint8_t | op_code, |
uint8_t | adv_hdl | ||
) |
Delete advertising set.
This function deletes an advertising set or deletes all the advertising sets. The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_ADV_SET_REMOVE_COMP event.
[in] | op_code | The operation for delete or clear.
| ||||||
[in] | adv_hdl | Advertising handle identifying the advertising set deleted. If op_code is BLE_GAP_RMV_ADV_SET_CLR_OP, adv_hdl is ignored. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | The reason for this error is as follows:
BLE_ERR_UNSUPPORTED(0x0007) | Not supported. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_CreateConn | ( | st_ble_gap_create_conn_param_t * | p_param | ) |
Request for a link establishment.
This function sends a connection request to a remote device to create a link. When Controller has received a request for establishment of a link from host stack, BLE_GAP_EVENT_CREATE_CONN_COMP event is notified to the application layer. When the link is established, BLE_GAP_EVENT_CONN_IND event is notified to the application layer.
[in] | p_param | Connection parameters. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_PTR(0x0001) | The reason for this error is as follows:
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | The reason for this error is as follows:
BLE_ERR_UNSUPPORTED(0x0007) | Not supported. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_CancelCreateConn | ( | void | ) |
Cancel the request for a link establishment.
This function cancels a request for establishing a link. When Controller has received the cancel request from host stack, BLE_GAP_EVENT_CONN_CANCEL_COMP event is notified to the application layer. When the cancel procedure has completed, BLE_GAP_EVENT_CONN_IND event is notified to the application layer.
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_UNSUPPORTED(0x0007) | Not supported. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_SetChMap | ( | uint8_t * | p_channel_map | ) |
Set the Channel Map.
This function sets the channel map. The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_CH_MAP_SET_COMP event.
[in] | p_channel_map | Channel map. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_PTR(0x0001) | p_channel_map is specified as NULL. |
BLE_ERR_UNSUPPORTED(0x0007) | Not supported. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_StartScan | ( | st_ble_gap_scan_param_t * | p_scan_param, |
st_ble_gap_scan_on_t * | p_scan_enable | ||
) |
Set scan parameter and start scan.
This function starts scanning. When scanning for the first time, set the p_scan_param. Setting scan parameters can be omitted by specifying p_scan_param as NULL after next time. The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_SCAN_ON event. Advertising report is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_ADV_REPT_IND event. Figure 1.3 shows the relationship between scan period, scan duration, scan interval and scan window.
When scan duration is non-zero, scan period is zero and scan duration expires, BLE_GAP_EVENT_SCAN_TO event is notified to the application layer.
[in] | p_scan_param | Scan parameter. When p_scan_param is specified as NULL, host stack doesn't set scan parameters and start scanning with the previous parameters. |
[in] | p_scan_enable | Scan period, scan duration, duplicate filter and procedure type. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_PTR(0x0001) | The reason for this error is as follows:
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | The reason for this error is as follows:
BLE_ERR_UNSUPPORTED(0x0007) | Not supported. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_StopScan | ( | void | ) |
Stop scan.
This function stops scanning. The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_SCAN_OFF event.
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_UNSUPPORTED(0x0007) | Not supported. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_CreateSync | ( | st_ble_dev_addr_t * | p_addr, |
uint8_t | adv_sid, | ||
uint16_t | skip, | ||
uint16_t | sync_to | ||
) |
Request for a periodic sync establishment.
This function sends a request for establishment of a periodic sync to a advertiser. In order to create a periodic sync, scan needs to be starting by R_BLE_GAP_StartScan(). When Controller has received the request from host stack, BLE_GAP_EVENT_CREATE_SYNC_COMP event is notified to the application layer. When the periodic sync is established, BLE_GAP_EVENT_SYNC_EST event is notified to the application layer.
[in] | p_addr | The address of periodic advertiser.When p_addr is specified as NULL, local device creates a periodic sync with the advertiser registered in Periodic Advertiser List. |
[in] | adv_sid | Advertising SID. When p_addr is specified as NULL, adv_sid is ignored. Valid range is 0x00 - 0x0F. |
[in] | skip | The number of consecutive periodic advertising packets that local device may skip after receiving a periodic advertising packet. Valid range is 0x0000 - 0x01F3. |
[in] | sync_to | The maximum permitted time between successful receives.When sync_to expires, the periodic sync is lost. Time(ms) = sync_to * 10. Valid range is 0x000A - 0x4000. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_PTR(0x0001) | p_addr is specified as NULL. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | The following parameter is out of range.
