RA Flexible Software Package Documentation  Release v5.2.0

AWS Cellular Interface on RYZ (rm_cellular_ryz_aws)

Middleware implementing the AWS Cellular API for RYZ cellular modems.


See AWS documentation for how the Cellular API works: https://www.freertos.org/Documentation/api-ref/cellular/index.html


The following RYZ modems are supported by this port:

Please see the data sheets for hardware configuration for modems. Some notable differences between the two are:

All APIs are supported by the RYZ port with the exception of the following RAT APIs:

The following URCs are supported by the RYZ port:

Support for other RYZ URCs can be possibly added by request in future releases.



AWS Cellular Interface

Build Time Configurations for source

The following build time configurations are defined in aws/cellular_interface/cellular_config.h:

Mobile Country Code Max SizeValue must be a positive integer3 Mobile country code max size.
Mobile Network Node Max SizeValue must be a positive integer3 Mobile network code max size.
Integrated Circuit Card Identity Max SizeValue must be a positive integer20 Integrated circuit card identity max size.
International Mobile Subscriber Identity Max SizeValue must be a positive integer15 International Mobile Subscriber Identity max size.
Firmware Version Max SizeValue must be a positive integer32 Cellular module firmware version max size.
Hardware Version Max SizeValue must be a positive integer12 Cellular module hardware version max size.
Serial Number Max SizeValue must be a positive integer12 Cellular module serial number max size.
International Mobile Equipment Identity Max SizeValue must be a positive integer15 International Mobile Equipment Identity number max size.
Registered Network operator Name Max SizeValue must be a positive integer32 Registered network operator name max size.
Access Point Name Max SizeValue must be a positive integer64 Access point name max size.
Packet Data Network Username Max SizeValue must be a positive integer32 Packet data network username max size.
Packet Data Network Password Max SizeValue must be a positive integer32 Packet data network password max size.
Data Network IP Address Max SizeValue must be a positive integer40 Cellular data network IP address max size.
AT Command Max SizeValue must be a positive integer200 Cellular AT command max size.
Max Number of SocketsValue must be a positive integer6 Cellular module number of socket max size.
Manufacturer ID Max SizeValue must be a positive integer20 Cellular module manufacturer ID max size.
Model ID Max SizeValue must be a positive integer10 Model ID max size.
EDRX List Max SizeValue must be a positive integer4 EDRX list max size.
PDN Context ID Min ValueValue must be a positive integer1 PDN context ID min value.
PDN Context ID Max ValueValue must be a positive integer16 PDN context ID max value.
RAT Priority CountValue must be a positive integer3 RAT (radio access technology) priority count.
Socket Max Send Data Length (bytes)Value must be in the range 1 - 15001460 Socket max send data length.
Socket Max Receive Data Length (bytes)Value must be in the range 1 - 15001500 Socket max receive data length.
GetHostByName Support
  • Enabled (default)
  • Disabled
Enabled (default) Enables/disable GetHostByName.
Comm Interface Send Timeout (ms)Value must be a positive integer1000 Cellular comm interface receive timeout in ms.
Comm Interface Receive Timeout (ms)Value must be a positive integer50 Cellular comm interface receive timeout in ms.
Static Allocation Context
  • Enabled
  • Disabled (default)
Disabled (default) Use statically allocated context.
Comm Interface Static Allocation Context
  • Enabled
  • Disabled (default)
Disabled (default) Use statically allocated context for comm interface.
Default RAT
  • GSM
  • EDGE
  • LTE
  • CATM1
CATM1 Default Radio Access Technology.
GSM Support
  • Enabled
  • Disabled (default)
Disabled (default) This should be disabled when a modem doesn't support GSM or the AT+CGREG command.
Static Socket Context
  • Enabled
  • Disabled (default)
Disabled (default) Use statically allocated socket.
AT Command Timeout (ms)Value must be a positive integer5000 Cellular common AT command timeout.
AT Command Raw Timeout (ms)Value must be a positive integer5000 Cellular AT command raw timeout.
AT Command Response prefix lengthValue must be a positive integer5000 Cellular AT command response prefix string length.

