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RA Flexible Software Package Documentation
Release v5.8.0
Functions | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_On (void) |
Turns on Wi-Fi. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_Off (void) |
Turns off Wi-Fi. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_ConnectAP (const WIFINetworkParams_t *const pxNetworkParams) |
Connects to the Wi-Fi Access Point (AP) specified in the input. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_Disconnect (void) |
Disconnects from the currently connected Access Point. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_Reset (void) |
Resets the Wi-Fi Module. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_SetMode (WIFIDeviceMode_t xDeviceMode) |
Sets the Wi-Fi mode. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_GetMode (WIFIDeviceMode_t *pxDeviceMode) |
Gets the Wi-Fi mode. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_NetworkAdd (const WIFINetworkProfile_t *const pxNetworkProfile, uint16_t *pusIndex) |
Add a Wi-Fi Network profile. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_NetworkGet (WIFINetworkProfile_t *pxNetworkProfile, uint16_t usIndex) |
Get a Wi-Fi network profile. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_NetworkDelete (uint16_t usIndex) |
Delete a Wi-Fi Network profile. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_Ping (uint8_t *pucIPAddr, uint16_t usCount, uint32_t ulIntervalMS) |
Ping an IP address in the network. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_GetIPInfo (WIFIIPConfiguration_t *pxIPInfo) |
Get IP configuration (IP address, NetworkMask, Gateway and DNS server addresses). More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_GetMAC (uint8_t *pucMac) |
Retrieves the Wi-Fi interface's MAC address. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_GetHostIP (char *pcHost, uint8_t *pucIPAddr) |
Retrieves the host IP address from a host name using DNS. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_Scan (WIFIScanResult_t *pxBuffer, uint8_t ucNumNetworks) |
Perform a Wi-Fi network Scan. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_StartAP (void) |
Start SoftAP mode. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_StopAP (void) |
Stop SoftAP mode. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_ConfigureAP (const WIFINetworkParams_t *const pxNetworkParams) |
Configure SoftAP. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_SetPMMode (WIFIPMMode_t xPMModeType, const void *pvOptionValue) |
Set the Wi-Fi power management mode. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_GetPMMode (WIFIPMMode_t *pxPMModeType, void *pvOptionValue) |
Get the Wi-Fi power management mode. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_RegisterEvent (WIFIEventType_t xEventType, WIFIEventHandler_t xHandler) |
Register a Wi-Fi event Handler. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_IsConnected (const WIFINetworkParams_t *pxNetworkParams) |
Check if the Wi-Fi is connected and the AP configuration matches the query. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_StartScan (WIFIScanConfig_t *pxScanConfig) |
Start a Wi-Fi scan. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_GetScanResults (const WIFIScanResult_t **pxBuffer, uint16_t *ucNumNetworks) |
Get Wi-Fi scan results. It should be called only after scan is completed. Scan results are sorted in decreasing rssi order. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_StartConnectAP (const WIFINetworkParams_t *pxNetworkParams) |
Connect to the Wi-Fi Access Point (AP) specified in the input. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_StartDisconnect (void) |
Wi-Fi station disconnects from AP. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_GetConnectionInfo (WIFIConnectionInfo_t *pxConnectionInfo) |
Get Wi-Fi info of the connected AP. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_GetRSSI (int8_t *pcRSSI) |
Get the RSSI of the connected AP. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_GetStationList (WIFIStationInfo_t *pxStationList, uint8_t *pcStationListSize) |
SoftAP mode get connected station list. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_StartDisconnectStation (uint8_t *pucMac) |
AP mode disconnecting a station. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_SetMAC (uint8_t *pucMac) |
Set Wi-Fi MAC addresses. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_SetSpoofingMAC (uint8_t *pucMac) |
Set Wi-Fi MAC addresses. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_SetCountryCode (const char *pcCountryCode) |
Set country based configuration (including channel list, power table) More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_GetCountryCode (char *pcCountryCode) |
Get the currently configured country code. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_GetStatistic (WIFIStatisticInfo_t *pxStats) |
Get the Wi-Fi statistics. More... | |
WIFIReturnCode_t | WIFI_GetCapability (WIFICapabilityInfo_t *pxCaps) |
Get the Wi-Fi capability. More... | |
Interface for common WiFi APIs.
