RA Flexible Software Package Documentation  Release v5.2.0

WiFi Onchip Silex Driver using r_sci_uart (rm_wifi_onchip_silex)


fsp_err_t RM_WIFI_ONCHIP_SILEX_EpochTimeGet (time_t *p_utc_time)
fsp_err_t RM_WIFI_ONCHIP_SILEX_LocalTimeGet (uint8_t *p_local_time, uint32_t size_string)
fsp_err_t RM_WIFI_ONCHIP_SILEX_SntpEnableSet (wifi_onchip_silex_sntp_enable_t enable)
fsp_err_t RM_WIFI_ONCHIP_SILEX_SntpServerIpAddressSet (uint8_t *p_ip_address)
fsp_err_t RM_WIFI_ONCHIP_SILEX_SntpTimeZoneSet (int32_t hours, uint32_t minutes, wifi_onchip_silex_sntp_daylight_savings_enable_t daylightSavingsEnable)

Detailed Description

Wifi and Socket implementation using the Silex SX-ULPGN WiFi module on RA MCUs.


This Middleware module supplies an implementation for the FreeRTOS WiFi interface and AzureRTOS NetxDuo WiFi interface using the Silex SX-ULPGN module.

You can find specifics about the WiFi and Secure Socket interface APIs supported by this module at these web sites: Wifi API.

The SX-ULPGN is a low-power, compact IEEE 802.11b/g/n 2.4GHz 1x1 Wireless LAN module equipped with the Qualcomm® QCA4010 Wireless SOC. The module comes readily equipped with radio certification for Japan, North America and Europe. More information about this module can be found at the Silex Web Site


The WiFi Onchip Silex Middleware driver supplies these features:


Build Time Configurations for rm_wifi_onchip_silex

The following build time configurations are defined in fsp_cfg/rm_wifi_onchip_silex_cfg.h:

Parameter Checking
  • Default (BSP)
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
Default (BSP) If selected code for parameter checking is included in the build.
Number of supported socket instancesRefer to the RA Configuration tool for available options.1 Enable number of socket instances
Size of RX buffer for socketManual Entry4096
Size of TX buffer for CMD PortManual Entry1500
Size of RX buffer for CMD PortManual Entry3000
Semaphore maximum timeoutManual Entry10000
Number of retries for AT commandsManual Entry10
Module Reset PortRefer to the RA Configuration tool for available options.06 Specify the module reset pin port for the MCU.
Module Reset PinRefer to the RA Configuration tool for available options.03 Specify the module reset pin for the MCU.
Enable SNTP Client
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
Disabled Should the SNTP client of the module be enabled

Configurations for Networking > WiFi Onchip Silex Driver using r_sci_uart (rm_wifi_onchip_silex)

SNTP server IPv4 addressMust be a valid IPv4 address0.0.0.0
SNTP Timezone Offset from UTC HoursMust be between 12 and -12 hours0 Value in hours from 12 to -12
SNTP Timezone Offset from UTC MinutesMust be between 0 and 59 minutes0 Value in minutes from 0 to 59
Use Daylight Savings Time
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
Disabled Specify if daytime savings should be used for local time calulation

Note: It is suggested that when using the Silex Module that DTC and FIFO are enabled in the UART configuration to facilitate a more reliable data transfer between module and MCU.

Note: If you wish to use flow control then you must enable flow control in the RA Configuration editor. This can be found in the UART setting. It is advantageous to use flow control all the time since it allows the hardware to gate the flow of data across the serial bus. Without hardware flow control for faster data rate you will most likely see an overflow condition between MCU and the module device.

Note: Higher baud rates are supported in the RA Configuration editor and should be changed in the first UART configuration. There is no need to change the second UART baud rate since it is only used as an AT command channel.

Note: It is a good idea to also enable the FIFO in the UART configuration settings if you plan to use higher baud rates.

Interrupt Configuration

Refer to UART (r_sci_uart). R_SCI_UART_Open() is called by WiFi Onchip Silex Driver using r_sci_uart (rm_wifi_onchip_silex).

Clock Configuration

Refer to UART (r_sci_uart).