BLE_ERR_UNSUPPORTED(0x0007) | Not supported. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_CancelCreateSync | ( | void | ) |
Cancel the request for a periodic sync establishment.
This function cancels a request for establishing a periodic sync. The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_SYNC_CREATE_CANCEL_COMP event.
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_UNSUPPORTED(0x0007) | Not supported. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_TerminateSync | ( | uint16_t | sync_hdl | ) |
Terminate the periodic sync.
This function terminates a periodic sync. The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_SYNC_TERM event.
[in] | sync_hdl | Sync handle identifying the periodic sync to be terminated. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | sync_hdl is out of range. |
BLE_ERR_UNSUPPORTED(0x0007) | Not supported. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_ConfPerdAdvList | ( | uint8_t | op_code, |
st_ble_dev_addr_t * | p_addr, | ||
uint8_t * | p_adv_sid_set, | ||
uint8_t | device_num | ||
) |
Set Periodic Advertiser List.
This function supports the following operations regarding Periodic Advertiser List.
Clear Periodic Advertiser List.
The total number of Periodic Advertiser List entries is defined as BLE_GAP_PERD_LIST_MAX_ENTRY. The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_PERD_LIST_CONF_COMP event.
[in] | op_code | The operation for Periodic Advertiser List.
| ||||||||
[in] | p_addr | An array of device address to add / delete to the list. The number of elements is specified by device_num. If op_code is BLE_GAP_LIST_CLR, p_addr is ignored. | ||||||||
[in] | p_adv_sid_set | An array of SID of the advertiser to add / delete to the list. The number of elements is specified by device_num. If op_code is BLE_GAP_LIST_CLR, p_adv_sid_set is ignored. | ||||||||
[in] | device_num | The number of devices add / delete to the list. Valid range is 1-BLE_GAP_PERD_LIST_MAX_ENTRY. If op_code is BLE_GAP_LIST_CLR, device_num is ignored. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_PTR(0x0001) | When op_code is BLE_GAP_LIST_ADD_DEV or BLE_GAP_LIST_REM_DEV, p_addr or p_adv_sid_set is specified as NULL. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | op_code or address type field in p_addr or p_adv_sid_set or device_num is out of range. |
BLE_ERR_UNSUPPORTED(0x0007) | Not supported. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The reason for this error is as follows:
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | There are no memories for operating periodic advertiser. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_AuthorizeDev | ( | uint16_t | conn_hdl, |
uint8_t | author_flag | ||
) |
Authorize a remote device.
User authorizes a remote device by this function. This function is used when a remote device accesses a GATT Characteristic in local device which requests user authorization. The result of this API call is returned by a return value.
[in] | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the remote device to be authorized or not by user. | ||||||
[in] | author_flag | Authorize or not the remote device.
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | author_flag is out of range. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_HDL(0x000E) | The remote device specified by conn_hdl is not found. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_GetRemDevInfo | ( | uint16_t | conn_hdl | ) |
Get the information about remote device.
This function retrieves information about the remote device. The information includes BD_ADDR, the version number and LE features. The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_GET_REM_DEV_INFO event.
[in] | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the remote device whose information to be retrieved. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_SetPairingParams | ( | st_ble_gap_pairing_param_t * | p_pair_param | ) |
Set the parameters using pairing.
This function sets the parameters used in pairing. The parameters set by this API are sent to the remote device when pairing occurred. The result of this API call is returned by a return value.
[in] | p_pair_param | Pairing parameters. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | The following field in p_pair_param is out of range.
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_SetLocIdInfo | ( | st_ble_dev_addr_t * | p_lc_id_addr, |
uint8_t * | p_lc_irk | ||
) |
Set the IRK and the identity address distributed to a remote device.
