RZT Flexible Software Package Documentation  Release v2.3.0

USB Host Communications Device Class Driver (r_usb_hcdc)

This module provides a USB Host Communications Device Class (HCDC) driver. It implements the USB HCDC Interface.


Refer to USB (r_usb_basic) for the common API (r_usb_basic) to be called from the application.

Detailed Description


The r_usb_hcdc module, when used in combination with the r_usb_basic module, operates as a USB Host Communications Device Class (HCDC) driver. The HCDC conforms to the PSTN device subclass abstract control model of the USB Communications Device Class (CDC) specification and enables communication with a CDC peripheral device.


The r_usb_hcdc module has the following key features:


Build Time Configurations for r_usb_hcdc

The following build time configurations are defined in fsp_cfg/r_usb_hcdc_cfg.h:

Target Peripheral Device Class ID
  • CDC class supported device
  • Vendor class device
CDC class supported device Specify the device class ID of the CDC device to be connected.

Configurations for Connectivity > USB HCDC driver (r_usb_hcdc)

This module can be added to the Stacks tab via New Stack > Connectivity > USB HCDC driver (r_usb_hcdc).

NameName must be a valid C symbolg_hcdc0 Module name.

Refer to the USB (r_usb_basic) module for hardware configuration options.

Clock Configuration

Refer to the USB (r_usb_basic) module.

Pin Configuration

Refer to the USB (r_usb_basic) module.

Usage Notes

Communications Device Class (CDC), PSTN and ACM

This software conforms to the Abstract Control Model (ACM) subclass of the Communications Device Class specification as defined in the "USB Communications Class Subclass Specification for PSTN Devices", Revision 1.2. The Abstract Control Model subclass is a technology that bridges the gap between USB devices and earlier modems (employing RS-232C connections) enabling use of application programs designed for older modems.

Basic Functions

The main functions of HCDC are the following:

Abstract Control Model Class Requests - Host to Device

This driver supports the following class requests:

Request Code Description
SendEncapsulatedCommand 0x00 Transmits an AT command as defined by the protocol used by the device (normally 0 for USB).
GetEncapsulatedResponse 0x01 Requests a response to a command transmitted by SendEncapsulatedCommand.
SetCommFeature 0x02 Enables or disables features such as device-specific 2-byte code and country setting.
GetCommFeature 0x03 Acquires the enabled/disabled state of features such as device-specific 2-byte code and country setting.
ClearCommFeature 0x04 Restores the default enabled/disabled settings of features such as device-specific 2-byte code and country setting.
SetLineCoding 0x20 Makes communication line settings (communication speed, data length, parity bit, and stop bit length).
GetLineCoding 0x21 Acquires the communication line setting state.
SetControlLineState 0x22 Makes communication line control signal (RTS, DTR) settings.
SendBreak 0x23 Transmits a break signal.
For more information about Abstract Control Model requests, refer to Table 11 "Requests - Abstract Control Model" in the "USB Communications Class Subclass Specification for PSTN Devices", Revision 1.2.

The expected data format for each command is shown below followed by dependent structures.

bmRequestType bRequest wValue wIndex wLength Data
0x21 SEND_ENCAPSULATED_COMMAND (0x00) 0x0000 0x0000 Data length usb_hcdc_encapsulated_t
0x21 GET_ENCAPSULATED_RESPONSE (0x01) 0x0000 0x0000 Data length usb_hcdc_encapsulated_t
0x21 SET_COMM_FEATURE (0x02) usb_hcdc_feature_selector_t 0x0000 Data length usb_hcdc_commfeature_t
0x21 GET_COMM_FEATURE (0x03) usb_hcdc_feature_selector_t 0x0000 Data length usb_hcdc_commfeature_t
0x21 CLEAR_COMM_FEATURE (0x04) usb_hcdc_feature_selector_t 0x0000 Data length None
0x21 SET_LINE_CODING (0x20) 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 usb_hcdc_linecoding_t
0xA1 GET_LINE_CODING (0x21) 0x0000 0x0000 0x0007 usb_hcdc_linecoding_t
0x21 SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE (0x22) usb_hcdc_controllinestate_t 0x0000 0x0000 None
0x21 SEND_BREAK (0x23) usb_hcdc_breakduration_t 0x0000 0x0000 None

ACM Notifications from Device to Host

The following class notifications are supported:

Notification Code Description
SERIAL_STATE 0x20 Notification of serial line state

The data types returned are as follows:

bmRequestType bRequest wValue wIndex wLength Data
0xA1 RESPONSE_AVAILABLE (0x01) 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 None
0xA1 SERIAL_STATE (0x20) 0x0000 0x0000 0x0002 usb_hcdc_serialstate_t
The host is notified with SERIAL_STATE whenever a change in the UART port state is detected.