Pin Configuration

Refer to UART (r_sci_uart). R_SCI_UART_Open() is called by WiFi Onchip Silex Driver using r_sci_uart (rm_wifi_onchip_silex)

Usage Notes



Basic Example

This is a basic example of minimal use of WiFi Middleware in an application.

void wifi_onchip_basic_example (void)
WIFIReturnCode_t wifi_err;
/* Setup Access Point connection parameters */
WIFINetworkParams_t net_params =
.ucChannel = 0,
.xPassword.xWPA.cPassphrase = "password",
.ucSSID = "access_point_ssid",
.xPassword.xWPA.ucLength = 8,
.ucSSIDLength = 17,
.xSecurity = eWiFiSecurityWPA2,
memset(scan_data, 0, sizeof(WIFIScanResult_t) * MAX_WIFI_SCAN_RESULTS);
memset(g_socket_recv_buffer, 0, sizeof(uint8_t) * SX_WIFI_SOCKET_RX_BUFFER_SIZE);
/* Open connection to the Wifi Module */
wifi_err = WIFI_On();
assert(eWiFiSuccess == wifi_err);
/* Connect to the Access Point */
wifi_err = WIFI_ConnectAP(&net_params);
assert(eWiFiSuccess == wifi_err);
/* Get address assigned by AP */
wifi_err = WIFI_GetIPInfo(&ipInfo);
assert(eWiFiSuccess == wifi_err);
/* Ping an address accessible on the network */
uint8_t ip_address[4] = {216, 58, 194, 174}; // NOLINT
const uint16_t ping_count = 3;
const uint32_t intervalMS = 100;
wifi_err = WIFI_Ping(&ip_address[0], ping_count, intervalMS);
assert(eWiFiSuccess == wifi_err);
/* Scan the local Wifi network for other APs */
wifi_err = WIFI_Scan(&scan_data[0], MAX_WIFI_SCAN_RESULTS);
assert(eWiFiSuccess == wifi_err);
/* Shutdown the WIFI */

SNTP example

An example of using Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) on WiFi in an application.

* Example of the use of SNTP with Wifi. Example gets the epoch time and local
* system time strings. It is also demonstrated how the user will need to disconnect
* from the access point to make changes to the SNTP configuration during runtime.
* Function assumes that the SNTP has been enabled and configured with proper
* SNTP server address. For brevity error checking has not been implemented.
void wifi_onchip_sntp_example (void)
/* Setup Access Point connection parameters */
WIFINetworkParams_t net_params =
.ucSSID = "access_point_ssid",
.ucSSIDLength = 17,
.xPassword.xWPA.cPassphrase = "password",
.xPassword.xWPA.ucLength = 8,
.ucChannel = 0,
.xSecurity = eWiFiSecurityWPA2
time_t current_sys_time = 0;
// SNTP IP address
uint8_t ip_address_sntp_server_valid[4] = {216, 239, 35, 0}; // NOLINT : Static IP address
memset(local_time, 0, sizeof(local_time));
/* Open connection to the Wifi Module */
/* Connect to the Access Point */
/* Get the Epoch time in seconds since Jan 1, 1970 UTC */
/* Get the local time string */
RM_WIFI_ONCHIP_SILEX_LocalTimeGet((uint8_t *) local_time, sizeof(local_time));
/* Disconnect from the access point to make changes to the SNTP configuration */
/* Change the IP address of the server */
RM_WIFI_ONCHIP_SILEX_SntpServerIpAddressSet((uint8_t *) ip_address_sntp_server_valid);
/* Change the timezone to PST with daylight saving enabled */
/* Connect back to the access point */
/* Get the Epoch time in seconds since Jan 1, 1970 UTC */
/* Get the local time string in format [DayOfWeek Month DayOfMonth Year Hour:Minute:Second] */
RM_WIFI_ONCHIP_SILEX_LocalTimeGet((uint8_t *) local_time, sizeof(local_time));
/* Disconnect from the Access Point and shutdown the WIFI module*/

Data Structures

struct  wifi_onchip_silex_cfg_t
struct  ulpgn_socket_t
struct  wifi_onchip_silex_instance_ctrl_t


enum  sx_ulpgn_socket_status_t
enum  sx_ulpgn_socket_rw
enum  wifi_onchip_silex_sntp_enable_t
enum  wifi_onchip_silex_sntp_daylight_savings_enable_t