This function registers local IRK and identity address of local device in host stack. The IRK and the identity address are distributed to a remote device in pairing. The result of this API call is returned by a return value.
[in] | p_lc_id_addr | Identity address to be registered in host stack. |
[in] | p_lc_irk | IRK to be registered in host stack. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_PTR(0x0001) | p_lc_id_addr or p_lc_irk is specified as NULL. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | Address type field in p_lc_id_addr is out of range. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_SetLocCsrk | ( | uint8_t * | p_local_csrk | ) |
Set the CSRK distributed to a remote device.
This function registers local CSRK in host stack. The CSRK is distributed to a remote device in pairing. The result of this API call is returned by a return value.
[in] | p_local_csrk | CSRK to be registered in host stack. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_PTR(0x0001) | p_local_csrk is specified as NULL. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_StartPairing | ( | uint16_t | conn_hdl | ) |
Start pairing.
This function starts pairing with a remote device. The result of this API call is returned by a return value. The result of pairing is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_PAIRING_COMP event.
[in] | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the remote device which local device starts pairing with. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | While generating OOB data, this function was called. |
BLE_ERR_CONTEXT_FULL(0x000B) | While pairing, this function was called. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_HDL(0x000E) | The remote device specified by conn_hdl is not found. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_ReplyPairing | ( | uint16_t | conn_hdl, |
uint8_t | response | ||
) |
Reply the pairing request from a remote device.
This function replies to the pairing request from the remote device. The pairing request from the remote device is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_PAIRING_REQ event. The result of this API call is returned by a return value. The result of pairing is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_PAIRING_COMP event.
[in] | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the remote device which local device starts pairing with. | ||||||
[in] | response | Accept or reject the pairing request from the remote device.
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | response is out of range. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | While generating OOB data, this function was called. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_HDL(0x000E) | The remote device specified by conn_hdl is not found. |
BLE_ERR_NOT_YET_READY(0x0012) | When this function was called, host stack has not yet received BLE_GAP_EVENT_PAIRING_REQ event. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_StartEnc | ( | uint16_t | conn_hdl | ) |
Encryption the link.
This function starts encryption of the link. In case of master device, the local device requests for the encryption to a remote device. In case of slave device, the local device sends a Security Request to a remote device. After receiving the Security Request, the remote device requests for the encryption to the local device. The result of the encryption is returned in BLE_GAP_EVENT_ENC_CHG event.
[in] | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the link which is encrypted. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The reason for this error is as follows:
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_HDL(0x000E) | The remote device specified by conn_hdl is not found. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_ReplyPasskeyEntry | ( | uint16_t | conn_hdl, |
uint32_t | passkey, | ||
uint8_t | response | ||
) |
Reply the passkey entry request.
When BLE_GAP_EVENT_PASSKEY_ENTRY_REQ event is notified, the response to passkey entry is sent by this function. The result of this API call is returned by a return value.
[in] | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the remote device which the reply to passkey entry is sent. | ||||||
[in] | passkey | Passkey. The valid range is 000000 - 999999 in decimal. | ||||||
[in] | response | Active or negative reply to passkey entry.
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | passkey or response is out of range. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_HDL(0x000E) | The remote device specified by conn_hdl is not found. |
BLE_ERR_NOT_YET_READY(0x0012) | When this function was called, pairing has not yet started. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_ReplyNumComp | ( | uint16_t | conn_hdl, |
uint8_t | response | ||
) |
Reply the numeric comparison request.
When BLE_GAP_EVENT_NUM_COMP_REQ event is notified, the response to Numeric Comparison is sent by this function. The result of this API call is returned by a return value.
[in] | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the remote device which the reply to Numeric Comparison is sent. | ||||||
[in] | response | Active or negative reply in Numeric Comparison.
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | response is out of range. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | When this function was called, host stack has not yet received BLE_GAP_EVENT_NUM_COMP_REQ event. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_HDL(0x000E) | The remote device specified by conn_hdl is not found. |
BLE_ERR_NOT_YET_READY(0x0012) | When this function was called, pairing has not yet started. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_NotifyKeyPress | ( | uint16_t | conn_hdl, |
uint8_t | key_press | ||
) |
Notify the input key type which a remote device inputs in the passkey entry.
