RZT Flexible Software Package Documentation  Release v2.3.0

Clock Generation Circuit (r_cgc)


fsp_err_t R_CGC_Open (cgc_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, cgc_cfg_t const *const p_cfg)
fsp_err_t R_CGC_ClocksCfg (cgc_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, cgc_clocks_cfg_t const *const p_clock_cfg)
fsp_err_t R_CGC_ClockStart (cgc_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, cgc_clock_t clock_source, cgc_pll_cfg_t const *const p_pll_cfg)
fsp_err_t R_CGC_ClockStop (cgc_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, cgc_clock_t clock_source)
fsp_err_t R_CGC_ClockCheck (cgc_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, cgc_clock_t clock_source)
fsp_err_t R_CGC_SystemClockSet (cgc_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, cgc_clock_t clock_source, cgc_divider_cfg_t const *const p_divider_cfg)
fsp_err_t R_CGC_SystemClockGet (cgc_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, cgc_clock_t *const p_clock_source, cgc_divider_cfg_t *const p_divider_cfg)
fsp_err_t R_CGC_OscStopDetectEnable (cgc_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl)
fsp_err_t R_CGC_OscStopDetectDisable (cgc_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl)
fsp_err_t R_CGC_OscStopStatusClear (cgc_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl)
fsp_err_t R_CGC_CallbackSet (cgc_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl, void(*p_callback)(cgc_callback_args_t *), void const *const p_context, cgc_callback_args_t *const p_callback_memory)
fsp_err_t R_CGC_Close (cgc_ctrl_t *const p_ctrl)

Detailed Description

Driver for the CGC peripheral on RZ microprocessor. This module implements the CGC Interface.

This module is not required for the initial clock configuration. Initial clock settings are configurable on the Clocks tab of the FSP Configuration editor. The initial clock settings are applied by the BSP during the startup process before main.



The CGC module supports runtime modifications of clock settings. Key features include the following:

Internal Clocks for RZ/T2M and RZ/T2L

The RZ microprocessor have multiple internal clocks. Each clock domain has its own divider that can be updated in R_CGC_SystemClockSet().

The internal clocks include:

If CPU0CLK is used at 800MHz or 600MHz, MDW setting must be 1 (ATCM 1-wait state).
Maximum XSPI_CLKn clock frequency is 75 MHz at 3.3 V.

Internal Clocks for RZ/T2H

The RZ microprocessor have multiple internal clocks. Each clock domain has its own divider that can be updated in R_CGC_SystemClockSet().

The internal clocks include:

If CR52CnCLK is used at 1000MHz, MDW setting must be 1 (ATCM 1-wait state).


The initial clock settings are configurable on the Clocks tab of the FSP Configuration editor.
The default stabilization times are determined based on development boards provided by Renesas, but are generally valid for most designs. Depending on the target board hardware configuration and requirements these values may need to be adjusted for reliability or startup speed.

Build Time Configurations for r_cgc

The following build time configurations are defined in fsp_cfg/r_cgc_cfg.h:

Parameter Checking
  • Default (BSP)
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
Default (BSP) If selected code for parameter checking is included in the build.

Configurations for System > Clock Generation Circuit (r_cgc)

This module can be added to the Stacks tab via New Stack > System > Clock Generation Circuit (r_cgc).

NameName must be a valid C symbolg_cgc0 Module name.

Clock Configuration

This module is used to configure the system clocks. There are no module specific clock configurations required to use it.

Usage Notes

Starting or Stopping the low-speed on-chip oscillator (LOCO).

Starting or Stopping the low-speed on-chip oscillator (LOCO) when using CLMA are subject to constraints described in the footnote of the section "LOCOCR: Low-Speed On-Chip Oscillator Control Register" in the hardware manual.


