RZG Flexible Software Package Documentation  Release v3.0.0

I3C Interface

Detailed Description

Interface for I3C.


The I3C interface provides APIs and definitions for I3C communication.

Data Structures

struct  i3c_device_status_t
struct  i3c_slave_info_t
struct  i3c_device_table_cfg_t
struct  i3c_device_cfg_t
struct  i3c_command_descriptor_t
struct  i3c_callback_args_t
struct  i3c_cfg_t
struct  i3c_api_t
struct  i3c_instance_t


typedef void i3c_ctrl_t


enum  i3c_common_command_code_t
enum  i3c_event_t
enum  i3c_device_type_t
enum  i3c_device_protocol_t
enum  i3c_address_assignment_mode_t
enum  i3c_ibi_type_t

Data Structure Documentation

◆ i3c_device_status_t

struct i3c_device_status_t

The current status of the slave device (See GETSTATUS in the MIPI I3C Specification v1.0).

Data Fields
uint8_t pending_interrupt Contains the interrupt number of any pending interrupt, or 0 if no interrupts are pending.
uint8_t vendor_status Reserved for vendor-specific meaning.

◆ i3c_slave_info_t

struct i3c_slave_info_t

Device characteristics that define the I3C capabilities of a slave.

Data Fields
uint8_t pid[6] Provisional ID.
union i3c_slave_info_t __unnamed__
uint8_t dcr Device Characteristics Register.

◆ i3c_device_table_cfg_t

struct i3c_device_table_cfg_t

Structure for configuring an entry in the device table when the driver is in master mode (See i3c_api_t::masterDeviceTableSet).

Data Fields
uint8_t static_address I3C Static address / I2C address for this device.
uint8_t dynamic_address

Dynamic address for the device. This address will be assigned during Dynamic Address Assignment.

i3c_device_protocol_t device_protocol The protocol used to communicate with this device (I3C / I2C Legacy).
bool ibi_accept Accept or reject IBI requests from this device.
bool master_request_accept Accept mastership requests from this device.
bool ibi_payload

IBI requests from this device have a data payload.

Note: When the device is configured using ENTDAA, the ibi_payload will automatically be updated based on the value of BCR.

◆ i3c_device_cfg_t

struct i3c_device_cfg_t

Structure for configuring a slave address when the driver is in slave mode (See i3c_api_t::deviceCfgSet).

Data Fields
uint8_t static_address I3C Static address / I2C address for this device.
uint8_t dynamic_address

Dynamic address for this device. Note that the dynamic address will automatically be updated when ENTDAA is completed.

i3c_slave_info_t slave_info PID, BCR, and DCR registers for the device (Slave mode only).

◆ i3c_command_descriptor_t

struct i3c_command_descriptor_t

Descriptor for completing CCC/HDR transfers.

Data Fields
uint8_t command_code Common Command Code / HDR Command Code for the transfer.
uint8_t * p_buffer Buffer for reading or writing data.
uint32_t length Length of the data portion of the command.
bool restart If true, issue a repeated-start after the transfer is completed.
bool rnw Set to true if the command type is Direct Get.

◆ i3c_callback_args_t

struct i3c_callback_args_t

Arguments that are passed to the user callback when an event occurs.

Data Fields
i3c_event_t event The type of event that has occurred.
uint32_t event_status Status flags associated with the event.
uint32_t transfer_size Number of bytes transferred.
i3c_slave_info_t const * p_slave_info A pointer to the Characteristics Registers read during ENTDAA.
uint8_t dynamic_address The dynamic address that was assigned to the slave during ENTDAA.
i3c_ibi_type_t ibi_type The type of IBI that has been received.
uint8_t ibi_address The address of the device that sent the IBI.
uint8_t command_code The command code of the received command.
void const * p_context User defined context.

◆ i3c_cfg_t

struct i3c_cfg_t

User configuration structure, used in open function

Data Fields

uint32_t channel
i3c_device_type_t device_type
transfer_instance_t const * p_transfer_tx
 Transfer instance for I3C transmit. Set to NULL if unused. More...
transfer_instance_t const * p_transfer_rx
 Transfer instance for I3C receive. Set to NULL if unused.
void(* p_callback )(i3c_callback_args_t const *const p_args)
void const * p_context
 Pointer to the user-provided context.
void const * p_extend

Field Documentation

◆ channel

uint32_t i3c_cfg_t::channel

Select a channel corresponding to the channel number of the hardware.