This function notifies the input key type to the remote device in passkey entry. The result is returned from this API.
[in] | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the remote device to which the key notification is sent. | ||||||||||||
[in] | key_press | Input key type.
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | key_press parameter is out of range. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_HDL(0x000E) | The remote device specified by conn_hdl is not found. |
BLE_ERR_NOT_YET_READY(0x0012) | When this function was called, pairing has not yet started. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_GetDevSecInfo | ( | uint16_t | conn_hdl, |
st_ble_gap_auth_info_t * | p_sec_info | ||
) |
Get the security information about the remote device.
This function gets the parameters which has been negotiated with the remote device in pairing. The parameters can be retrieved after pairing. The result is returned by p_sec_info.
[in] | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the remote device whose bonding information is retrieved. |
[in] | p_sec_info | Return the security information which has been negotiated in pairing. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_PTR(0x0001) | p_sec_info is specified as NULL. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The remote device bonding information has not been set to host stack. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_HDL(0x000E) | The remote device specified by conn_hdl is not found. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_ReplyExKeyInfoReq | ( | uint16_t | conn_hdl | ) |
Distribute the keys of local device.
When key exchange request is notified by BLE_GAP_EVENT_EX_KEY_REQ event at pairing, keys of the local device are distributed. The result is returned from this API.
[in] | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the remote device to which the key is distributed. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_HDL(0x000E) | The remote device specified by conn_hdl is not found. |
BLE_ERR_NOT_YET_READY(0x0012) | When this function was called, pairing has not yet started. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_SetRemOobData | ( | st_ble_dev_addr_t * | p_addr, |
uint8_t | oob_data_flag, | ||
st_ble_gap_oob_data_t * | p_oob | ||
) |
Set the oob data from a remote device.
This function registers the OOB data received from a remote device. When oob_data_flag indicates that the OOB data has been received, the setting regarding OOB data is reflected in pairing. In order to do OOB pairing, set the OOB data received from the remote device before pairing. The result is returned from this API.
[in] | p_addr | The remote device address. | ||||||
[in] | oob_data_flag | This parameter indicates whether the local device has received the OOB data from the remote device or not.
| ||||||
[in] | p_oob | The OOB data received from the remote device. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_PTR(0x0001) | The reason for this error is as follows.
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | oob_data_flag is out of range. |
BLE_ERR_CONTEXT_FULL(0x000B) | There is no room to register the OOB data received from a remote device. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_CreateScOobData | ( | void | ) |
Create data for oob in secure connection.
This function generates the OOB data distributed to a remote device in Secure Connections. The result of this API call is notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_SC_OOB_CREATE_COMP event.
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The reason for this error is as follows:
BLE_ERR_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS(0x000A) | This function was called in creating OOB data. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_SetBondInfo | ( | st_ble_gap_bond_info_t * | p_bond_info, |
uint8_t | device_num, | ||
uint8_t * | p_set_num | ||
) |
Set the bonding information stored in non-volatile memory to the host stack.
Set the bonding information of the remote device in the host stack. After power re-supply, when the remote device bonding information stored in non-volatile memory is set to host stack, this function is used. Host stack can be set the number specified by the device_num parameter of bonding information.
[in] | p_bond_info | An array of bonding information. The number of elements is specified by device_num. |
[in] | device_num | The number of the devices of which host stack registers bonding information. |
[in] | p_set_num | The number of the devices whose bonding information was registered in host stack. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_PTR(0x0001) | p_bond_info or p_set_num is specified as NULL. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | device_num is out of range. |
BLE_ERR_CONTEXT_FULL(0x000B) | Host stack already has the maximum number of bonding information. |
void R_BLE_GAP_DeleteBondInfo | ( | int32_t | local, |
int32_t | remote, | ||
st_ble_dev_addr_t * | p_addr, | ||
ble_gap_del_bond_cb_t | gap_del_bond_cb | ||
) |
This function deletes the bonding information in Host Stack.
When a function for deleting the bonding information stored in non-volatile area is registered by the gap_del_bond_cb parameter, it is deleted as well as the bonding information in Host Stack.