Basic Example for RZ/T2M and RZ/T2L

This is a basic example of minimal use of the CGC in an application for RZ/T2M and RZ/T2L.

void cgc_basic_example (void)
fsp_err_t err = FSP_SUCCESS;
/* Initializes the CGC module. */
err = R_CGC_Open(&g_cgc0_ctrl, &g_cgc0_cfg);
/* Handle any errors. This function should be defined by the user. */
/* Set divisors for CPU0 (and CPU1) clock to run at maximum frequency at 800 MHz.
* Clock settings other than CPU are not intended to be changed, so set the default values. */
cgc_divider_cfg_t dividers =
.sckcr_b.fselxspi0 = CGC_FSEL_XSPI_CLOCK_DIV_64,
.sckcr_b.divselxspi0 = CGC_DIVSEL_XSPI_CLOCK_DIV_3,
.sckcr_b.fselxspi1 = CGC_FSEL_XSPI_CLOCK_DIV_64,
.sckcr_b.divselxspi1 = CGC_DIVSEL_XSPI_CLOCK_DIV_3,
.sckcr_b.ckio_div = CGC_CLOCK_OUT_CLOCK_DIV_4,
.sckcr_b.fselcanfd_div = CGC_CANFD_CLOCK_DIV_20,
.sckcr_b.phy_sel = CGC_PHY_CLOCK_MAIN_OSC,
.sckcr_b.spi0_async_sel = CGC_SPI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr_b.spi1_async_sel = CGC_SPI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr_b.spi2_async_sel = CGC_SPI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr_b.sci0_async_sel = CGC_SCI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr_b.sci1_async_sel = CGC_SCI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr_b.sci2_async_sel = CGC_SCI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr_b.sci3_async_sel = CGC_SCI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr_b.sci4_async_sel = CGC_SCI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr2_b.fsel0cr52 = CGC_CPU_CLOCK_DIV_1,
.sckcr2_b.fsel1cr52 = CGC_CPU_CLOCK_DIV_1,
.sckcr2_b.div_sub_sel = CGC_BASECLOCK_DIV_3,
.sckcr2_b.spi3_async_sel = CGC_SPI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr2_b.sci5_async_sel = CGC_SCI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
/* Apply divisors to CPU0 clock. */
err = R_CGC_SystemClockSet(&g_cgc0_ctrl, CGC_CLOCK_PLL0, &dividers);

Basic Example for RZ/T2H

This is a basic example of minimal use of the CGC in an application for RZ/T2H.

void cgc_basic_example_t2h (void)
fsp_err_t err = FSP_SUCCESS;
/* Initializes the CGC module. */
err = R_CGC_Open(&g_cgc0_ctrl, &g_cgc0_cfg);
/* Handle any errors. This function should be defined by the user. */
/* Set divisors for CR52 CPU0 (and CR52 CPU1) clock to run at maximum frequency at 1000 MHz.
* Clock settings other than CPU are not intended to be changed, so set the default values. */
cgc_divider_cfg_t dividers =
.sckcr_b.fselxspi0 = CGC_FSEL_XSPI_CLOCK_DIV_64,
.sckcr_b.divselxspi0 = CGC_DIVSEL_XSPI_CLOCK_DIV_3,
.sckcr_b.fselxspi1 = CGC_FSEL_XSPI_CLOCK_DIV_64,
.sckcr_b.divselxspi1 = CGC_DIVSEL_XSPI_CLOCK_DIV_3,
.sckcr_b.ckio_div = CGC_CLOCK_OUT_CLOCK_DIV_4,
.sckcr_b.fselcanfd_div = CGC_CANFD_CLOCK_DIV_20,
.sckcr_b.phy_sel = CGC_PHY_CLOCK_MAIN_OSC,
.sckcr2_b.cr52cpu0 = CGC_CPU_CLOCK_DIV_1,
.sckcr2_b.cr52cpu1 = CGC_CPU_CLOCK_DIV_1,
.sckcr2_b.ca55core0 = CGC_CPU_CLOCK_DIV_1,
.sckcr2_b.ca55core1 = CGC_CPU_CLOCK_DIV_1,
.sckcr2_b.ca55core2 = CGC_CPU_CLOCK_DIV_1,
.sckcr2_b.ca55core3 = CGC_CPU_CLOCK_DIV_1,
.sckcr2_b.ca55sclk = CGC_CPU_CLOCK_DIV_1,
.sckcr2_b.spi3_async_sel = CGC_SPI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr2_b.sci5_async_sel = CGC_SCI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr3_b.spi0_async_sel = CGC_SPI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr3_b.spi1_async_sel = CGC_SPI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr3_b.spi2_async_sel = CGC_SPI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr3_b.sci0_async_sel = CGC_SCI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr3_b.sci1_async_sel = CGC_SCI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr3_b.sci2_async_sel = CGC_SCI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr3_b.sci3_async_sel = CGC_SCI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr3_b.sci4_async_sel = CGC_SCI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr3_b.lcdc_div_sel = CGC_LCDC_DIV_2,
.sckcr4_b.scie0_async_sel = CGC_SCIE_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr4_b.scie1_async_sel = CGC_SCIE_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr4_b.scie2_async_sel = CGC_SCIE_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr4_b.scie3_async_sel = CGC_SCIE_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr4_b.scie4_async_sel = CGC_SCIE_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr4_b.scie5_async_sel = CGC_SCIE_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr4_b.scie6_async_sel = CGC_SCIE_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr4_b.scie7_async_sel = CGC_SCIE_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr4_b.scie8_async_sel = CGC_SCIE_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr4_b.scie9_async_sel = CGC_SCIE_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr4_b.scie10_async_sel = CGC_SCIE_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr4_b.scie11_async_sel = CGC_SCIE_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ,
.sckcr4_b.encoutclk = CGC_ENCOUT_CLOCK_20MHZ,
/* Apply divisors to CR52 CPU0 clock. */
err = R_CGC_SystemClockSet(&g_cgc0_ctrl, CGC_CLOCK_PLL0, &dividers);