◆ device_type

i3c_device_type_t i3c_cfg_t::device_type

The type of device.

◆ p_transfer_tx

transfer_instance_t const* i3c_cfg_t::p_transfer_tx

Transfer instance for I3C transmit. Set to NULL if unused.

Transfer API support.

◆ p_callback

void(* i3c_cfg_t::p_callback) (i3c_callback_args_t const *const p_args)

Pointer to the user callback.

◆ p_extend

void const* i3c_cfg_t::p_extend

Pointer to extended configuration.

◆ i3c_api_t

struct i3c_api_t

I3C functions implemented at the HAL layer will follow this API.

Data Fields

fsp_err_t(* open )(i3c_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, i3c_cfg_t const *const p_cfg)
fsp_err_t(* enable )(i3c_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl)
fsp_err_t(* deviceCfgSet )(i3c_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, i3c_device_cfg_t const *const p_device_cfg)
fsp_err_t(* masterDeviceTableSet )(i3c_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint32_t device_index, i3c_device_table_cfg_t const *const p_device_table_cfg)
fsp_err_t(* deviceSelect )(i3c_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint32_t device_index, uint32_t bitrate_mode)
fsp_err_t(* dynamicAddressAssignmentStart )(i3c_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, i3c_address_assignment_mode_t address_assignment_mode, uint32_t starting_device_index, uint32_t device_count)
fsp_err_t(* slaveStatusSet )(i3c_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, i3c_device_status_t device_status)
fsp_err_t(* commandSend )(i3c_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, i3c_command_descriptor_t const *const p_command_descriptor)
fsp_err_t(* write )(i3c_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint8_t const *const p_data, uint32_t length, bool restart)
fsp_err_t(* read )(i3c_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint8_t *const p_data, uint32_t length, bool restart)
fsp_err_t(* ibiWrite )(i3c_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, i3c_ibi_type_t ibi_type, uint8_t const *const p_data, uint32_t length)
fsp_err_t(* ibiRead )(i3c_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint8_t *const p_data, uint32_t length)
fsp_err_t(* close )(i3c_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl)

Field Documentation

◆ open

fsp_err_t(* i3c_api_t::open) (i3c_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, i3c_cfg_t const *const p_cfg)

Initial configuration.

[in]p_ctrlPointer to control block. Must be declared by user. Elements set here.
[in]p_cfgPointer to configuration structure. All elements of this structure must be set by user.

◆ enable

fsp_err_t(* i3c_api_t::enable) (i3c_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl)

Enable the I3C device.

[in]p_ctrlControl block set in i3c_api_t::open call for this instance.

◆ deviceCfgSet

fsp_err_t(* i3c_api_t::deviceCfgSet) (i3c_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, i3c_device_cfg_t const *const p_device_cfg)

Set the configuration of this device.

[in]p_ctrlControl block set in i3c_api_t::open call for this instance.
[in]p_device_cfgPointer to device configuration.

◆ masterDeviceTableSet

fsp_err_t(* i3c_api_t::masterDeviceTableSet) (i3c_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint32_t device_index, i3c_device_table_cfg_t const *const p_device_table_cfg)

Set the configuration for the device at the given index in the device table. The configuration will be used by transfers when it is selected by deviceSelect.

Note: This function is not used in slave mode.

[in]p_ctrlControl block set in i3c_api_t::open call for this instance.
[in]device_indexIndex into the device table.
[in]p_device_table_cfgPointer to the table settings for the entry in the master device table.

◆ deviceSelect

fsp_err_t(* i3c_api_t::deviceSelect) (i3c_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint32_t device_index, uint32_t bitrate_mode)

In master mode, select the device for the next transfer.

Note: This function is not used in slave mode.

[in]p_ctrlControl block set in i3c_api_t::open call for this instance.
[in]device_indexIndex into the device table.
[in]bitrate_settingThe bitrate settings for the selected device.

