RZG Flexible Software Package Documentation  Release v3.0.0

PDM Interface

Detailed Description

Interface for PDM audio communication.


The pulse-density modulation(PDM) interface provides APIs and definitions for PDM audio communication.

Data Structures

struct  pdm_callback_args_t
struct  pdm_status_t
struct  pdm_cfg_t
struct  pdm_api_t
struct  pdm_instance_t


typedef void pdm_ctrl_t


enum  pdm_pcm_width_t
enum  pdm_input_data_edge_t
enum  pdm_event_t
enum  pdm_error_t
enum  pdm_state_t

Data Structure Documentation

◆ pdm_callback_args_t

struct pdm_callback_args_t

Callback function parameter data

Data Fields
void const * p_context

Placeholder for user data. Set in pdm_api_t::open function in pdm_cfg_t.

pdm_event_t event The event can be used to identify what caused the callback (overflow or error).
pdm_error_t error The kind of error.

◆ pdm_status_t

struct pdm_status_t

PDM status.

Data Fields
pdm_state_t state Current PDM state.

◆ pdm_cfg_t

struct pdm_cfg_t

User configuration structure, used in open function

Data Fields

uint32_t unit
pdm_pcm_width_t pcm_width
 Audio PCM data width.
pdm_input_data_edge_t pcm_edge
 Input data select.
transfer_instance_t const * p_transfer_rx
void(* p_callback )(pdm_callback_args_t *p_args)
void const * p_context
void const * p_extend
 Extension parameter for hardware specific settings.
uint8_t dat_ipl
 Data reception interrupt priority.
uint8_t sdet_ipl
 Sound detection interrupt priority.
uint8_t err_ipl
 Idle/Error interrupt priority.
IRQn_Type dat_irq
 IRQ number of data reception interrupt.
IRQn_Type sdet_irq
 IRQ number of sound detection interrupt.
IRQn_Type err_irq
 IRQ number of error detection interrupt.

Field Documentation

◆ unit

uint32_t pdm_cfg_t::unit

Select a unit/channel corresponding to the unit/channel number of the hardware.

◆ p_transfer_rx

transfer_instance_t const* pdm_cfg_t::p_transfer_rx

To use DMA for receiving link a Transfer instance here. Set to NULL if unused.

◆ p_callback

void(* pdm_cfg_t::p_callback) (pdm_callback_args_t *p_args)

Callback provided when an PDM ISR occurs. Set to NULL for no CPU interrupt.

◆ p_context

void const* pdm_cfg_t::p_context

Placeholder for user data. Passed to the user callback in pdm_callback_args_t.

◆ pdm_api_t

struct pdm_api_t

PDM functions implemented at the HAL layer will follow this API.

Data Fields

fsp_err_t(* open )(pdm_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, pdm_cfg_t const *const p_cfg)
fsp_err_t(* start )(pdm_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, void *const p_buffer, size_t const buffer_size, uint32_t const number_of_data_to_callback)
fsp_err_t(* stop )(pdm_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl)
fsp_err_t(* read )(pdm_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, void *const p_dest, uint32_t const bytes)
fsp_err_t(* statusGet )(pdm_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, pdm_status_t *const p_status)
fsp_err_t(* close )(pdm_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl)
fsp_err_t(* callbackSet )(pdm_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, void(*p_callback)(pdm_callback_args_t *), void const *const p_context, pdm_callback_args_t *const p_callback_memory)

Field Documentation

◆ open

fsp_err_t(* pdm_api_t::open) (pdm_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, pdm_cfg_t const *const p_cfg)

Initial configuration.

Peripheral clocks and any required output pins should be configured prior to calling this function.
To reconfigure after calling this function, call pdm_api_t::close first.
[in]p_ctrlPointer to control block. Must be declared by user. Elements set here.
[in]p_cfgPointer to configuration structure. All elements of this structure must be set by user.

◆ start

fsp_err_t(* pdm_api_t::start) (pdm_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, void *const p_buffer, size_t const buffer_size, uint32_t const number_of_data_to_callback)

Start communication.

