RA Flexible Software Package Documentation  Release v5.2.0

On Chip MQTT Client on DA16XXX (rm_mqtt_onchip_da16xxx)


fsp_err_t RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Open (mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_instance_ctrl_t *p_ctrl, mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_cfg_t const *const p_cfg)
fsp_err_t RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Disconnect (mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_instance_ctrl_t *p_ctrl)
fsp_err_t RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Connect (mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_instance_ctrl_t *p_ctrl, uint32_t timeout_ms)
fsp_err_t RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Publish (mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_instance_ctrl_t *p_ctrl, mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_pub_info_t *const p_pub_info)
fsp_err_t RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Subscribe (mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_instance_ctrl_t *p_ctrl, mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_sub_info_t *const p_sub_info, size_t subscription_count)
fsp_err_t RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_UnSubscribe (mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_instance_ctrl_t *p_ctrl, mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_sub_info_t *const p_sub_info)
fsp_err_t RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Receive (mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_instance_ctrl_t *p_ctrl, mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_cfg_t const *const p_cfg)
fsp_err_t RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Close (mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_instance_ctrl_t *p_ctrl)

Detailed Description

MQTT client implementation using the DA16XXX WiFi module on RA MCUs.


This Middleware module supplies an implementation for the MQTT Client on the DA16XXX module. The network stack is run on the DA16XXX and this module inherits and extends the core functionality from the DA16XXX WiFi driver. The DA16XXX MQTT module only supports FreeRTOS currently (Microsoft Azure support expected in future release).

The DA16XXX module supports the following modules:

Refer to WiFi Onchip DA16XXX Framework Driver (rm_wifi_da16xxx).


The MQTT Onchip da16xxx Middleware driver supplies these features:


Build Time Configurations for rm_mqtt_onchip_da16xxx

The following build time configurations are defined in fsp_cfg/rm_mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_cfg.h:

Parameter Checking
  • Default (BSP)
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
Default (BSP) If selected code for parameter checking is included in the build.
Size of MQTT RX bufferMust be an integer greater than 0512 Size in bytes of the MQTT buffer used for receiving subscribed data. Must be an integer greater than 0.
Size of MQTT TX bufferMust be an integer greater than 200 and less than 2064512 Size in bytes of the MQTT buffer used for sending commands and publishing data. Maximum publishing length is 2063 bytes

Refer to WiFi Onchip DA16XXX Framework Driver (rm_wifi_da16xxx).

Note: This module provides the basic configurations in the FSP Configurator required to connect to an MQTT broker such as credential information (user, password, client key, etc.), publish/subscribe topics, and optional configurations as required. The user can then copy these configurations to a new structure if they want to connect to a new endpoint/make changes to the configurations dynamically.

Interrupt Configuration

Refer to UART (r_sci_uart). R_SCI_UART_Open() is called by WiFi Onchip DA16XXX Framework Driver (rm_wifi_da16xxx).

Clock Configuration

Refer to UART (r_sci_uart).

Pin Configuration

Refer to UART (r_sci_uart). R_SCI_UART_Open() is called by WiFi Onchip DA16XXX Framework Driver (rm_wifi_da16xxx)

Usage Notes

Refer to WiFi Onchip DA16XXX Framework Driver (rm_wifi_da16xxx).


Refer to WiFi Onchip DA16XXX Framework Driver (rm_wifi_da16xxx).