◆ dynamicAddressAssignmentStart

fsp_err_t(* i3c_api_t::dynamicAddressAssignmentStart) (i3c_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, i3c_address_assignment_mode_t address_assignment_mode, uint32_t starting_device_index, uint32_t device_count)

Start Dynamic Address Assignment by sending either the ENTDAA or SETDASA command See i3c_address_assignment_mode_t for more information.

Note: This function is not used in slave mode.

[in]p_ctrlControl block set in i3c_api_t::open call for this instance.
[in]address_assignment_modeThe command to use for Dynamic Address Assignment.
[in]starting_device_indexThe device index that will be used to assign the first device during Dynamic Address Assignment.
[in]device_countThe number of devices to assign (Only used with I3C_ADDRESS_ASSIGNMENT_MODE_ENTDAA).

◆ slaveStatusSet

fsp_err_t(* i3c_api_t::slaveStatusSet) (i3c_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, i3c_device_status_t device_status)

Set the status returned to the master in response to a GETSTATUS command.

Note: This function is not used in master mode.

[in]p_ctrlControl block set in i3c_api_t::open call for this instance.
[in]device_statusNew status settings for responding to the GETSTATUS command code.

◆ commandSend

fsp_err_t(* i3c_api_t::commandSend) (i3c_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, i3c_command_descriptor_t const *const p_command_descriptor)

Send a read/write/broadcast CCC or HDR command.

Note: This function is not used in slave mode.

[in]p_ctrlControl block set in i3c_api_t::open call for this instance.
[in]p_command_descriptorA descriptor for executing the command.

◆ write

fsp_err_t(* i3c_api_t::write) (i3c_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint8_t const *const p_data, uint32_t length, bool restart)

In master mode: Start a write transfer. When the transfer is completed send a stop condition or a repeated-start. In slave mode: Set the write buffer and configure the number of bytes that will be transferred before the the transfer is ended by the slave via the 'T' bit or by the master issueing a stop condition.

[in]p_ctrlControl block set in i3c_api_t::open call for this instance.
[in]p_dataPointer to a buffer to write.
[in]lengthNumber of bytes to transfer.
[in]restartIf true, issue a repeated-start after the transfer is completed (Master only).

◆ read

fsp_err_t(* i3c_api_t::read) (i3c_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint8_t *const p_data, uint32_t length, bool restart)

In master mode: Start a read transfer. When the transfer is completed, send a stop condition or a repeated-start. In slave mode: Set the read buffer for storing data read during the transfer. When the buffer is full, the application will receive a callback requesting a new read buffer. If no buffer is provided by the application, the driver will discard any remaining bytes read during the transfer.

[in]p_ctrlControl block set in i3c_api_t::open call for this instance.
[in]p_dataPointer to a buffer to store the bytes read during the transfer.
[in]lengthNumber of bytes to transfer.
[in]restartIf true, issue a repeated-start after the transfer is completed (Master only).

◆ ibiWrite

fsp_err_t(* i3c_api_t::ibiWrite) (i3c_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, i3c_ibi_type_t ibi_type, uint8_t const *const p_data, uint32_t length)

Initiate an IBI write operation.

Note: This function is not used in master mode.

[in]p_ctrlControl block set in i3c_api_t::open call for this instance.
[in]ibi_typeThe type of In-Band Interrupt.
[in]p_dataPointer to a buffer to start the bytes read during the transfer.
[in]lengthNumber of bytes to transfer.

◆ ibiRead

fsp_err_t(* i3c_api_t::ibiRead) (i3c_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, uint8_t *const p_data, uint32_t length)

Set the read buffer for storing received IBI data (This function is not used in slave mode).

[in]p_ctrlControl block set in i3c_api_t::open call for this instance.
[in]p_dataPointer to a buffer to store the bytes read during the transfer.
[in]lengthNumber of bytes to transfer.

◆ close

fsp_err_t(* i3c_api_t::close) (i3c_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl)

Allows driver to be reconfigured and may reduce power consumption.

[in]p_ctrlControl block set in i3c_api_t::open call for this instance.

◆ i3c_instance_t

struct i3c_instance_t

This structure encompasses everything that is needed to use an instance of this interface.