[in]p_ctrlControl block set in pdm_api_t::open call for this instance.
[in]p_bufferPointer to the reception buffer
[in]buffer_sizeSize of the buffer
[in]number_of_data_to_callbackNumber of the data to call the callback function from dat_isr

◆ stop

fsp_err_t(* pdm_api_t::stop) (pdm_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl)

Stop communication. Communication is stopped when callback is called with PDM_EVENT_IDLE.

[in]p_ctrlControl block set in pdm_api_t::open call for this instance.

◆ read

fsp_err_t(* pdm_api_t::read) (pdm_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, void *const p_dest, uint32_t const bytes)

Read remaining PDM data. This function can be called during PDM_STATE_STOPPED.

[in]p_ctrlControl block set in pdm_api_t::open call for this instance.
[in]p_destBuffer to store PCM samples. Must be 4 byte aligned.
[in]bytesNumber of bytes in the buffer. Recommended requesting a multiple of 8 bytes. If not a multiple of 8, receive will stop at the multiple of 8 below requested bytes.

◆ statusGet

fsp_err_t(* pdm_api_t::statusGet) (pdm_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, pdm_status_t *const p_status)

Get current status and store it in provided pointer p_status.

[in]p_ctrlControl block set in pdm_api_t::open call for this instance.
[out]p_statusCurrent status of the driver.

◆ close

fsp_err_t(* pdm_api_t::close) (pdm_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl)

Allows driver to be reconfigured and may reduce power consumption.

[in]p_ctrlControl block set in pdm_api_t::open call for this instance.

◆ callbackSet

fsp_err_t(* pdm_api_t::callbackSet) (pdm_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, void(*p_callback)(pdm_callback_args_t *), void const *const p_context, pdm_callback_args_t *const p_callback_memory)

Specify callback function and optional context pointer and working memory pointer.

[in]p_ctrlPointer to the PDM control block.
[in]p_callbackCallback function
[in]p_contextPointer to send to callback function
[in]p_callback_memoryPointer to volatile memory where callback structure can be allocated. Callback arguments allocated here are only valid during the callback.

◆ pdm_instance_t

struct pdm_instance_t

This structure encompasses everything that is needed to use an instance of this interface.

Data Fields
pdm_ctrl_t * p_ctrl Pointer to the control structure for this instance.
pdm_cfg_t const * p_cfg Pointer to the configuration structure for this instance.
pdm_api_t const * p_api Pointer to the API structure for this instance.

Typedef Documentation

◆ pdm_ctrl_t

typedef void pdm_ctrl_t

PDM control block. Allocate an instance specific control block to pass into the PDM API calls.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ pdm_pcm_width_t

Audio PCM width


Using 20-bit PCM Clips [18:0] bit of the buffer and 1-bit of sign.


Using 20-bit PCM Clips [18:1] bit of the buffer and 2-bits of sign.


Using 20-bit PCM Clips [18:2] bit of the buffer and 3-bits of sign.


Using 20-bit PCM Clips [18:3] bit of the buffer and 4-bits of sign.


Using 16-bit PCM Clips [18:4] bit of the buffer and 1-bit of sign.


Using 16-bit PCM Clips [17:3] bit of the buffer and 1-bit of sign.


Using 16-bit PCM Clips [16:2] bit of the buffer and 1-bit of sign.


Using 16-bit PCM Clips [15:1] bit of the buffer and 1-bit of sign.


Using 16-bit PCM Clips [14:0] bit of the buffer and 1-bit of sign.

◆ pdm_input_data_edge_t

Input data select.


Rise-edge data of channel n.


Fall-edge data of channel n-1 (In case of n = 0, fall-edge data of channel 2 is selected.)

◆ pdm_event_t

Events that can trigger a callback function




Data reception.


Sound detection.



◆ pdm_error_t

Error information included in a callback function


Short circuit detection.


Overvoltage lower limit exceeded detection.


Overvoltage upper limit exceeded detection.


Buffer overwriting detection.

◆ pdm_state_t

Possible status values returned by pdm_api_t::statusGet.


PDM is in use.


PDM is stopped.