Data Structure Documentation

◆ wifi_onchip_silex_cfg_t

struct wifi_onchip_silex_cfg_t

User configuration structure, used in open function

Data Fields
const uint32_t num_uarts Number of UART interfaces to use.
const uint32_t num_sockets Number of sockets to initialize.
const bsp_io_port_pin_t reset_pin Reset pin used for module.
const uart_instance_t * uart_instances[WIFI_ONCHIP_SILEX_CFG_MAX_NUMBER_UART_PORTS] SCI UART instances.
sntp_enabled Enable/Disable the SNTP Client.
const uint8_t * sntp_server_ip The SNTP server IP address string.
const int32_t sntp_timezone_offset_from_utc_hours Timezone offset from UTC in (+/-) hours.
const uint32_t sntp_timezone_offset_from_utc_minutes Timezone offset from UTC in minutes.
sntp_timezone_use_daylight_savings Enable/Disable use of daylight saving time.
void const * p_context User defined context passed into callback function.
void const * p_extend Pointer to extended configuration by instance of interface.

◆ ulpgn_socket_t

struct ulpgn_socket_t

Silex ULPGN Wifi internal socket instance structure

Data Fields
StreamBufferHandle_t socket_byteq_hdl Socket stream buffer handle.
StaticStreamBuffer_t socket_byteq_struct Structure to hold stream buffer info.
uint8_t socket_recv_buff[WIFI_ONCHIP_SILEX_CFG_MAX_SOCKET_RX_SIZE] Socket receive buffer used by byte queue.
uint32_t socket_status Current socket status.
uint32_t socket_recv_error_count Socket receive error count.
uint32_t socket_create_flag Flag to determine in socket has been created.
uint32_t socket_read_write_flag flag to determine if read and/or write channels are active.

◆ wifi_onchip_silex_instance_ctrl_t

struct wifi_onchip_silex_instance_ctrl_t

WIFI_ONCHIP_SILEX private control block. DO NOT MODIFY.

Data Fields
uint32_t open Flag to indicate if wifi instance has been initialized.
wifi_onchip_silex_cfg_t const * p_wifi_onchip_silex_cfg Pointer to initial configurations.
bsp_io_port_pin_t reset_pin Wifi module reset pin.
uint32_t num_uarts number of UARTS currently used for communication with module
uint32_t tx_data_size Size of the data to send.
uint32_t num_creatable_sockets Number of simultaneous sockets supported.
uint32_t curr_cmd_port Current UART instance index for AT commands.
uint32_t curr_data_port Current UART instance index for data.
uint8_t cmd_rx_queue_buf[WIFI_ONCHIP_SILEX_CFG_CMD_RX_BUF_SIZE] Command port receive buffer used by byte queue // FreeRTOS.
StreamBufferHandle_t socket_byteq_hdl Socket stream buffer handle.
StaticStreamBuffer_t socket_byteq_struct Structure to hold stream buffer info.
volatile uint32_t curr_socket_index Currently active socket instance.
uint8_t cmd_tx_buff[WIFI_ONCHIP_SILEX_CFG_CMD_TX_BUF_SIZE] Command send buffer.
uint8_t cmd_rx_buff[WIFI_ONCHIP_SILEX_CFG_CMD_RX_BUF_SIZE] Command receive buffer.
uint32_t at_cmd_mode Current command mode.
uint8_t curr_ipaddr[4] Current IP address of module.
uint8_t curr_subnetmask[4] Current Subnet Mask of module.
uint8_t curr_gateway[4] Current GAteway of module.
SemaphoreHandle_t tx_sem Transmit binary semaphore handle.
SemaphoreHandle_t rx_sem Receive binary semaphore handle.
uint8_t last_data[WIFI_ONCHIP_SILEX_RETURN_TEXT_LENGTH] Tailing buffer used for command parser.
uart_instance_t * uart_instance_objects[WIFI_ONCHIP_SILEX_CFG_MAX_NUMBER_UART_PORTS] UART instance objects.
SemaphoreHandle_t uart_tei_sem[WIFI_ONCHIP_SILEX_CFG_MAX_NUMBER_UART_PORTS] UART transmission end binary semaphore.
ulpgn_socket_t sockets[WIFI_ONCHIP_SILEX_CFG_NUM_CREATEABLE_SOCKETS] Internal socket instances.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ sx_ulpgn_socket_status_t

