RZ/A Flexible Software Package Documentation  Release v3.4.0

UART Interface

Detailed Description

Interface for UART communications.


The UART interface provides common APIs for UART HAL drivers. The UART interface supports the following features:

Data Structures

struct  uart_info_t
struct  uart_callback_args_t
struct  uart_cfg_t
struct  uart_api_t
struct  uart_instance_t


typedef void uart_ctrl_t


enum  uart_event_t
enum  uart_data_bits_t
enum  uart_parity_t
enum  uart_stop_bits_t
enum  uart_dir_t

Data Structure Documentation

◆ uart_info_t

struct uart_info_t

UART driver specific information

Data Fields
uint32_t write_bytes_max

Maximum bytes that can be written at this time. Only applies if uart_cfg_t::p_transfer_tx is not NULL.

uint32_t read_bytes_max

Maximum bytes that are available to read at one time. Only applies if uart_cfg_t::p_transfer_rx is not NULL.

◆ uart_callback_args_t

struct uart_callback_args_t

UART Callback parameter definition

Data Fields
uint32_t channel Device channel number.
uart_event_t event Event code.
uint32_t data

Contains the next character received for the events UART_EVENT_RX_CHAR, UART_EVENT_ERR_PARITY, UART_EVENT_ERR_FRAMING, or UART_EVENT_ERR_OVERFLOW. Otherwise unused.

void const * p_context Context provided to user during callback.

◆ uart_cfg_t

struct uart_cfg_t

UART Configuration

Data Fields

uint8_t channel
 Select a channel corresponding to the channel number of the hardware.
uart_data_bits_t data_bits
 Data bit length (8 or 7 or 9)
uart_parity_t parity
 Parity type (none or odd or even)
uart_stop_bits_t stop_bits
 Stop bit length (1 or 2)
uint8_t rxi_ipl
 Receive interrupt priority.
IRQn_Type rxi_irq
 Receive interrupt IRQ number.
uint8_t txi_ipl
 Transmit interrupt priority.
IRQn_Type txi_irq
 Transmit interrupt IRQ number.
uint8_t tei_ipl
 Transmit end interrupt priority.
IRQn_Type tei_irq
 Transmit end interrupt IRQ number.
uint8_t eri_ipl
 Error interrupt priority.
IRQn_Type eri_irq
 Error interrupt IRQ number.
transfer_instance_t const * p_transfer_rx
transfer_instance_t const * p_transfer_tx
void(* p_callback )(uart_callback_args_t *p_args)
 Pointer to callback function.
void const * p_context
 User defined context passed into callback function.
void const * p_extend
 UART hardware dependent configuration.

Field Documentation

◆ p_transfer_rx

transfer_instance_t const* uart_cfg_t::p_transfer_rx

Optional transfer instance used to receive multiple bytes without interrupts. Set to NULL if unused. If NULL, the number of bytes allowed in the read API is limited to one byte at a time.

◆ p_transfer_tx

transfer_instance_t const* uart_cfg_t::p_transfer_tx

Optional transfer instance used to send multiple bytes without interrupts. Set to NULL if unused. If NULL, the number of bytes allowed in the write APIs is limited to one byte at a time.

◆ uart_api_t

struct uart_api_t

Shared Interface definition for UART

Data Fields

fsp_err_t(* open )(uart_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uart_cfg_t const *const p_cfg)
fsp_err_t(* read )(uart_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint8_t *const p_dest, uint32_t const bytes)
fsp_err_t(* write )(uart_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint8_t const *const p_src, uint32_t const bytes)
fsp_err_t(* baudSet )(uart_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, void const *const p_baudrate_info)
fsp_err_t(* infoGet )(uart_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uart_info_t *const p_info)
fsp_err_t(* communicationAbort )(uart_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uart_dir_t communication_to_abort)
fsp_err_t(* callbackSet )(uart_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, void(*p_callback)(uart_callback_args_t *), void const *const p_context, uart_callback_args_t *const p_callback_memory)
fsp_err_t(* close )(uart_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl)
fsp_err_t(* readStop )(uart_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint32_t *remaining_bytes)

Field Documentation

◆ open

fsp_err_t(* uart_api_t::open) (uart_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uart_cfg_t const *const p_cfg)

Open UART device.