Configuring Multiple Clocks for RZ/T2M and RZ/T2L

This example demonstrates configuring multiple clocks in a single function call using R_CGC_ClocksCfg() for RZ/T2M and RZ/T2L.

void cgc_clocks_cfg_example (void)
fsp_err_t err = FSP_SUCCESS;
/* Initializes the CGC module. */
err = R_CGC_Open(&g_cgc0_ctrl, &g_cgc0_cfg);
/* Handle any errors. This function should be defined by the user. */
/* Set divisors for CPU0 (and CPU1) clock to run at minimum frequency at 150 MHz. */
cgc_clocks_cfg_t clocks_cfg;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr_b.fselxspi0 = CGC_FSEL_XSPI_CLOCK_DIV_64;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr_b.divselxspi0 = CGC_DIVSEL_XSPI_CLOCK_DIV_3;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr_b.fselxspi1 = CGC_FSEL_XSPI_CLOCK_DIV_64;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr_b.divselxspi1 = CGC_DIVSEL_XSPI_CLOCK_DIV_3;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr_b.ckio_div = CGC_CLOCK_OUT_CLOCK_DIV_4;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr_b.fselcanfd_div = CGC_CANFD_CLOCK_DIV_20;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr_b.phy_sel = CGC_PHY_CLOCK_MAIN_OSC;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr_b.spi0_async_sel = CGC_SPI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr_b.spi1_async_sel = CGC_SPI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr_b.spi2_async_sel = CGC_SPI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr_b.sci0_async_sel = CGC_SCI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr_b.sci1_async_sel = CGC_SCI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr_b.sci2_async_sel = CGC_SCI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr_b.sci3_async_sel = CGC_SCI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr_b.sci4_async_sel = CGC_SCI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr2_b.fsel0cr52 = CGC_CPU_CLOCK_DIV_4;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr2_b.fsel1cr52 = CGC_CPU_CLOCK_DIV_4;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr2_b.div_sub_sel = CGC_BASECLOCK_DIV_4;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr2_b.spi3_async_sel = CGC_SPI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr2_b.sci5_async_sel = CGC_SCI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
/* Start the LOCO clock */
/* Start the PLL1 clock */
/* R_CGC_ClocksCfg() can be used to set clock divisors and
* to start/stop LOCO and PLL1 clock
err = R_CGC_ClocksCfg(&g_cgc0_ctrl, &clocks_cfg);
/* Also, R_CGC_ClockStart() and R_CGC_ClockStop() can be used
* to start/stop LOCO and PLL1 clock