Basic Example

This is a basic example of minimal use of MQTT Middleware in an application.

void mqtt_onchip_basic_example (void)
WIFIReturnCode_t wifi_err;
fsp_err_t mqtt_err;
/* Setup Access Point connection parameters */
WIFINetworkParams_t net_params =
.ucChannel = 0,
.xPassword.xWPA.cPassphrase = WIFI_PWD,
.xPassword.xWPA.ucLength = sizeof(WIFI_PWD),
.ucSSIDLength = sizeof(WIFI_SSID),
.xSecurity = eWiFiSecurityWPA2,
/* Open connection to the Wifi Module */
wifi_err = WIFI_On();
assert(eWiFiSuccess == wifi_err);
/* Connect to the Access Point */
wifi_err = WIFI_ConnectAP(&net_params);
assert(eWiFiSuccess == wifi_err);
/* Initialize the MQTT Client connection */
mqtt_err = RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Open(&g_rm_mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_instance, &g_mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_cfg);
assert(FSP_SUCCESS == mqtt_err);
/* Subscribe to MQTT topics to be received */
mqtt_err = RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Subscribe(&g_rm_mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_instance, subTopics, 1);
assert(FSP_SUCCESS == mqtt_err);
/* Connect to the MQTT Broker */
mqtt_err = RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Connect(&g_rm_mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_instance, CONNECT_TIMEOUT);
assert(FSP_SUCCESS == mqtt_err);
/* Publish data to the MQTT Broker */
mqtt_err = RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Publish(&g_rm_mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_instance, &pubTopics[0]);
assert(FSP_SUCCESS == mqtt_err);
/* Loop to receive data from the MQTT Broker */
RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Receive(&g_rm_mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_instance, &g_mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_cfg);
} while (cb_flag == 0);
/* Disconnect from the MQTT Broker */
mqtt_err = RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Disconnect(&g_rm_mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_instance);
assert(FSP_SUCCESS == mqtt_err);
/* Close the MQTT Client module */
mqtt_err = RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Close(&g_rm_mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_instance);
assert(FSP_SUCCESS == mqtt_err);

Data Structures

struct  mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_sub_info_t
struct  mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_pub_info_t
struct  mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_callback_args_t
struct  mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_cfg_t
struct  mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_instance_ctrl_t


 Maximum number of ALPNs supported by DA16XXX.
 Maximum length of SNI supported by DA16XXX.
 Maximum number of TLS cipher suites supported by DA16XXX.
 Maximum number of TLS cipher suites supported by DA16XXX.
 Maximum total length for topics supported by DA16XXX.
 Maximum total length for message supported by DA16XXX.
 Maximum total length for message + topic supported by DA16XXX.
 Maximum number of subscription topics allowed.


enum  mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_qos_t
enum  mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_tls_cipher_suites_t

Data Structure Documentation

◆ mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_sub_info_t

struct mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_sub_info_t

MQTT SUBSCRIBE packet parameters

Data Fields
mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_qos_t qos Quality of Service for subscription.
const char * p_topic_filter Topic filter to subscribe to.
uint16_t topic_filter_length Length of subscription topic filter.

◆ mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_pub_info_t

struct mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_pub_info_t

MQTT PUBLISH packet parameters

Data Fields
mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_qos_t qos Quality of Service for subscription.
const char * p_topic_name Topic name on which the message is published.
uint16_t topic_name_Length Length of topic name.
const char * p_payload Message payload.
uint32_t payload_length Message payload length.

◆ mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_callback_args_t

struct mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_callback_args_t

MQTT Packet info structure to be passed to user callback

Data Fields
uint8_t * p_data Payload received from subscribed MQTT topic.
const char * p_topic Topic to which the message payload belongs to.
uint32_t data_length Length of the MQTT payload.
void const * p_context Placeholder for user data.