[in] | local | The type of the local bonding information to be deleted.
| ||||||||||
[in] | remote | The type of the remote bonding information to be deleted.
| ||||||||||
[in] | p_addr | p_addr is specified as the address of the remote device whose keys are deleted when the rem_info parameter is set to BLE_GAP_SEC_DEL_REM_SA(0x01). | ||||||||||
[in] | gap_del_bond_cb | This parameter is a callback function which deletes the bonding information stored in non-volatile area. After deleting the bonding information stored in Host Stack, the callback function is called. If no bonding information is stored in non-volatile area, specify the parameter as NULL. |
none |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_ReplyLtkReq | ( | uint16_t | conn_hdl, |
uint16_t | ediv, | ||
uint8_t * | p_peer_rand, | ||
uint8_t | response | ||
) |
Reply the LTK request from a remote device.
This function replies to the LTK request in BLE_GAP_EVENT_LTK_REQ event from a remote device. The result of the LTK reply is returned in BLE_GAP_EVENT_LTK_RSP_COMP event. When the link encryption has completed, BLE_GAP_EVENT_ENC_CHG event is notified.
[in] | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the remote device which sent the LTK request. | ||||||
[in] | ediv | Ediv notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_LTK_REQ event. | ||||||
[in] | p_peer_rand | Rand notified in BLE_GAP_EVENT_LTK_REQ event. | ||||||
[in] | response | Response to the LTK request. If "BLE_GAP_LTK_REQ_ACCEPT" is specified, when no LTK has been exchanged in pairing, reject the LTK request.
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_PTR(0x0001) | p_peer_rand is specified as NULL in case of legacy pairing. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_ARG(0x0003) | response is out of range. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_STATE(0x0008) | The task for host stack is not running. |
BLE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED(0x000C) | Insufficient memory is needed to generate this function. |
BLE_ERR_INVALID_HDL(0x000E) | The remote device specified by conn_hdl is not found. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_SetCteConnlessParam | ( | st_ble_gap_cte_connless_t * | p_cte_param | ) |
Set the parameters for the transmission of Constant Tone Extensions in any periodic advertising.
[in] | p_cte_param | parameters of type, length, and antenna switching pattern. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_EnableCteConnless | ( | uint16_t | adv_hdl, |
uint8_t | enable | ||
) |
Enable or disable Constant Tone Extensions in periodic advertising identified by the adv_hdl.
[in] | adv_hdl | handle of the periodic advertising which carries the CTE info. | ||||||
[in] | enable | Enable or disable address resolution function.
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_StartCteConnlessRecv | ( | st_ble_gap_cte_connless_recv_t * | p_cte_recv | ) |
Enable sampling received Constant Tone Extension fields.
Application should receive BLE_GAP_EVENT_CTE_CONNLESS_REPT event.
[in] | p_cte_recv | antenna switching pattern and switching and sampling slot durations to be used. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_StopCteConnlessRecv | ( | uint16_t | sync_hdl | ) |
Disable sampling received Constant Tone Extension fields.
[in] | sync_hdl | handle of the periodic advertising sync which carries the CTE info. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_SetCteConnParam | ( | st_ble_gap_cte_conn_t * | p_cte_param | ) |
Set the parameters for the transmission of Constant Tone Extensions in ACL link.
[in] | p_cte_param | parameters of type, length, and antenna switching pattern. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_EnableCteConnRsp | ( | uint16_t | conn_hdl, |
uint8_t | enable | ||
) |
Enable or disable Constant Tone Extensions Transmission in ACL link by conn_hdl.
[in] | conn_hdl | handle of the ACL link which carries the CTE info. | ||||||
[in] | enable | Enable or disable address resolution function.
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_SetCteConnRecvParam | ( | st_ble_gap_cte_conn_rx_param_t * | p_cte_param | ) |
Set the parameters for the receiving of Constant Tone Extensions in ACL link. and start sampling.
[in] | p_cte_param | parameters of type, length, and antenna switching pattern. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_StopCteConnRecvSampling | ( | uint16_t | conn_hdl | ) |
Stop sampling of Constant Tone Extensions on the specified connection.