Configuring Multiple Clocks for RZ/T2H

This example demonstrates configuring multiple clocks in a single function call using R_CGC_ClocksCfg() for RZ/T2H.

void cgc_clocks_cfg_example_t2h (void)
fsp_err_t err = FSP_SUCCESS;
/* Initializes the CGC module. */
err = R_CGC_Open(&g_cgc0_ctrl, &g_cgc0_cfg);
/* Handle any errors. This function should be defined by the user. */
/* Set divisors for CR52 CPU0 (and CR52 CPU1) clock to run at minimum frequency at 500 MHz. */
cgc_clocks_cfg_t clocks_cfg;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr_b.fselxspi0 = CGC_FSEL_XSPI_CLOCK_DIV_64;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr_b.divselxspi0 = CGC_DIVSEL_XSPI_CLOCK_DIV_3;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr_b.fselxspi1 = CGC_FSEL_XSPI_CLOCK_DIV_64;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr_b.divselxspi1 = CGC_DIVSEL_XSPI_CLOCK_DIV_3;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr_b.ckio_div = CGC_CLOCK_OUT_CLOCK_DIV_4;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr_b.fselcanfd_div = CGC_CANFD_CLOCK_DIV_20;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr_b.phy_sel = CGC_PHY_CLOCK_MAIN_OSC;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr2_b.cr52cpu0 = CGC_CPU_CLOCK_DIV_2;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr2_b.cr52cpu1 = CGC_CPU_CLOCK_DIV_2;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr2_b.ca55core0 = CGC_CPU_CLOCK_DIV_2;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr2_b.ca55core1 = CGC_CPU_CLOCK_DIV_2;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr2_b.ca55core2 = CGC_CPU_CLOCK_DIV_2;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr2_b.ca55core3 = CGC_CPU_CLOCK_DIV_2;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr2_b.ca55sclk = CGC_CPU_CLOCK_DIV_2;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr2_b.spi3_async_sel = CGC_SPI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr2_b.sci5_async_sel = CGC_SCI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr3_b.spi0_async_sel = CGC_SPI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr3_b.spi1_async_sel = CGC_SPI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr3_b.spi2_async_sel = CGC_SPI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr3_b.sci0_async_sel = CGC_SCI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr3_b.sci1_async_sel = CGC_SCI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr3_b.sci2_async_sel = CGC_SCI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr3_b.sci3_async_sel = CGC_SCI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr3_b.sci4_async_sel = CGC_SCI_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr3_b.lcdc_div_sel = CGC_LCDC_DIV_2;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr4_b.scie0_async_sel = CGC_SCIE_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr4_b.scie1_async_sel = CGC_SCIE_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr4_b.scie2_async_sel = CGC_SCIE_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr4_b.scie3_async_sel = CGC_SCIE_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr4_b.scie4_async_sel = CGC_SCIE_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr4_b.scie5_async_sel = CGC_SCIE_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr4_b.scie6_async_sel = CGC_SCIE_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr4_b.scie7_async_sel = CGC_SCIE_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr4_b.scie8_async_sel = CGC_SCIE_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr4_b.scie9_async_sel = CGC_SCIE_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr4_b.scie10_async_sel = CGC_SCIE_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr4_b.scie11_async_sel = CGC_SCIE_ASYNC_CLOCK_96MHZ;
clocks_cfg.divider_cfg.sckcr4_b.encoutclk = CGC_ENCOUT_CLOCK_20MHZ;
/* Start the LOCO clock */
/* Start PLL clocks */
clocks_cfg.pll0_ssc_cfg.pll_ssc_enable = CGC_PLL_SSC_ENABLE_DEFAULT;
clocks_cfg.pll0_ssc_cfg.pll_ssc_modulation_freq_ctrl = CGC_PLL_SSC_MFR_DEFAULT;
clocks_cfg.pll0_ssc_cfg.pll_ssc_modulation_rate_ctrl = CGC_PLL_SSC_MRR_DEFAULT;
clocks_cfg.pll2_ssc_cfg.pll_ssc_enable = CGC_PLL_SSC_ENABLE_DEFAULT;
clocks_cfg.pll2_ssc_cfg.pll_ssc_modulation_freq_ctrl = CGC_PLL_SSC_MFR_DEFAULT;
clocks_cfg.pll2_ssc_cfg.pll_ssc_modulation_rate_ctrl = CGC_PLL_SSC_MRR_DEFAULT;
clocks_cfg.pll3_vco_cfg.pll_divider_p = CGC_PLL_VCO_DIVIDER_P_DEFAULT;
clocks_cfg.pll3_vco_cfg.pll_divider_m = CGC_PLL_VCO_DIVIDER_M_DEFAULT;
clocks_cfg.pll3_vco_cfg.pll_divider_s = CGC_PLL_VCO_DIVIDER_S_DEFAULT;
clocks_cfg.pll3_vco_cfg.pll_divider_delta_sigma_modulator = CGC_PLL_VCO_DIVIDER_K_DEFAULT;
/* R_CGC_ClocksCfg() can be used to set clock divisors and
* to start/stop LOCO and PLL1 clock
err = R_CGC_ClocksCfg(&g_cgc0_ctrl, &clocks_cfg);
/* Also, R_CGC_ClockStart() and R_CGC_ClockStop() can be used
* to start/stop LOCO and PLL clocks

