The ISU supports resize image function that can convert color space from RGB to YUV or from YUV to RGB.
This module can be added to the Stacks tab via New Stack > Graphics > ISU Driver on r_isu.
Configuration | Options | Default | Description |
General > Name | Name must be a valid C symbol | g_isu0 | Module name. |
Input > Framebuffer > Framebuffer name | This property must be a valid C symbol | isu_input_buffer | If you select the FSP custom as "Framebuffer consiguration", specify the name for the framebuffer. |
Input > Framebuffer > Image buffer section | This property must be a valid section name | UNCACHED_BSS | Specify the RAM section for the image data buffer. Typically .bss (internal RAM) or .sdram. When Arm Compiler 6 is used to place this memory in on-chip SRAM, the section name must be .bss or start with .bss. to avoid consuming unnecessary ROM space. |
Input > Horizontal size | Value must be an integer between 1 and 2800 | 1280 | Specify the horizontal size of input image. |
Input > Vertical size | Value must be an integer between 1 and 2047 | 800 | Specify the vertical size of input image. |
Input > Horizontal stride | Value must be 32byte boundary integer | 2560 | Specify the horizontal stride of input image. |
Input > Color format | Refer to the RZA Configuration tool for available options. | RGB565 | Select color format of input image. |
Input > 4byte swap |
| disable | 4byte data swap for input image |
Input > 2byte swap |
| disable | 2byte data swap for input image |
Input > 1byte swap |
| disable | 1byte data swap for input image |
Output > Framebuffer > Framebuffer name | This property must be a valid C symbol | isu_output_buffer | If you select the FSP custom as "Framebuffer consiguration", specify the name for the framebuffer. |
Output > Framebuffer > Image buffer section | This property must be a valid section name | UNCACHED_BSS | Specify the RAM section for the image data buffer. Typically .bss (internal RAM) or .sdram. When Arm Compiler 6 is used to place this memory in on-chip SRAM, the section name must be .bss or start with .bss. to avoid consuming unnecessary ROM space. |
Output > Horizontal size | Value must be an integer between 1 and 2800 | 1280 | Specify the horizontal size of output image. |
Output > Vertical size | Value must be an integer between 1 and 2047 | 800 | Specify the vertical size of output image. |
Output > Horizontal stride | Value must be 32byte boundary integer | 2560 | Specify the horizontal stride of output image. |
Output > Color format | Refer to the RZA Configuration tool for available options. | RGB565 | Select color format of output image. |
Output > 4byte swap |
| disable | 4byte data swap for output image |
Output > 2byte swap |
| disable | 2byte data swap for output image |
Output > 1byte swap |
| disable | 1byte data swap for output image |
Interrupt > Frame End Interrupt Priority | Value must be between 0 and 31 | 24 | Input the frame end interrupt priority |
Interrupt > Callback | Name msut be a valid C symbol | NULL | Set the callback function name for ISU frame end interrupt. |
This is a basic example of minimal use of the ISU in an application.
void basic_example (void)
open(&g_isu_ctrl, &g_isu_cfg);
g_isu0_runtime_cfg.output.hsize = ISU_OUTPUT_HSIZE_2ND;
g_isu0_runtime_cfg.output.vsize = ISU_OUTPUT_VSIZE_2ND;
g_isu0_runtime_cfg.output.hstride = ISU_OUTPUT_STRIDE_2ND;
changeCfg(&g_isu_ctrl, &(g_isu0_runtime_cfg));