This driver is subject to the following limitations:


USB HCDC Loopback Example

The main functions of the HCDC loopback example are as follows:

  1. Virtual UART control settings are configured by transmitting the class request SET_LINE_CODING to the CDC device.
  2. Sends receive (Bulk In transfer) requests to a CDC peripheral device and receives data.
  3. Loops received data back to the peripheral by means of Bulk Out transfers.
Data Transfer (Loopback)

The main loop performs loopback processing in which data received from a CDC peripheral device is transmitted unaltered back to the peripheral.

#define COM_SPEED (9600U)
#define COM_DATA_BIT (8U)
#define COM_STOP_BIT (0)
#define COM_PARITY_BIT (0)
void usb_basic_example (void)
usb_status_t event;
usb_event_info_t event_info;
g_usb_on_usb.open(&g_basic0_ctrl, &g_basic0_cfg);
while (1)
/* Get USB event data */
g_usb_on_usb.eventGet(&event_info, &event);
/* Handle the received event (if any) */
switch (event)
/* Configure virtual UART settings */
set_line_coding(&g_basic0_ctrl, event_info.device_address); /* CDC Class request "SetLineCoding" */
if (USB_CLASS_HCDC == event_info.type)
if (event_info.data_size > 0)
/* Send the received data back to the connected peripheral */
g_usb_on_usb.write(&g_basic0_ctrl, g_snd_buf, event_info.data_size, USB_DEVICE_ADDRESS_1);
/* Send the data reception request when the zero-length packet is received. */
g_usb_on_usb.read(&g_basic0_ctrl, g_rcv_buf, CDC_DATA_LEN, USB_DEVICE_ADDRESS_1);
else /* USB_HCDCC */
/* Control Class notification "SerialState" receive start */
(uint8_t *) &g_serial_state,
/* Start receive operation */
g_usb_on_usb.read(&g_basic0_ctrl, g_rcv_buf, CDC_DATA_LEN, USB_DEVICE_ADDRESS_1);
if (USB_CDC_SET_LINE_CODING == (event_info.setup.request_type & USB_BREQUEST))
/* Set virtual RTS/DTR signal state */
set_control_line_state(&g_basic0_ctrl, event_info.device_address); /* CDC Class request "SetControlLineState" */
/* Check Complete request "SetControlLineState" */
else if (USB_CDC_SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE == (event_info.setup.request_type & USB_BREQUEST))
/* Read back virtual UART settings */
get_line_coding(&g_basic0_ctrl, event_info.device_address); /* CDC Class request "SetLineCoding" */
else if (USB_CDC_GET_LINE_CODING == (event_info.setup.request_type & USB_BREQUEST))
/* Now that setup is complete, start loopback operation */
g_usb_on_usb.read(&g_basic0_ctrl, g_snd_buf, CDC_DATA_LEN, USB_DEVICE_ADDRESS_1);
/* Unsupported request */
/* Other event */
void set_control_line_state (usb_instance_ctrl_t * p_ctrl, uint8_t device_address)
usb_setup_t setup;
setup.request_type = SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE; /* bRequestCode:SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE, bmRequestType */
setup.request_value = 0x0000; /* wValue:Zero */
setup.request_index = 0x0000; /* wIndex:Interface */
setup.request_length = 0x0000; /* wLength:Zero */
g_usb_on_usb.hostControlTransfer(p_ctrl, &setup, (uint8_t *) &g_usb_dummy, device_address);
void set_line_coding (usb_instance_ctrl_t * p_ctrl, uint8_t device_address)
usb_setup_t setup;
g_com_parm.dwdte_rate = (usb_hcdc_line_speed_t) COM_SPEED;
g_com_parm.bchar_format = (usb_hcdc_stop_bit_t) COM_STOP_BIT;
g_com_parm.bparity_type = (usb_hcdc_parity_bit_t) COM_PARITY_BIT;
g_com_parm.bdata_bits = (usb_hcdc_data_bit_t) COM_DATA_BIT;
setup.request_type = SET_LINE_CODING; /* bRequestCode:SET_LINE_CODING, bmRequestType */
setup.request_value = 0x0000; /* wValue:Zero */
setup.request_index = 0x0000; /* wIndex:Interface */
setup.request_length = LINE_CODING_LENGTH; /* Data:Line Coding Structure */
/* Request Control transfer */
g_usb_on_usb.hostControlTransfer(p_ctrl, &setup, (uint8_t *) &g_com_parm, device_address);
void get_line_coding (usb_instance_ctrl_t * p_ctrl, uint8_t device_address)
usb_setup_t setup;
setup.request_type = GET_LINE_CODING; /* bRequestCode:GET_LINE_CODING, bmRequestType */
setup.request_value = 0x0000; /* wValue:Zero */
setup.request_index = 0x0000; /* wIndex:Interface */
setup.request_length = LINE_CODING_LENGTH; /* Data:Line Coding Structure */
/* Request Control transfer */
g_usb_on_usb.hostControlTransfer(p_ctrl, &setup, (uint8_t *) &g_com_parm, device_address);