[in] | conn_hdl | handle of the ACL link which carries the CTE info. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_StartCteConnReq | ( | st_ble_gap_cte_conn_req_t * | p_req | ) |
Set the parameters and start sending request of Constant Tone Extensions in ACL link to peer.
If the request does not receive a CTE Response PDU with CTE info, BLE_GAP_EVENT_CTE_CONN_REQ_FAILED event is sent to application. Otherwise application should receive BLE_GAP_EVENT_CTE_CONN_REPT event.
[in] | p_req | parameters connection CTE request. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_StopCteConnReq | ( | uint16_t | handle | ) |
Stop sending request of Constant Tone Extensions in ACL link to peer.
[in] | handle | handle of the ACL link which carries the CTE info. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_SetDefaultSubrate | ( | st_ble_gap_subrate_param_t * | p_subrate_param | ) |
Set the initial values for the acceptable parameters for subrating requests,.
[in] | p_subrate_param | default parameters of subrate. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_RequestSubrate | ( | uint16_t | conn_hdl, |
st_ble_gap_subrate_param_t * | p_subrate_param | ||
) |
Request a change to the subrating factor other parameters applied to an existing connection using the Connection Subrate Update procedure.
[in] | conn_hdl | handle of the ACL link which carries the CTE info. |
[in] | p_subrate_param | request parameters of subrate. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_StartPerdAdvSetInfoTransfer | ( | uint16_t | adv_hdl, |
uint16_t | conn_hdl, | ||
uint16_t | service_data | ||
) |
This function starts Periodic advertising adv set info transfer to the connection.
Send synchronization information about the periodic advertising in an advertising set to a connected device.
[in] | adv_hdl | Identifies the advertising set. |
[in] | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the remote device. |
[in] | service_data | A value provided by the application for use by the application of the peer device. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_StartPerdAdvSyncTransfer | ( | uint16_t | sync_hdl, |
uint16_t | conn_hdl, | ||
uint16_t | service_data | ||
) |
This function starts Periodic advertising sync transfer.
send synchronization information about the periodic advertising train identified by the Sync_Handle parameter to a connected device.
[in] | sync_hdl | Sync handle identifying the Periodic Sync that has been established. |
[in] | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the remote device. |
[in] | service_data | A value provided by the application for use by the application of the peer device. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_SetPerdAdvSyncTransferParam | ( | uint16_t | conn_hdl, |
st_ble_gap_past_param_t * | p_past_param | ||
) |
This function starts to accept Periodic advertising sync transfer from the connection.
This API call enables BLE_GAP_EVENT_PAST_RECV event.n
[in] | conn_hdl | Connection handle identifying the remote device. |
[in] | p_past_param | Periodic advertising sync transfer parameters. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_SetDefPerdAdvSyncTransferParam | ( | st_ble_gap_past_param_t * | p_past_param | ) |
This function set the default parameter of Periodic advertising sync transfer for all subsequent connection. It does not affect any existing connection.
This API call enables BLE_GAP_EVENT_PAST_RECV event.
[in] | p_past_param | Periodic advertising sync transfer parameters. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_ReadAntennaInfo | ( | void | ) |
This function read the switching rates, the sampling rates, the number of antennae, and the maximum length of a transmitted Constant Tone Extension.
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success, otherwise "HCI Spec Error" in enum RBLE_STATUS_enum. |
BLE_ERR_UNSPECIFIED(0x0013) | Unspecified error. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_ReceiverTest | ( | st_ble_gap_recv_test_param_t * | p_rx_test_param | ) |
Start a test where the DUT receives test reference packets at a fixed interval. The tester generates the test reference packets.
[in] | p_rx_test_param | receiver test parameter |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success, otherwise "HCI Spec Error" in enum RBLE_STATUS_enum. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_TransmitterTest | ( | st_ble_gap_trans_test_param_t * | p_tx_test_param | ) |
Start a test where the DUT generates test reference packets at a fixed interval. The Controller shall transmit at the power level indicated by the TX_Power_Level parameter.
[in] | p_tx_test_param | transmitter test parameter |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success, otherwise "HCI Spec Error" in enum RBLE_STATUS_enum. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_ModifySleepClockAccuracy | ( | uint8_t | act | ) |
request that the Controller changes its sleep clock accuracy for testing purposes. It should not be used under other circumstances.