Data Fields
i3c_ctrl_t * p_ctrl Pointer to the control structure for this instance.
i3c_cfg_t const * p_cfg Pointer to the configuration structure for this instance.
i3c_api_t const * p_api Pointer to the API structure for this instance.

Typedef Documentation

◆ i3c_ctrl_t

typedef void i3c_ctrl_t

I3C control block. Allocate an instance specific control block to pass into the I3C API calls.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ i3c_common_command_code_t

Common Command Codes defined by MIPI I3C Specification v1.1.


Enable Slave initiated events.


Disable Slave initiated events.


Enter Activity State 0.


Enter Activity State 1.


Enter Activity State 2.


Enter Activity State 3.


Reset Dynamic Address Assignment.


Enter Dynamic Address Assignment.


Define List of Slaves.


Set Max Write Length.


Set Max Read Length.


Enter Test Mode.


Set BUS Context.


Data Transfer Ending Procedure Control.


Enter HDR Mode 0.


Enter HDR Mode 1.


Enter HDR Mode 2.


Enter HDR Mode 3.


Enter HDR Mode 4 (Reserved for future definition).


Enter HDR Mode 5 (Reserved for future definition).


Enter HDR Mode 6 (Reserved for future definition).


Enter HDR Mode 7 (Reserved for future definition).


Set Exchange Timing Info.


Set All Addresses to Static Address.


Slave Reset Action.


Define List of Group Address.


Reset Group Address.


Multi-Lane Data Transfer Control.


Enable Slave initiated events.


Disable Slave initiated events.


Enter Activity State 0.


Enter Activity State 1.


Enter Activity State 2.


Enter Activity State 3.


Reset Dynamic Address Assignment (DEPRECATED v1.0).


Set Dynamic Address from Static Address.


Set New Dynamic Address.


Set Max Write Length.


Set Max Read Length.


Get Max Write Length.


Get Max Read Length.


Get Provisional ID.


Get Bus Characteristic Register.


Get Device Characteristic Register.


Get Device Status.


Get Accept Mastership.


Data Transfer Ending Procedure Control.


Set Bridge Targets.


Get Max Data Speed.


Get HDR Capability.


Set Route.


Device to Device(s) Tunneling Control.


Set Exchange Timing Information.


Get Exchange Timing Information.


Reset Slave Action.


Set Group Address.


Reset Group Address.


Multi-Lane Data Transfer Control.

◆ i3c_event_t

I3C Events that result in a callback.


Events that only occur in Master mode. A Slave device has finished writing its PID, BCR, and DCR. This information is provided in i3c_callback_args_t::p_slave_info.


An IBI has successfully been read.


There is no more space in the IBI read buffer. The application may provide another buffer by calling i3c_api_t::ibiRead.


Events that only occur in Slave mode. There is no more space in the read buffer. The application may provide another buffer by calling i3c_api_t::read.


A IBI was written successfully.


The HDR exit pattern was detected on the bus.


Dynamic Address Assignment has completed.

Events that are common to Master and Slave mode.


A command was completed.


A write transfer has completed.


A read transfer has completed.


SCL is stuck at the logic high or logic low level during a transfer.


An internal error occurred.


An SDA (Short Data Argument) write transfer has completed.

◆ i3c_device_type_t

The type of device.


The main master starts in master mode and is responsible for configuring the bus.


A slave device listens to the bus for relevant I3C Commands (CCCs) sent by the current master, and responds accordingly. Slave devices may also initiate In-band interrupts and Hot-Join requests.

◆ i3c_device_protocol_t

Identifies the protocol for transferring data with the device on the bus.


Transfers will use legacy I2C protocol with open-drain output at a reduced baudrate.


Transfers will use I3C SDR mode.

◆ i3c_address_assignment_mode_t

Address Assignment Mode.


Send the ENTDAA command to enter Dynamic Address Assignment mode and assign dynamic addresses in order, starting with the starting device index. The procedure is completed after the specified number of devices have been configured. The callback will be called after the PID, DCR, and BCR registers have been read for each device.

◆ i3c_ibi_type_t

The type of In-Band Interrupt.


Application specific In-Band Interrupt for notifying the master when an event occurs.


Request the master to perform the Dynamic Address Assignment process.


Request the master to give up control of the bus.