[in,out]p_ctrlPointer to the UART control block. Must be declared by user. Value set here.
[in]uart_cfg_tPointer to UART configuration structure. All elements of this structure must be set by user.

◆ read

fsp_err_t(* uart_api_t::read) (uart_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint8_t *const p_dest, uint32_t const bytes)

Read from UART device. The read buffer is used until the read is complete. When a transfer is complete, the callback is called with event UART_EVENT_RX_COMPLETE. Bytes received outside an active transfer are received in the callback function with event UART_EVENT_RX_CHAR. The maximum transfer size is reported by infoGet().

[in]p_ctrlPointer to the UART control block for the channel.
[in]p_destDestination address to read data from.
[in]bytesRead data length.

◆ write

fsp_err_t(* uart_api_t::write) (uart_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint8_t const *const p_src, uint32_t const bytes)

Write to UART device. The write buffer is used until write is complete. Do not overwrite write buffer contents until the write is finished. When the write is complete (all bytes are fully transmitted on the wire), the callback called with event UART_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE. The maximum transfer size is reported by infoGet().

[in]p_ctrlPointer to the UART control block.
[in]p_srcSource address to write data to.
[in]bytesWrite data length.

◆ baudSet

fsp_err_t(* uart_api_t::baudSet) (uart_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, void const *const p_baudrate_info)

Change baud rate.

Calling this API aborts any in-progress transmission and disables reception until the new baud settings have been applied.
[in]p_ctrlPointer to the UART control block.
[in]p_baudrate_infoPointer to module specific information for configuring baud rate.

◆ infoGet

fsp_err_t(* uart_api_t::infoGet) (uart_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uart_info_t *const p_info)

Get the driver specific information.

[in]p_ctrlPointer to the UART control block.
[out]p_infoPointer to UART information structure.

◆ communicationAbort

fsp_err_t(* uart_api_t::communicationAbort) (uart_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uart_dir_t communication_to_abort)

Abort ongoing transfer.

[in]p_ctrlPointer to the UART control block.
[in]communication_to_abortType of abort request.

◆ callbackSet

fsp_err_t(* uart_api_t::callbackSet) (uart_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, void(*p_callback)(uart_callback_args_t *), void const *const p_context, uart_callback_args_t *const p_callback_memory)

Specify callback function and optional context pointer and working memory pointer.

[in]p_ctrlPointer to the UART control block.
[in]p_callbackCallback function
[in]p_contextPointer to send to callback function
[in]p_working_memoryPointer to volatile memory where callback structure can be allocated. Callback arguments allocated here are only valid during the callback.

◆ close

fsp_err_t(* uart_api_t::close) (uart_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl)

Close UART device.

[in]p_ctrlPointer to the UART control block.

◆ readStop

fsp_err_t(* uart_api_t::readStop) (uart_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint32_t *remaining_bytes)

Stop ongoing read and return the number of bytes remaining in the read.

[in]p_ctrlPointer to the UART control block.
[in,out]remaining_bytesPointer to location to store remaining bytes for read.

◆ uart_instance_t

struct uart_instance_t

This structure encompasses everything that is needed to use an instance of this interface.

Data Fields
uart_ctrl_t * p_ctrl Pointer to the control structure for this instance.
uart_cfg_t const * p_cfg Pointer to the configuration structure for this instance.
uart_api_t const * p_api Pointer to the API structure for this instance.

Typedef Documentation

◆ uart_ctrl_t

typedef void uart_ctrl_t

UART control block. Allocate an instance specific control block to pass into the UART API calls.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ uart_event_t

UART Event codes


Receive complete event.


Transmit complete event.


Character received.


Parity error event.


Mode fault error event.


FIFO Overflow error event.


Break detect error event.


Last byte is transmitting, ready for more data.

◆ uart_data_bits_t

UART Data bit length definition


Data bits 9-bit.


Data bits 8-bit.


Data bits 7-bit.

◆ uart_parity_t

UART Parity definition


No parity.


Zero parity.


Even parity.


Odd parity.

◆ uart_stop_bits_t

UART Stop bits definition


Stop bit 1-bit.


Stop bits 2-bit.

◆ uart_dir_t

enum uart_dir_t

UART transaction definition


Both RX and TX.


Only RX.


Only TX.