RZ/A Flexible Software Package Documentation  Release v3.4.0

Azure RTOS GUIX Port (rm_guix_port)


UINT rm_guix_port_hw_initialize (GX_DISPLAY *p_display)

Detailed Description

Middleware for the Azure RTOS GUIX Port on RZ MPUs.


The Azure RTOS GUIX Port module provides the configuration support necessary for use of GUIX on RZ MPUs. The port provides full integration with the graphics peripherals (LCDC).

Azure RTOS GUIX Port Block Diagram
For information about how to use GUIX and GUIX Studio (including example code) please consult the Azure RTOS GUIX documentation.


Build Time Configurations for gx

The following build time configurations are defined in fsp_cfg/azure/gx/gx_user.h:

Hardware Acceleration > DRW Engine SupportDisabledDisabled This setting is for the future improvement.
Internal Thread > Stack SizeValue must be greater than zero4096 GUIX internal thread stack size in bytes. Must be greater than zero.
Internal Thread > PriorityValue must be between 0 to 3130 Priority of the GUIX Internal Thread. The value must be between 0 to 31.
Internal Thread > Time SliceValue must be a non-negative integer10 Time Slice value of the GUIX Internal Thread. The value must be between 0 (TX_NO_TIME_SLICE) to 0xFFFFFFFF.
System Timer (ms)Value must be greater than or equal to 1020 GUIX system timer period (GX_SYSTEM_TIMER_MS). This value will be internally converted to RTOS ticks and will be rounded down to the next smallest multiple of the RTOS tick period (1000 / TX_TIMER_TICKS_PER_SECOND).
Multithread Support
  • Disabled
  • Enabled
Enabled Must be enabled if GUIX functions are called from multiple threads. Set to Disabled when calling GUIX from only one thread to reduce system overhead.
UTF8 Support
  • Disabled
  • Enabled
Enabled Select whether to enable or disable support for UTF8 characters.
Event Queue SizeValue must be greater than zero48 Maximum number of events in the GUIX event queue.
Enable GX_WIDGET User Data
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
Disabled Set to Enabled to to use the gx_widget_user_data member in the GX_WIDGET structure.

Configurations for Graphics > Azure RTOS GUIX Port (rm_guix_port)

Display Rotation > Screen Orientation
  • None
  • CW (90 degrees)
  • FLIP (180 degrees)
  • CCW (270 degrees)
None Select the display orientation specified in the GUIX Studio project. The Canvas Buffer must be enabled when rotating 180 degrees (FLIP).
Display Rotation > Use Canvas Buffer
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
Disabled When screen rotation is set to 180 degrees (FLIP), a canvas buffer must be used. The canvas buffer size will be the same as a frame buffer for the display module.
Display Rotation > Canvas Buffer Memory SectionThis property must be a valid section namebss Specify the memory section where the GUIX Canvas Buffer will be allocated.
NameName must be a valid C symbolg_rm_guix_port0 Module name.
Target Display Layer
  • Graphics Layer 1
  • Graphics Layer 2
Graphics Layer 1 Specify which graphics screen to inherit the buffer and display dimensions from.
Callback FunctionMust be a valid C symbolNULL If a callback function is provided it will be called when Display events occur.

Hardware Configuration

No clocks or pins are directly required by this module. Please consult the submodules' documentation for their requirements.

Usage Notes

Getting Started

To get started with GUIX in an RZ project the following must be performed:

  1. In e2 studio, open the RZ Configuration editor for your GUIX project
  2. Select or create a thread
  3. Add GUIX to your project in the Stacks view by clicking New Stack -> Azure RTOS -> GUIX
  4. Ensure the configuration options for GUIX and the port layer are set as necessary for your application
  5. Set the proporties for the LCDC module to match the timing and memory requirements of your display panel
  6. Set the input color format in the LCDC module (Input -> Graphics Layer * -> General -> Color format)
  7. Click the BSP tab in the configuration editor and confirm the heap size in the Properties pane is sufficient (see Note below)
  8. Click Generate Project Content to save and commit configuration changes
  9. Drop the Quick Setup entry in Developer Assistance into the desired thread entry C file and update the items marked with TODO as necessary
  10. Call the Quick Setup function from the thread entry function (or where desired)

At this point the project is now ready to build and run your GUIX Studio project. Please refer to the documentation for Azure RTOS GUIX and GUIX Studio for details on how to create and edit a GUI application.

It is recommended to start with 8K-32K of heap to begin development. Actual heap use is typically far lower than this but must be characterized by the developer.


Basic Example

This is a basic example demonstrating how to get GUIX up and running given an existing GUIX Studio project. A template for this code is available in Developer Assistance for the GUIX Port module.

GUIX manages the LCDC submodules internally; they do not need to be opened directly.
GX_WINDOW_ROOT * p_window_root;
void guix_user_start (void)
/* Initialize GUIX */
/* Configure GUIX Studio project main display and get a pointer to the root window */
/* Set pointer to the first buffer generated by the configuration (rm_guix_port_canvas) */
/* Create and show the root window in the GUIX Studio project */
gx_studio_named_widget_create("root_widget_name", (GX_WIDGET *) p_window_root, GX_NULL);
/* Start GUIX */
/* GUIX will continue to run in its own thread */

Data Structures

struct  rm_guix_port_callback_args_t


enum  rm_guix_port_device_t
enum  rm_guix_port_event_t

Data Structure Documentation

◆ rm_guix_port_callback_args_t

struct rm_guix_port_callback_args_t

Callback arguments for the FSP GUIX Port

Data Fields
rm_guix_port_device_t device Device code.
rm_guix_port_event_t event Event code of the low level hardware.
uint32_t error Error code if RM_GUIX_PORT_EVENT_ERROR.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ rm_guix_port_device_t

Low level device code for the GUIX


Non hardware.


Display device.


2D Graphics Engine


JPEG Codec.

◆ rm_guix_port_event_t

Display event codes


Low level driver error occurs.


Display interface VSYNC.


Display interface underflow.

Function Documentation

◆ rm_guix_port_hw_initialize()

UINT rm_guix_port_hw_initialize ( GX_DISPLAY *  p_display)

Callback function to be passed to gx_studio_display_configure in order to start hardware modules.


/* Configure GUIX Studio project main display and get a pointer to the root window */
This function should only be called by GUIX.
Return values
GX_SUCCESSDevice driver setup is successfully done.
GX_FAILUREDevice driver setup failed.