Data Structures | |
struct | WIFIWEPKey_t |
struct | WIFIWPAPassphrase_t |
struct | WIFINetworkParams_t |
struct | WIFIScanConfig_t |
struct | WIFIScanResult_t |
struct | WIFIStationInfo_t |
struct | WIFINetworkProfile_t |
struct | WIFIIPAddress_t |
struct | WIFIIPConfiguration_t |
struct | WIFIConnectionInfo_t |
struct | WiFiEventInfoReady_t |
struct | WiFiEventInfoScanDone_t |
struct | WiFiEventInfoConnected_t |
struct | WiFiEventInfoDisconnected_t |
struct | WiFiEventInfoConnectionFailed_t |
struct | WiFiEventInfoIPReady_t |
struct | WiFiEventInfoAPStateChanged_t |
struct | WiFiEventInfoAPStationConnected_t |
struct | WiFiEventInfoAPStationDisconnected_t |
struct | WiFiEventInfoRxDone_t |
struct | WiFiEventInfoTxDone_t |
struct | WIFIEvent_t |
struct | WIFIStatisticInfo_t |
struct | WIFICapabilityInfo_t |
Macros | |
Wi-Fi lower level supported feature mask. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef void(* | WIFIEventHandler_t) (WIFIEvent_t *xEvent) |
Wi-Fi event handler definition. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | WIFIReturnCode_t |
enum | WIFISecurity_t |
enum | WIFIDeviceMode_t |
enum | WIFIPMMode_t |
enum | WIFIIPAddressType_t |
enum | WIFIReason_t |
enum | WIFIEventType_t |
enum | WIFIBand_t |
enum | WIFIPhyMode_t |
enum | WIFIBandwidth_t |
struct WIFIWEPKey_t |
struct WIFIWPAPassphrase_t |
struct WIFINetworkParams_t |
Parameters passed to the WIFI_ConnectAP API for connection
Data Fields | ||
uint8_t | ucSSID[wificonfigMAX_SSID_LEN] | SSID of the Wi-Fi network (binary array, not C-string) |
uint8_t | ucSSIDLength | SSID length. |
WIFISecurity_t | xSecurity | Wi-Fi Security. |
union WIFINetworkParams_t | xPassword | |
uint8_t | ucDefaultWEPKeyIndex | Default WEP key index. |
uint8_t | ucChannel | Channel number. |
struct WIFIScanConfig_t |
struct WIFIScanResult_t |
Wi-Fi scan results
Data Fields | ||
uint8_t | ucSSID[wificonfigMAX_SSID_LEN] | SSID of the Wi-Fi network (binary array, not C-string) |
uint8_t | ucSSIDLength | SSID length. |
uint8_t | ucBSSID[wificonfigMAX_BSSID_LEN] | BSSID of the Wi-Fi network (binary array, not C-string) |
WIFISecurity_t | xSecurity | Security type of the Wi-Fi network. |
int8_t | cRSSI | Signal strength of the Wi-Fi network. |
uint8_t | ucChannel | Channel of the Wi-Fi network. |
struct WIFIStationInfo_t |
struct WIFINetworkProfile_t |
Wi-Fi network parameters passed to the WIFI_NetworkAdd API
Data Fields | ||
uint8_t | ucSSID[wificonfigMAX_SSID_LEN] | SSID of the Wi-Fi network to join with a NULL termination. |
uint8_t | ucSSIDLength | SSID length not including NULL termination. |
uint8_t | ucBSSID[wificonfigMAX_BSSID_LEN] | BSSID of the Wi-Fi network. |
char | cPassword[wificonfigMAX_PASSPHRASE_LEN] | Password needed to join the AP. |
uint8_t | ucPasswordLength | Password length not including null termination. |
WIFISecurity_t | xSecurity |
Wi-Fi Security.