RYZ Cellular Interface Port

Configurations for Networking > AWS Cellular Interface on RYZ (rm_cellular_ryz_aws)

This module can be added to the Stacks tab via New Stack > Networking > AWS Cellular Interface on RYZ (rm_cellular_ryz_aws).

Module Reset Pin (Port Number)Refer to the RA Configuration tool for available options.00 Specify the reset control port for the RYZ module. This property is only used in devassist.
Module Reset Pin (Pin Number)Refer to the RA Configuration tool for available options.00 Specify the reset control pin for the RYZ module. This property is only used in devassist.


Basic Example

void rm_cellular_ryz_aws_basic_example (void)
CellularHandle_t cellular_handle = NULL;
CellularSimCardStatus_t sim_card_status;
/* Initialize Cellular Modem. */
CellularError_t err = Cellular_Init(&cellular_handle, &g_cellular_comm_interface_on_uart);
assert(CELLULAR_SUCCESS == err);
/* Get the SIM card status */
err = Cellular_GetSimCardStatus(cellular_handle, &sim_card_status);
assert(CELLULAR_SUCCESS == err);
assert(CELLULAR_SIM_CARD_INSERTED == sim_card_status.simCardState);

Socket Example

#define SOCKET_EXAMPLE_IP ("")
uint32_t g_recv_event_count = 0;
void socket_example_data_ready_callback (CellularSocketHandle_t socketHandle, void * pCallbackContext)
void rm_cellular_ryz_aws_socket_example (void)
CellularHandle_t cellular_handle = NULL;
char * p_data = "hello_world";
char recv_buffer[SOCKET_EXAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE] = "\0";
uint32_t sent_data_length = 0;
uint32_t received_data_length = 0;
uint32_t timeout_ms = SOCKET_EXAMPLE_TIMEOUT;
CellularSocketHandle_t socket_handle;
CellularSocketAddress_t socket_address =
.ipAddress =
/* Initialize Cellular Modem. */
CellularError_t err = Cellular_Init(&cellular_handle, &g_cellular_comm_interface_on_uart);
assert(CELLULAR_SUCCESS == err);
/* Create a TCP socket */
err = Cellular_CreateSocket(cellular_handle,
assert(CELLULAR_SUCCESS == err);
/* Register the data ready callback */
err = Cellular_SocketRegisterDataReadyCallback(cellular_handle,
assert(CELLULAR_SUCCESS == err);
g_recv_event_count = 0;
/* Connect the TCP socket */
err = Cellular_SocketConnect(cellular_handle, socket_handle, CELLULAR_ACCESSMODE_BUFFER, &socket_address);
assert(CELLULAR_SUCCESS == err);
/* Send data over the socket */
err = Cellular_SocketSend(cellular_handle, socket_handle, (uint8_t *) p_data, strlen(p_data), &sent_data_length);
assert(CELLULAR_SUCCESS == err);
assert(strlen(p_data) == sent_data_length);
/* Wait for data ready callback */
while (timeout_ms > 0)
if (g_recv_event_count > 0)
assert(0 != timeout_ms);
/* Receive data back */
err = Cellular_SocketRecv(cellular_handle,
(uint8_t *) recv_buffer,
assert(CELLULAR_SUCCESS == err);
/* Close the socket */
err = Cellular_SocketClose(cellular_handle, socket_handle);
assert(CELLULAR_SUCCESS == err);

Setting UDP local port

#define UDP_EXAMPLE_IP ("")
void rm_cellular_ryz_aws_udp_local_port_set_example (void)
CellularHandle_t cellular_handle = NULL;
CellularSocketHandle_t socket_handle = NULL;
CellularSocketAddress_t socket_address =
.ipAddress =
/* Initialize Cellular Modem. */
CellularError_t err = Cellular_Init(&cellular_handle, &g_cellular_comm_interface_on_uart);
assert(CELLULAR_SUCCESS == err);
/* Create a UDP socket */
err = Cellular_CreateSocket(cellular_handle,
assert(CELLULAR_SUCCESS == err);
/* Set the local port */
socket_handle->localPort = UDP_EXAMPLE_LOCAL_PORT;
/* Connect the UDP socket */
err = Cellular_SocketConnect(cellular_handle, socket_handle, CELLULAR_ACCESSMODE_BUFFER, &socket_address);
assert(CELLULAR_SUCCESS == err);