◆ mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_cfg_t

struct mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_cfg_t

MQTT Configuration

Data Fields

const uint8_t use_mqtt_v311
 Flag to use MQTT v3.1.1.
const uint16_t rx_timeout
 MQTT Rx timeout in milliseconds.
const uint16_t tx_timeout
 MQTT Tx timeout in milliseconds.
void(* p_callback )(mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_callback_args_t *p_args)
 Location of user callback.
void const * p_context
 Placeholder for user data. Passed to the user callback in mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_callback_args_t.
uint8_t clean_session
 Whether to establish a new, clean session or resume a previous session.
uint8_t alpn_count
 ALPN Protocols count. Max value is 3.
const char * p_alpns [MQTT_ONCHIP_DA16XXX_MAX_ALPN]
 ALPN Protocols.
uint8_t tls_cipher_count
 TLS Cipher suites count. Max value is 17.
uint16_t keep_alive_seconds
 MQTT keep alive period.
const char * p_client_identifier
 MQTT Client identifier. Must be unique per client.
uint16_t client_identifier_length
 Length of the client identifier.
const char * p_host_name
 MQTT endpoint host name.
const uint16_t mqtt_port
 MQTT Port number.
const char * p_mqtt_user_name
 MQTT user name. Set to NULL if not used.
uint16_t user_name_length
 Length of MQTT user name. Set to 0 if not used.
const char * p_mqtt_password
 MQTT password. Set to NULL if not used.
uint16_t password_length
 Length of MQTT password. Set to 0 if not used.
const char * p_root_ca
 String representing a trusted server root certificate.
uint32_t root_ca_size
 Size associated with root CA Certificate.
const char * p_client_cert
 String representing a Client certificate.
uint32_t client_cert_size
 Size associated with Client certificate.
const char * p_client_private_key
 String representing Client Private Key.
uint32_t private_key_size
 Size associated with Client Private Key.
const char * p_will_topic
 String representing Will Topic.
const char * p_will_msg
 String representing Will Message.
const char * p_sni_name
 Server Name Indication.
mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_qos_t will_qos_level
 Will Topic QoS level.
mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_tls_cipher_suites_t p_tls_cipher_suites [MQTT_ONCHIP_DA16XXX_TLS_CIPHER_MAX_CNT]
 TLS Cipher suites supported.

◆ mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_instance_ctrl_t

struct mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_instance_ctrl_t

MQTT_ONCHIP_DA16XXX private control block. DO NOT MODIFY.

Data Fields
uint8_t cmd_tx_buff[MQTT_ONCHIP_DA16XXX_CFG_CMD_TX_BUF_SIZE] Command send buffer.
uint8_t cmd_rx_buff[MQTT_ONCHIP_DA16XXX_CFG_CMD_RX_BUF_SIZE] Command receive buffer.
uint32_t open Flag to indicate if MQTT has been opened.
bool is_mqtt_connected Flag to track MQTT connection status.
mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_cfg_t const * p_cfg Pointer to p_cfg for MQTT.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_qos_t

MQTT Quality-of-service (QoS) levels


Delivery at most once.


Delivery at least once.


Delivery exactly once.

◆ mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_tls_cipher_suites_t

MQTT TLS Cipher Suites

























Function Documentation

◆ RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Open()

fsp_err_t RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Open ( mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_instance_ctrl_t p_ctrl,
mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_cfg_t const *const  p_cfg 

Initialize the DA16XXX on-chip MQTT Client service.

[in]p_ctrlPointer to MQTT Client instance control structure.
[in]p_cfgPointer to MQTT Client configuration structure.
Return values
FSP_SUCCESSFunction completed successfully.
FSP_ERR_WIFI_FAILEDError occurred with command to Wifi module.
FSP_ERR_ASSERTIONThe p_cfg instance is NULL.
FSP_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENTData size is too large or NULL.
FSP_ERR_ALREADY_OPENThe instance has already been opened.

◆ RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Disconnect()

fsp_err_t RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Disconnect ( mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_instance_ctrl_t p_ctrl)

Disconnect from DA16XXX MQTT Client service.

[in]p_ctrlPointer to MQTT Client instance control structure.
Return values
FSP_SUCCESSFunction completed successfully.
FSP_ERR_WIFI_FAILEDError occurred with command to Wifi module.
FSP_ERR_ASSERTIONThe p_ctrl instance is NULL.
FSP_ERR_NOT_OPENThe instance has not been opened or the client is not connected.

◆ RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Connect()

fsp_err_t RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Connect ( mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_instance_ctrl_t p_ctrl,
uint32_t  timeout_ms 

Configure and connect the DA16XXX MQTT Client service.

