RZT Flexible Software Package Documentation  Release v2.3.0

Bus State Controller (BSC) NOR Flash (r_bsc_nor)


fsp_err_t R_BSC_NOR_Open (nor_flash_ctrl_t *p_ctrl, nor_flash_cfg_t const *const p_cfg)
fsp_err_t R_BSC_NOR_Write (nor_flash_ctrl_t *p_ctrl, uint8_t const *const p_src, uint8_t *const p_dest, uint32_t byte_count)
fsp_err_t R_BSC_NOR_Erase (nor_flash_ctrl_t *p_ctrl, uint8_t *const p_device_address, uint32_t byte_count)
fsp_err_t R_BSC_NOR_StatusGet (nor_flash_ctrl_t *p_ctrl, uint8_t *const p_device_address, nor_flash_status_t *const p_status)
fsp_err_t R_BSC_NOR_Close (nor_flash_ctrl_t *p_ctrl)

Detailed Description

Driver for the BSC peripheral on RZ microprocessor. This module implements the NOR Flash Interface.



The BSC NOR driver has the following key features:

This driver retrieves flash device block and sector information by CFI query and can handle up to 8 block regions.


Build Time Configurations for r_bsc_nor

The following build time configurations are defined in fsp_cfg/r_bsc_nor_cfg.h:

Parameter Checking Enable
  • Default (BSP)
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
Default (BSP) If selected code for parameter checking is included in the build.

Configurations for Storage > BSC_NOR (r_bsc_nor)

This module can be added to the Stacks tab via New Stack > Storage > BSC_NOR (r_bsc_nor).

General > NameName must be a valid C symbolg_nor_flash0 Module name.
General > Chip Select
  • Chip Select 0
  • Chip Select 2
  • Chip Select 3
  • Chip Select 5
Chip Select 0 Specify the NOR Flash chip select line to use.
General > Data Bus With16-bit16-bit Select the number of NOR Flash data bus width.
Idle Cycles > Read-Read Cycles In The Same CS Space
  • 0 CYCLE
  • 1 CYCLE
  • 2 CYCLES
  • 4 CYCLES
  • 6 CYCLES
  • 8 CYCLES
  • 10 CYCLES
  • 12 CYCLES
4 CYCLES Idle cycle insertion between Read-Read cycles in the same CS space.
Idle Cycles > Read-Read Cycles In The Different CS Spaces
  • 0 CYCLE
  • 1 CYCLE
  • 2 CYCLES
  • 4 CYCLES
  • 6 CYCLES
  • 8 CYCLES
  • 10 CYCLES
  • 12 CYCLES
4 CYCLES Idle cycle insertion between Read-Read cycles in different CS space.
Idle Cycles > Read-Write Cycles In The Same CS Spaces
  • 0 CYCLE
  • 1 CYCLE
  • 2 CYCLES
  • 4 CYCLES
  • 6 CYCLES
  • 8 CYCLES
  • 10 CYCLES
  • 12 CYCLES
4 CYCLES Idle cycle insertion between Read-Write cycles in the same CS space.
Idle Cycles > Read-Write Cycles In The Different CS Spaces
  • 0 CYCLE
  • 1 CYCLE
  • 2 CYCLES
  • 4 CYCLES
  • 6 CYCLES
  • 8 CYCLES
  • 10 CYCLES
  • 12 CYCLES
4 CYCLES Idle cycle insertion between Read-Write cycles in different CS space.
Idle Cycles > Write-Read Cycles And Write-Write Cycles
  • 0 CYCLE
  • 1 CYCLE
  • 2 CYCLES
  • 4 CYCLES
  • 6 CYCLES
  • 8 CYCLES
  • 10 CYCLES
  • 12 CYCLES
4 CYCLES Idle cycles between Write-Read cycles and Write-Write cycles.
Chip Select Timing > CS Negate (RD#,WE# to CSn#) Delay Timing (CS0,5 only)
  • 0.5 CYCLES
  • 1.5 CYCLES
  • 2.5 CYCLES
  • 3.5 CYCLES
0.5 CYCLES Delay States from RD#, WEn# Negation to Address, CSn# Negation.
Chip Select Timing > CS Assert (CSn# to RD#,WE#) Delay Timing (CS0,5 only)
  • 0.5 CYCLES
  • 1.5 CYCLES
  • 2.5 CYCLES
  • 3.5 CYCLES
0.5 CYCLES Number of Delay Cycles from Address, CSn# Assertion to RD#, WE# Assertion.
Number of Access Wait > Access Wait For ReadRefer to the RZT Configuration tool for available options.14 WAITS The number of waits that are necessary for read access.
Number of Access Wait > Access Wait For Write
  • The Same As Number Of Read Access Wait (Select when use CS0,2,3)
  • 0 WAIT
  • 1 WAIT
  • 2 WAITS
  • 3 WAITS
  • 4 WAITS
  • 5 WAITS
  • 6 WAITS
The Same As Number Of Read Access Wait (Select when use CS0,2,3) The number of waits that are necessary for write access.