Silex ULPGN Wifi socket status types

◆ sx_ulpgn_socket_rw

Silex socket shutdown channels

◆ wifi_onchip_silex_sntp_enable_t

Silex WiFi module enable/disable for SNTP

◆ wifi_onchip_silex_sntp_daylight_savings_enable_t

Silex WiFi module enable/disable for SNTP

Function Documentation


fsp_err_t RM_WIFI_ONCHIP_SILEX_EpochTimeGet ( time_t *  p_utc_time)

This will retrieve time info from an NTP server at the address entered via an during configuration. If the server isn’t set or the client isn’t enabled, then it will return an error. The date/time is retrieved as the number of seconds since 00:00:00 UTC January 1, 1970

[out]p_utc_timeReturns the epoch time in seconds.
Return values
FSP_SUCCESSSuccessfully retrieved the system time from module.
FSP_ERR_ASSERTIONThe parameter utc_time or p_instance_ctrl is NULL.
FSP_ERR_WIFI_FAILEDError occurred with command to Wifi module.
FSP_ERR_NOT_OPENModule is not open.

Get the current system time as the number of seconds since epoch 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC


fsp_err_t RM_WIFI_ONCHIP_SILEX_LocalTimeGet ( uint8_t *  p_local_time,
uint32_t  size_string 

Get the current local time based on current timezone in a string . Exp: Wed Oct 15 1975 07:06:00

[out]p_local_timeReturns local time in string format.
[in]size_stringSize of p_local_time string buffer.The size of this string needs to be at least 25 bytes
Return values
FSP_SUCCESSSuccessfully returned the local time string.
FSP_ERR_ASSERTIONThe parameter local_time or p_instance_ctrl is NULL.
FSP_ERR_WIFI_FAILEDError occurred with command to Wifi module.
FSP_ERR_NOT_OPENModule is not open.
FSP_ERR_INVALID_SIZEString size value passed in exceeds maximum.

Get the current local time based on current timezone in a string format


fsp_err_t RM_WIFI_ONCHIP_SILEX_SntpEnableSet ( wifi_onchip_silex_sntp_enable_t  enable)

Set the SNTP Client to Enable or Disable

[in]enableCan be set to enable/disable for SNTP support.
Return values
FSP_SUCCESSSuccessfully set the value.
FSP_ERR_WIFI_FAILEDError occurred with command to Wifi module.
FSP_ERR_NOT_OPENModule is not open.

Enable or Disable the SNTP Client Service

◆ RM_WIFI_ONCHIP_SILEX_SntpServerIpAddressSet()

fsp_err_t RM_WIFI_ONCHIP_SILEX_SntpServerIpAddressSet ( uint8_t *  p_ip_address)

Set the SNTP Client Server IP Address

[in]p_ip_addressPointer to IP address of SNTP server in byte array format.
Return values
FSP_SUCCESSSuccessfully set the value.
FSP_ERR_ASSERTIONThe parameter p_ip_address or p_instance_ctrl is NULL.
FSP_ERR_WIFI_FAILEDError occurred with command to Wifi module.
FSP_ERR_NOT_OPENModule is not open.

Update the SNTP Server IP Address


fsp_err_t RM_WIFI_ONCHIP_SILEX_SntpTimeZoneSet ( int32_t  hours,
uint32_t  minutes,
wifi_onchip_silex_sntp_daylight_savings_enable_t  daylightSavingsEnable 

Set the SNTP Client Timezone

[in]hoursNumber of hours (+/-) used for timezone offset from GMT.
[in]minutesNumber of minutes used for timezone offset from GMT.
[in]daylightSavingsEnableEnable/Disable daylight saving in the timezone calculation.
Return values
FSP_SUCCESSSuccessfully set the value.
FSP_ERR_WIFI_FAILEDError occurred with command to Wifi module.
FSP_ERR_NOT_OPENModule is not open.
FSP_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENTParameter passed into function was invalid.

Update the SNTP Timezone