Data Structures

struct  cgc_instance_ctrl_t

Data Structure Documentation

◆ cgc_instance_ctrl_t

struct cgc_instance_ctrl_t

CGC private control block. DO NOT MODIFY. Initialization occurs when R_CGC_Open() is called.

Function Documentation

◆ R_CGC_Open()

fsp_err_t R_CGC_Open ( cgc_ctrl_t *const  p_ctrl,
cgc_cfg_t const *const  p_cfg 

Initialize the CGC API. Implements cgc_api_t::open.

Return values
FSP_SUCCESSCGC successfully initialized.
FSP_ERR_ASSERTIONInvalid input argument.
FSP_ERR_ALREADY_OPENModule is already open.

◆ R_CGC_ClocksCfg()

fsp_err_t R_CGC_ClocksCfg ( cgc_ctrl_t *const  p_ctrl,
cgc_clocks_cfg_t const *const  p_clock_cfg 

Reconfigures all main system clocks. This API can be used for any of the following purposes:

  • start or stop clocks

If the requested system clock source has a stabilization flag, this function blocks waiting for the stabilization flag of the requested system clock source to be set. If the requested system clock source was just started and it has no stabilization flag, this function blocks for the stabilization time required by the requested system clock source according to the Electrical Characteristics section of the hardware manual. If the requested system clock source has no stabilization flag and it is already running, it is assumed to be stable and this function will not block.

Do not attempt to stop the requested clock source or the source of the PLL if the PLL will be running after this operation completes.

Implements cgc_api_t::clocksCfg.

Return values
FSP_SUCCESSClock configuration applied successfully.
FSP_ERR_ASSERTIONInvalid input argument.
FSP_ERR_NOT_OPENModule is not open.
FSP_ERR_NOT_STABILIZEDClock not stabilized.
FSP_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENTClock configuration setting is invalid.

◆ R_CGC_ClockStart()

fsp_err_t R_CGC_ClockStart ( cgc_ctrl_t *const  p_ctrl,
cgc_clock_t  clock_source,
cgc_pll_cfg_t const *const  p_pll_cfg 

Start the specified clock if it is not currently active. Implements cgc_api_t::clockStart.

Return values
FSP_SUCCESSClock initialized successfully.
FSP_ERR_ASSERTIONInvalid input argument.
FSP_ERR_NOT_OPENModule is not open.