Clock Configuration

The BSC clock is derived from External bus clock (BSC_CLK, CKIO). You can set the clock frequency using the Clocks tab of the FSP Configuration editor or by using the CGC Interface at run-time.

Usage Notes

BSC Memory Mapped Access

After R_BSC_NOR_Open() completes successfully, the connected BSC device contents are mapped to address 0x70000000(External address space) or 0x50000000(Mirror area External address space) and can be read like internal memory.

When not using the cache, access the memory via the mirror area.


The BSC NOR driver supports flash memory that is compatible with the JEDEC standard command system.

The command set issued by BSC NOR driver is as follows. For 16-bit data bus width connections, issue a 1-bit left-shifted address.

Programming Operation (Single word)

Issue Program command sequence when programming single word as follows:

Command Cycle Address Data
1st 0x555 0xAA
2nd 0x2AA 0x55
3rd 0x555 0xA0
4th Program Address Program Data

Programming Operation (Multiple words)

Issue Write to Buffer sequence and Program Buffer to Flash (confirm) sequence when programming multiple words as follows:

Command Cycle Address Data
1st 0x555 0xAA
2nd 0x2AA 0x55
3rd Sector Address 0x25
4th Sector Address Program Count
5th Program Address Program Data
6th Write Buffer Location Program Data
Last Sector Address 0x29

Sector Erase Operation

Issue Sector Erase sequence as follows:

Command Cycle Address Data
1st 0x555 0xAA
2nd 0x2AA 0x55
3rd 0x555 0x80
4th 0x555 0xAA
5th 0x2AA 0x55
6th Sector Address 0x30

Chip Erase Operation

Issue Chip Erase sequence as follows:

Command Cycle Address Data
1st 0x555 0xAA
2nd 0x2AA 0x55
3rd 0x555 0x80
4th 0x555 0xAA
5th 0x2AA 0x55
6th 0x555 0x10

Status Check Operation

Status register 6th bit toggle monitors whether the program/erase operation has completed its operations or not.


Basic Example

This is a basic example of minimal use of the BSC_NOR in an application.

/* Place data in the .cs0_space section to flash it during programming. */
/* Place code in the .code_in_cs0 section to flash it during programming. */
void r_bsc_nor_example_function(void) BSP_PLACE_IN_SECTION(".code_in_cs0") __attribute__((noinline));
void r_bsc_nor_example_function (void)
/* Add code here. */
void r_bsc_nor_basic_example (void)
/* Open the BSC_NOR instance. */
fsp_err_t err = R_BSC_NOR_Open(&g_nor_flash_ctrl, &g_nor_flash_cfg);
/* After R_BSC_NOR_Open() and any required device specific initialization, data can be read directly from the BSC_NOR flash. */
memcpy(&g_dest[0], &g_src[0], BSC_NOR_EXAMPLE_DATA_LENGTH);
/* After R_BSC_NOR_Open() and any required device specific initialization, functions in the BSC_NOR flash can be called. */

Querying Device Size Example

This is an example of using a CFI query to get the device size.

void r_bsc_nor_size_example (void)
uint16_t query_size;
uint32_t device_size_bytes;
/* CFI Enter Sequence. */
*((volatile uint16_t *) BSC_NOR_DEVICE_START_ADDRESS +
__asm volatile ("dsb");
/* Query device size. */
__asm volatile ("dsb");
device_size_bytes = 1U << query_size;

Data Structures

struct  bsc_nor_block_info_t
struct  bsc_nor_extended_cfg_t
struct  bsc_nor_instance_ctrl_t


enum  bsc_nor_idle_cycle_t
enum  bsc_nor_access_wait_cycle_t
enum  bsc_nor_cs_wait_cycle_t

Data Structure Documentation

◆ bsc_nor_block_info_t

struct bsc_nor_block_info_t

Store CFI query result of Flash memory sector block information.

◆ bsc_nor_extended_cfg_t

struct bsc_nor_extended_cfg_t

Extended configuration.

Data Fields
bsc_nor_idle_cycle_t r_r_same_space_idle_cycle

Idle cycle between Read-Read cycles in the same CS space

bsc_nor_idle_cycle_t r_r_different_space_idle_cycle

Idle cycle between Read-Read cycles in the different CS space

bsc_nor_idle_cycle_t r_w_same_space_idle_cycle

Idle cycle between Read-Write cycles in the same CS space

bsc_nor_idle_cycle_t r_w_different_space_idle_cycle

Idle cycle between Read-Write cycles in the different CS space

bsc_nor_idle_cycle_t w_r_w_w_idle_cycle

Idle cycle between Write-Read cycles and Write-Write cycles

bsc_nor_access_wait_cycle_t read_access_wait_cycle Number of read access cycle waits.
bsc_nor_access_wait_cycle_t write_access_wait_cycle Number of write access cycle waits.
bsc_nor_cs_wait_cycle_t cs_pullup_lag Duration to de-assert CS line after RD#,WE# de-assert.
bsc_nor_cs_wait_cycle_t cs_pulldown_lead Duration to assert CS line before RD#,WE# assert.