struct WIFIIPAddress_t |
Wi-Fi station IP address format
Data Fields | ||
WIFIIPAddressType_t | xType | IP address type (only eWiFiIPAddressTypeV4 is currently supported) |
uint32_t | ulAddress[IPV6_LENGTH] | IP address in binary form, use inet_ntop/inet_pton for conversion. |
struct WIFIIPConfiguration_t |
IP address configuration
Data Fields | ||
WIFIIPAddress_t | xIPAddress | IP address. |
WIFIIPAddress_t | xNetMask | Network mask. |
WIFIIPAddress_t | xGateway | Gateway IP address. |
WIFIIPAddress_t | xDns1 | First DNS server IP address. |
WIFIIPAddress_t | xDns2 | Second DNS server IP address. |
struct WIFIConnectionInfo_t |
Wi-Fi info of the connected AP
Data Fields | ||
uint8_t | ucSSID[wificonfigMAX_SSID_LEN] | SSID of the Wi-Fi network (binary array, not C-string) |
uint8_t | ucSSIDLength | SSID length. |
uint8_t | ucBSSID[wificonfigMAX_BSSID_LEN] | BSSID of the Wi-Fi network (binary array, not C-string) |
WIFISecurity_t | xSecurity | Wi-Fi Security. |
uint8_t | ucChannel | Channel info. |
struct WiFiEventInfoReady_t |
Wi-Fi event info for WI-FI ready
struct WiFiEventInfoScanDone_t |
Wi-Fi event info for scan done
struct WiFiEventInfoConnected_t |
Wi-Fi event info for station connected to AP
struct WiFiEventInfoDisconnected_t |
Wi-Fi event info for station disconnected from AP
Data Fields | ||
WIFIReason_t | xReason | Reason code for station disconnection. |
struct WiFiEventInfoConnectionFailed_t |
Wi-Fi event info for station connection failure
Data Fields | ||
WIFIReason_t | xReason | Reason code for connection failure. |
struct WiFiEventInfoIPReady_t |
Wi-Fi event info for IP ready
Data Fields | ||
WIFIIPAddress_t | xIPAddress | Station IP address from DHCP. |
struct WiFiEventInfoAPStateChanged_t |
struct WiFiEventInfoAPStationConnected_t |
struct WiFiEventInfoAPStationDisconnected_t |
Wi-Fi event info for AP got a disconnected station
Data Fields | ||
uint8_t | ucMac[wificonfigMAX_BSSID_LEN] | MAC address of disconnected station. |
WIFIReason_t | xReason | Reason code for the disconnection. |
struct WiFiEventInfoRxDone_t |
struct WiFiEventInfoTxDone_t |
Wi-Fi event info for finishing transmitting an injection frame
struct WIFIEvent_t |
Wi-Fi combined event data structure
struct WIFIStatisticInfo_t |
Wi-Fi Statistic info
struct WIFICapabilityInfo_t |
Wi-Fi capabilities
Data Fields | ||
WIFIBand_t | xBand | Supported band. |
WIFIPhyMode_t | xPhyMode | Supported PHY mode. |
WIFIBandwidth_t | xBandwidth | Supported bandwidth. |
uint32_t | ulMaxAggr | Max aggregation length, 0 if no aggregation support. |
uint16_t | usSupportedFeatures | Supported features bitmap, e.g., WIFI_WPS_SUPPORTED. |
Wi-Fi lower level supported feature mask.
typedef void(* WIFIEventHandler_t) (WIFIEvent_t *xEvent) |
Wi-Fi event handler definition.
[in] | xEvent | - Wi-Fi event data structure. |
enum WIFIReturnCode_t |
enum WIFISecurity_t |
enum WIFIDeviceMode_t |
enum WIFIPMMode_t |
enum WIFIIPAddressType_t |
Wi-Fi station IP address type
enum WIFIReason_t |
Wi-Fi protocol reason codes
enum WIFIEventType_t |
Wi-Fi event types
enum WIFIBand_t |
enum WIFIPhyMode_t |
enum WIFIBandwidth_t |
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_On | ( | void | ) |
Turns on Wi-Fi.
This function turns on Wi-Fi module,initializes the drivers and must be called before calling any other Wi-Fi API
Turns on Wi-Fi.
This function turns on Wi-Fi module,initializes the drivers and must be called before calling any other Wi-Fi API
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_Off | ( | void | ) |
Turns off Wi-Fi.
This function turns off the Wi-Fi module. The Wi-Fi peripheral should be put in a low power or off state in this routine.
Turns off Wi-Fi.
This function turns off the Wi-Fi module. The Wi-Fi peripheral should be put in a low power or off state in this routine.
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_ConnectAP | ( | const WIFINetworkParams_t *const | pxNetworkParams | ) |
Connects to the Wi-Fi Access Point (AP) specified in the input.
The Wi-Fi should stay connected when the same Access Point it is currently connected to is specified. Otherwise, the Wi-Fi should disconnect and connect to the new Access Point specified. If the new Access Point specifed has invalid parameters, then the Wi-Fi should be disconnected.
[in] | pxNetworkParams | Configuration to join AP. |
Connects to the Wi-Fi Access Point (AP) specified in the input.
The Wi-Fi should stay connected when the same Access Point it is currently connected to is specified. Otherwise, the Wi-Fi should disconnect and connect to the new Access Point specified. If the new Access Point specifed has invalid parameters, then the Wi-Fi should be disconnected.
[in] | pxNetworkParams | Configuration to join AP. |
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_Disconnect | ( | void | ) |
Disconnects from the currently connected Access Point.
Disconnects from the currently connected Access Point.
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_Reset | ( | void | ) |
Resets the Wi-Fi Module.
Resets the Wi-Fi Module.
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_SetMode | ( | WIFIDeviceMode_t | xDeviceMode | ) |
Sets the Wi-Fi mode.