◆ R_CGC_ClockStop()

fsp_err_t R_CGC_ClockStop ( cgc_ctrl_t *const  p_ctrl,
cgc_clock_t  clock_source 

Stop the specified clock if it is active. Implements cgc_api_t::clockStop.

Return values
FSP_SUCCESSClock stopped successfully.
FSP_ERR_ASSERTIONInvalid input argument.
FSP_ERR_NOT_OPENModule is not open.
FSP_ERR_IN_USEAttempt to stop the current system clock or the PLL source clock.
FSP_ERR_NOT_STABILIZEDClock not stabilized after starting.

◆ R_CGC_ClockCheck()

fsp_err_t R_CGC_ClockCheck ( cgc_ctrl_t *const  p_ctrl,
cgc_clock_t  clock_source 

Check the specified clock for stability. Implements cgc_api_t::clockCheck.

Return values
FSP_SUCCESSClock is running and stable.
FSP_ERR_ASSERTIONInvalid input argument.
FSP_ERR_NOT_OPENModule is not open.
FSP_ERR_NOT_STABILIZEDClock not stabilized.
FSP_ERR_CLOCK_INACTIVEClock not turned on.

◆ R_CGC_SystemClockSet()

fsp_err_t R_CGC_SystemClockSet ( cgc_ctrl_t *const  p_ctrl,
cgc_clock_t  clock_source,
cgc_divider_cfg_t const *const  p_divider_cfg 

Set the specified clock as the system clock and configure the internal dividers. Implements cgc_api_t::systemClockSet.

This function also updates the SystemCoreClock CMSIS global variable.

Return values
FSP_SUCCESSOperation performed successfully.
FSP_ERR_ASSERTIONInvalid input argument.
FSP_ERR_NOT_OPENModule is not open.
FSP_ERR_CLOCK_INACTIVEThe specified clock source is inactive.
FSP_ERR_NOT_STABILIZEDThe clock source is not stabilized after being turned off or PLL clock source is not stable.

◆ R_CGC_SystemClockGet()

fsp_err_t R_CGC_SystemClockGet ( cgc_ctrl_t *const  p_ctrl,
cgc_clock_t *const  p_clock_source,
cgc_divider_cfg_t *const  p_divider_cfg 

Return the current system clock source and configuration. Implements cgc_api_t::systemClockGet.

Return values
FSP_SUCCESSParameters returned successfully.
FSP_ERR_ASSERTIONInvalid input argument.
FSP_ERR_NOT_OPENModule is not open.

◆ R_CGC_OscStopDetectEnable()

fsp_err_t R_CGC_OscStopDetectEnable ( cgc_ctrl_t *const  p_ctrl)

Enable the oscillation stop detection for the main clock. API not supported.

Implements cgc_api_t::oscStopDetectEnable.

Return values

◆ R_CGC_OscStopDetectDisable()

fsp_err_t R_CGC_OscStopDetectDisable ( cgc_ctrl_t *const  p_ctrl)

Disable the oscillation stop detection for the main clock. API not supported.

Implements cgc_api_t::oscStopDetectDisable.

Return values

◆ R_CGC_OscStopStatusClear()

fsp_err_t R_CGC_OscStopStatusClear ( cgc_ctrl_t *const  p_ctrl)

Clear the Oscillation Stop Detection Status register. API not supported.

Implements cgc_api_t::oscStopStatusClear.

Return values

◆ R_CGC_CallbackSet()

fsp_err_t R_CGC_CallbackSet ( cgc_ctrl_t *const  p_ctrl,
void(*)(cgc_callback_args_t *)  p_callback,
void const *const  p_context,
cgc_callback_args_t *const  p_callback_memory 

Updates the user callback and has option of providing memory for callback structure. Implements cgc_api_t::callbackSet

Return values

◆ R_CGC_Close()

fsp_err_t R_CGC_Close ( cgc_ctrl_t *const  p_ctrl)

Closes the CGC module. Implements cgc_api_t::close.

Return values
FSP_SUCCESSThe module is successfully closed.
FSP_ERR_ASSERTIONInvalid input argument.
FSP_ERR_NOT_OPENModule is not open.