[in] | act | Switch to a more/less accurate clock. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success, otherwise "HCI Spec Error" in enum RBLE_STATUS_enum. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_ReadRemoteTransmitPowerLevel | ( | uint16_t | conn_hdl, |
uint8_t | phy | ||
) |
Read the transmit power level used by the remote device.
BLE_GAP_EVENT_TX_POWER_REPT is received as a result when R_BLE_GAP_SetTransmitPowerReportingEnable is enabled.
[in] | conn_hdl | Connection handle. |
[in] | phy | The transmitter PHY of packets. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_SetPathLossReportingParam | ( | st_ble_gap_set_path_loss_rpt_param_t * | p_loss_rpt_param | ) |
Set the path loss threshold reporting parameters for the ACL connection identified.
[in] | p_loss_rpt_param | parameter for path loss report. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success, otherwise "HCI Spec Error" in enum RBLE_STATUS_enum. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_SetPathLossReportingEnable | ( | uint16_t | conn_hdl, |
uint8_t | enable | ||
) |
Enable or disable path loss reporting for the ACL connection.
[in] | conn_hdl | Connection handle. |
[in] | enable | Reporting enable/disable. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success, otherwise "HCI Spec Error" in enum RBLE_STATUS_enum. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_SetTransmitPowerReportingEnable | ( | uint16_t | conn_hdl, |
uint8_t | local_enable, | ||
uint8_t | remote_enable | ||
) |
Enable or disable the transmit power level changing report.
Enable or disable the reporting to the local Host of transmit power level changes in the local and remote Controllers for the ACL connection identified by the Connection_Handle parameter.
[in] | conn_hdl | Connection handle. |
[in] | local_enable | Local transmit power reports enable/disable. |
[in] | remote_enable | Remote transmit power reports enable/disable. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success, otherwise "HCI Spec Error" in enum RBLE_STATUS_enum. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_SetDataRelatedAddrChanges | ( | uint8_t | adv_hdl, |
uint8_t | change_reason | ||
) |
Specifies circumstances when the Controller shall refresh any Resolvable Private Address.
Specifies circumstances when the Controller shall refresh any Resolvable Private Addresss used by the advertising set identified by the Advertising_Handle parameter, whether or not the address timeout period has been reached. This function may be used while advertising is enabled.
[in] | adv_hdl | Used to identify an advertising set. |
[in] | change_reason | reason(s) for refreshing addresses. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success, otherwise "HCI Spec Error" in enum RBLE_STATUS_enum. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_TestEnd | ( | void | ) |
Stop any test which is in progress. The Num_Packets for a transmitter test shall be reported as 0x0000. The Num_Packets is an unsigned number and contains the number of received packets.
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success, otherwise "HCI Spec Error" in enum RBLE_STATUS_enum. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_ReqPeerSCA | ( | uint16_t | conn_hdl | ) |
Read the Sleep Clock Accuracy (SCA) of the peer device.
[in] | conn_hdl | Indicate an ACL connection. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success, otherwise "HCI Spec Error" in enum RBLE_STATUS_enum. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_EnhancedReadTxPowerLevel | ( | uint16_t | conn_hdl, |
uint8_t | phy | ||
) |
Read the current and maximum transmit power levels of the local Controller on the ACL connection identified by the Connection_Handle parameter and the PHY indicated by the PHY parameter.
[in] | conn_hdl | Indicate an ACL connection. |
[in] | phy | Indicate PHY. |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success, otherwise "HCI Spec Error" in enum RBLE_STATUS_enum. |
ble_status_t R_BLE_GAP_SetHostFeat | ( | uint8_t | bit_number, |
uint8_t | bit_value | ||
) |
Set or clear a bit controlled by the Host in the Link Layer FeatureSet stored in the Controller.
[in] | bit_number | Bit position in the FeatureSet |
[in] | bit_value | Value of the bit |
BLE_SUCCESS(0x0000) | Success, otherwise "HCI Spec Error" in enum RBLE_STATUS_enum. |