[in] | xDeviceMode | - Mode of the device Station / Access Point /P2P. |
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_GetMode | ( | WIFIDeviceMode_t * | pxDeviceMode | ) |
Gets the Wi-Fi mode.
[out] | pxDeviceMode | - return mode Station / Access Point /P2P |
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_NetworkAdd | ( | const WIFINetworkProfile_t *const | pxNetworkProfile, |
uint16_t * | pusIndex | ||
) |
Add a Wi-Fi Network profile.
Adds a Wi-fi network to the network list in Non Volatile memory.
[in] | pxNetworkProfile | - Network profile parameters |
[out] | pusIndex | - Network profile index in storage |
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_NetworkGet | ( | WIFINetworkProfile_t * | pxNetworkProfile, |
uint16_t | usIndex | ||
) |
Get a Wi-Fi network profile.
Gets the Wi-Fi network parameters at the given index from network list in non-volatile memory.
[out] | pxNetworkProfile | - pointer to return network profile parameters |
[in] | usIndex | - Index of the network profile, must be between 0 to wificonfigMAX_NETWORK_PROFILES |
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_NetworkDelete | ( | uint16_t | usIndex | ) |
Delete a Wi-Fi Network profile.
Deletes the Wi-Fi network profile from the network profile list at given index in non-volatile memory
[in] | usIndex | - Index of the network profile, must be between 0 to wificonfigMAX_NETWORK_PROFILES. |
If wificonfigMAX_NETWORK_PROFILES is the index, then all network profiles will be deleted.
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_Ping | ( | uint8_t * | pucIPAddr, |
uint16_t | usCount, | ||
uint32_t | ulIntervalMS | ||
) |
Ping an IP address in the network.
[in] | pucIPAddr | IP Address array to ping. |
[in] | usCount | Number of times to ping |
[in] | ulIntervalMS | Interval in mili-seconds for ping operation |
Ping an IP address in the network.
[in] | pucIPAddr | IP Address array to ping. |
[in] | usCount | Number of times to ping |
[in] | ulIntervalMS | Interval in milliseconds for ping operation |
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_GetIPInfo | ( | WIFIIPConfiguration_t * | pxIPInfo | ) |
Get IP configuration (IP address, NetworkMask, Gateway and DNS server addresses).
[out] | pxIPInfo | - Current IP configuration. |
This is a synchronous call.
[out] | pxIPInfo | - Current IP configuration. |
[out] | pxIPInfo | - Current IP configuration. |
This is a synchronous call.
[out] | pxIPInfo | - Current IP configuration. |
[out] | pxIPInfo | - Current IP configuration. |
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_GetMAC | ( | uint8_t * | pucMac | ) |
Retrieves the Wi-Fi interface's MAC address.
[out] | pucMac | MAC Address buffer sized 6 bytes. |
Retrieves the Wi-Fi interface's MAC address.
[out] | pucMac | MAC Address buffer sized 6 bytes. |
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_GetHostIP | ( | char * | pcHost, |
uint8_t * | pucIPAddr | ||
) |
Retrieves the host IP address from a host name using DNS.
[in] | pcHost | - Host (node) name. |
[in] | pucIPAddr | - IP Address buffer. |
Retrieves the host IP address from a host name using DNS.
[in] | pcHost | - Host (node) name. |
[in] | pucIPAddr | - IP Address buffer. |
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_Scan | ( | WIFIScanResult_t * | pxBuffer, |
uint8_t | ucNumNetworks | ||
) |
Perform a Wi-Fi network Scan.
[in] | pxBuffer | - Buffer for scan results. |
[in] | ucNumNetworks | - Number of networks to retrieve in scan result. |
Perform a Wi-Fi network Scan.
[in] | pxBuffer | - Buffer for scan results. |
[in] | ucNumNetworks | - Number of networks to retrieve in scan result. |
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_StartAP | ( | void | ) |
Start SoftAP mode.
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_StopAP | ( | void | ) |
Stop SoftAP mode.
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_ConfigureAP | ( | const WIFINetworkParams_t *const | pxNetworkParams | ) |
Configure SoftAP.
[in] | pxNetworkParams | - Network parameters to configure AP. |
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_SetPMMode | ( | WIFIPMMode_t | xPMModeType, |
const void * | pvOptionValue | ||
) |
Set the Wi-Fi power management mode.
[in] | xPMModeType | - Power mode type. |
[in] | pvOptionValue | - A buffer containing the value of the option to set depends on the mode type example - beacon interval in sec |
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_GetPMMode | ( | WIFIPMMode_t * | pxPMModeType, |
void * | pvOptionValue | ||
) |
Get the Wi-Fi power management mode.