◆ bsc_nor_instance_ctrl_t

struct bsc_nor_instance_ctrl_t

Instance control block. DO NOT INITIALIZE. Initialization occurs when nor_flash_api_t::open is called

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ bsc_nor_idle_cycle_t

Number of insertion idle cycle between access cycles


No idle cycle insertion.


1 idle cycle insertion


2 idle cycle insertion


4 idle cycle insertion


6 idle cycle insertion


8 idle cycle insertion


10 idle cycle insertion


12 idle cycle insertion

◆ bsc_nor_access_wait_cycle_t

Number of insertion access wait cycle


No wait insertion.


1 access wait cycle insertion


2 access wait cycle insertion


3 access wait cycle insertion


4 access wait cycle insertion


5 access wait cycle insertion


6 access wait cycle insertion


8 access wait cycle insertion


10 access wait cycle insertion


12 access wait cycle insertion


14 access wait cycle insertion


18 access wait cycle insertion


24 access wait cycle insertion


Insert the same weight cycle when read access (Used only for Write access wait settings)

◆ bsc_nor_cs_wait_cycle_t

Number of insertion CS wait cycle


CS wait 0.5 cycle insertion.


CS wait 1.5 cycle insertion.


CS wait 2.5 cycle insertion.


CS wait 3.5 cycle insertion.

Function Documentation

◆ R_BSC_NOR_Open()

fsp_err_t R_BSC_NOR_Open ( nor_flash_ctrl_t p_ctrl,
nor_flash_cfg_t const *const  p_cfg 

Open the BSC_NOR driver module. After the driver is open, the BSC can be accessed like internal flash memory starting at address 0x70000000 or 0x50000000.

Implements nor_flash_api_t::open.

Return values
FSP_SUCCESSConfiguration was successful.
FSP_ERR_ASSERTIONThe parameter p_instance_ctrl or p_cfg is NULL. Connected Flash memory device does not support CFI query, or insufficient memory area for storing CFI query.
FSP_ERR_ALREADY_OPENDriver has already been opened with the same p_instance_ctrl.

◆ R_BSC_NOR_Write()

fsp_err_t R_BSC_NOR_Write ( nor_flash_ctrl_t p_ctrl,
uint8_t const *const  p_src,
uint8_t *const  p_dest,
uint32_t  byte_count 

Program data to the flash.

Implements nor_flash_api_t::write.

Return values
FSP_SUCCESSThe flash was programmed successfully.
FSP_ERR_ASSERTIONp_instance_ctrl, p_dest or p_src is NULL.
FSP_ERR_NOT_OPENDriver is not opened.
FSP_ERR_DEVICE_BUSYAnother Write/Erase transaction is in progress.
FSP_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENTp_dest is invalid for connected device.
The size that can be written to the buffer at one time depends on the device. Please refer to the data sheet of the connected device for details.

◆ R_BSC_NOR_Erase()

fsp_err_t R_BSC_NOR_Erase ( nor_flash_ctrl_t p_ctrl,
uint8_t *const  p_device_address,
uint32_t  byte_count 

Erase a sector or a chip of flash.

Implements nor_flash_api_t::erase.

Return values
FSP_SUCCESSThe command to erase the flash was executed successfully.
FSP_ERR_ASSERTIONp_instance_ctrl or p_device_address is NULL, or byte_count doesn't match the device defined erase size resulting from the CFI query.
FSP_ERR_NOT_OPENDriver is not opened.
FSP_ERR_DEVICE_BUSYThe device is busy.

◆ R_BSC_NOR_StatusGet()

fsp_err_t R_BSC_NOR_StatusGet ( nor_flash_ctrl_t p_ctrl,
uint8_t *const  p_device_address,
nor_flash_status_t *const  p_status 

Gets the write or erase status of the flash.

Implements nor_flash_api_t::statusGet.

Return values
FSP_SUCCESSThe write status is in p_status.
FSP_ERR_ASSERTIONp_instance_ctrl, p_device_address or p_status is NULL.
FSP_ERR_NOT_OPENDriver is not opened.

◆ R_BSC_NOR_Close()

fsp_err_t R_BSC_NOR_Close ( nor_flash_ctrl_t p_ctrl)

Close the BSC_NOR driver module.

Implements nor_flash_api_t::close.

Return values
FSP_SUCCESSConfiguration was successful.
FSP_ERR_ASSERTIONp_instance_ctrl is NULL.
FSP_ERR_NOT_OPENDriver is not opened.