[in]p_ctrlPointer to MQTT Client instance control structure.
[in]timeout_msTimeout in milliseconds.
Return values
FSP_SUCCESSFunction completed successfully.
FSP_ERR_WIFI_FAILEDError occurred with command to Wifi module.
FSP_ERR_NOT_OPENThe instance has not been opened.
FSP_ERR_IN_USEThe MQTT client is already connected.
FSP_ERR_INVALID_DATAResponse does not contain Connect status.

◆ RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Publish()

fsp_err_t RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Publish ( mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_instance_ctrl_t p_ctrl,
mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_pub_info_t *const  p_pub_info 

Publish a message for a given MQTT topic.

[in]p_ctrlPointer to MQTT Client instance control structure.
[in]p_pub_infoMQTT Publish packet parameters.
Return values
FSP_SUCCESSFunction completed successfully.
FSP_ERR_WIFI_FAILEDError occurred with command to Wifi module.
FSP_ERR_ASSERTIONThe p_ctrl, p_pub_info is NULL.
FSP_ERR_NOT_OPENThe instance has not been opened or the client is not connected.
FSP_ERR_INVALID_DATAData size is too large.

◆ RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Subscribe()

fsp_err_t RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Subscribe ( mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_instance_ctrl_t p_ctrl,
mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_sub_info_t *const  p_sub_info,
size_t  subscription_count 

Subscribe to DA16XXX MQTT topics.

[in]p_ctrlPointer to MQTT Client instance control structure.
[in]p_sub_infoList of MQTT subscription info.
[in]subscription_countNumber of topics to subscribe to.
Return values
FSP_SUCCESSFunction completed successfully.
FSP_ERR_WIFI_FAILEDError occurred with command to Wifi module.
FSP_ERR_ASSERTIONThe p_ctrl, p_sub_info is NULL or subscription_count is 0.
FSP_ERR_NOT_OPENThe instance has not been opened.
FSP_ERR_INVALID_DATAData size is too large.

◆ RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_UnSubscribe()

fsp_err_t RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_UnSubscribe ( mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_instance_ctrl_t p_ctrl,
mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_sub_info_t *const  p_sub_info 

Unsubscribe from DA16XXX MQTT topics.

[in]p_ctrlPointer to MQTT Client instance control structure.
[in]p_sub_infoList of MQTT subscription info.
Return values
FSP_SUCCESSFunction completed successfully.
FSP_ERR_WIFI_FAILEDError occurred with command to Wifi module.
FSP_ERR_ASSERTIONThe p_ctrl, p_sub_info is NULL.
FSP_ERR_NOT_OPENThe instance has not been opened or the client is not connected.
FSP_ERR_INVALID_DATAData size is too large.

◆ RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Receive()

fsp_err_t RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Receive ( mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_instance_ctrl_t p_ctrl,
mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_cfg_t const *const  p_cfg 

Receive data subscribed to on DA16XXX MQTT Client service.

[in]p_ctrlPointer to MQTT Client instance control structure.
[in]p_cfgPointer to MQTT Client configuration structure.
Return values
FSP_SUCCESSFunction completed successfully.
FSP_ERR_ASSERTIONThe p_ctrl, p_textstring, p_ip_addr is NULL.
FSP_ERR_NOT_OPENThe instance has not been opened or the client is not connected.
FSP_ERR_INVALID_DATAReceive function did not receive valid publish data.

◆ RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Close()

fsp_err_t RM_MQTT_DA16XXX_Close ( mqtt_onchip_da16xxx_instance_ctrl_t p_ctrl)

Close the DA16XXX MQTT Client service.

[in]p_ctrlPointer to MQTT Client instance control structure.
Return values
FSP_ERR_NOT_OPENThe instance has not been opened.
FSP_SUCCESSFunction completed successfully.
FSP_ERR_ASSERTIONThe p_ctrl, p_textstring, p_ip_addr is NULL.