[out] | pxPMModeType | - pointer to get current power mode set. |
[out] | pvOptionValue | - optional value |
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_RegisterEvent | ( | WIFIEventType_t | xEventType, |
WIFIEventHandler_t | xHandler | ||
) |
Register a Wi-Fi event Handler.
[in] | xEventType | - Wi-Fi event type. |
[in] | xHandler | - Wi-Fi event handler. |
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_IsConnected | ( | const WIFINetworkParams_t * | pxNetworkParams | ) |
Check if the Wi-Fi is connected and the AP configuration matches the query.
param[in] pxNetworkParams - Network parameters to query, if NULL then just check the Wi-Fi link status.
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_StartScan | ( | WIFIScanConfig_t * | pxScanConfig | ) |
Start a Wi-Fi scan.
This is an asynchronous call, the result will be notified by an event.
[in] | pxScanConfig | - Parameters for scan, NULL if default scan (i.e. broadcast scan on all channels). |
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_GetScanResults | ( | const WIFIScanResult_t ** | pxBuffer, |
uint16_t * | ucNumNetworks | ||
) |
Get Wi-Fi scan results. It should be called only after scan is completed. Scan results are sorted in decreasing rssi order.
[out] | pxBuffer | - Handle to the READ ONLY scan results buffer. |
[out] | ucNumNetworks | - Actual number of networks in the scan results. |
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_StartConnectAP | ( | const WIFINetworkParams_t * | pxNetworkParams | ) |
Connect to the Wi-Fi Access Point (AP) specified in the input.
This is an asynchronous call, the result will be notified by an event.
The Wi-Fi should stay connected when the specified AP is the same as the currently connected AP. Otherwise, the Wi-Fi should disconnect and connect to the specified AP. If the specified AP has invalid parameters, the Wi-Fi should be disconnected.
[in] | pxNetworkParams | - Configuration of the targeted AP. |
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_StartDisconnect | ( | void | ) |
Wi-Fi station disconnects from AP.
This is an asynchronous call. The result will be notified by an event.
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_GetConnectionInfo | ( | WIFIConnectionInfo_t * | pxConnectionInfo | ) |
Get Wi-Fi info of the connected AP.
This is a synchronous call.
[out] | pxConnectionInfo | - Wi-Fi info of the connected AP. |
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_GetRSSI | ( | int8_t * | pcRSSI | ) |
Get the RSSI of the connected AP.
This only works when the station is connected.
[out] | pcRSSI | - RSSI of the connected AP. |
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_GetStationList | ( | WIFIStationInfo_t * | pxStationList, |
uint8_t * | pcStationListSize | ||
) |
SoftAP mode get connected station list.
[out] | pxStationList | - Buffer for station list, supplied by the caller. |
[in,out] | pcStationListSize | - Input size of the list, output number of connected stations. |
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_StartDisconnectStation | ( | uint8_t * | pucMac | ) |
AP mode disconnecting a station.
This is an asynchronous call, the result will be notified by an event.
[in] | pucMac | - MAC Address of the station to be disconnected. |
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_SetMAC | ( | uint8_t * | pucMac | ) |
Set Wi-Fi MAC addresses.
The given MAC address will become the station MAC address. The AP MAC address (i.e. BSSID) will be the same MAC address but with the local bit set.
[in] | pucMac | - Station MAC address. |
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_SetSpoofingMAC | ( | uint8_t * | pucMac | ) |
Set Wi-Fi MAC addresses.
The given MAC address is for MAC SPOOFING. The original MAC address is not changed. This MAC address can be set only for Station. The AP MAC address (i.e. BSSID) will not be changed. If the original MAC address needs to be used, then MAC spoofing needs to be disabled.
[in] | pucMac | - Station MAC address. |
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_SetCountryCode | ( | const char * | pcCountryCode | ) |
Set country based configuration (including channel list, power table)
[in] | pcCountryCode | - Country code (null-terminated string, e.g. "US", "CN". See ISO-3166). |
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_GetCountryCode | ( | char * | pcCountryCode | ) |
Get the currently configured country code.
[out] | pcCountryCode | - Null-terminated string to hold the country code (see ISO-3166). Must be at least 4 bytes. |
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_GetStatistic | ( | WIFIStatisticInfo_t * | pxStats | ) |
Get the Wi-Fi statistics.
[out] | pxStats | - Structure to hold the WiFi statistics. |
WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_GetCapability | ( | WIFICapabilityInfo_t * | pxCaps | ) |
Get the Wi-Fi capability.
[out] | pxCaps | - Structure to hold the Wi-Fi capabilities. |