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RZG Flexible Software Package Documentation
Release v3.0.0
▼BSP | Common code shared by FSP drivers |
Common Error Codes | |
▼MPU Board Support Package | The BSP is responsible for getting the MPU from reset to the user's application. Before reaching the user's application, the BSP sets up the stacks, heap, clocks, interrupts, and C runtime environment |
RZG2L | |
RZG2UL | |
RZG3E | |
RZG3S | |
BSP I/O access | This module provides basic read/write access to port pins |
▼Modules | Modules are the smallest unit of software available in the FSP. Each module implements one interface |
▼Analog | Analog Modules |
ADC (r_adc_c) | Driver for the ADC peripheral on RZ MPUs. This module implements the ADC Interface |
ADC (r_adc_e) | Driver for the and ADC12 peripherals on RZ MPUs. This module implements the ADC Interface |
▼Audio | Audio Modules |
Pulse Density Modulation (r_pdm) | Driver for the PDM peripheral on RZ MPUs. This module implements the PDM Interface |
▼Connectivity | Connectivity Modules |
CAN FD (r_canfd) | Driver for the CANFD peripheral on RZ MPUs. This module implements the CAN Interface |
I3C (r_i3c_b) | Driver for the I3C peripheral on RZ MPU. This module implements the I3C Interface |
Message Handling Unit in NonSecure (r_mhu_b_ns) | Driver for the MHU peripherals on RZ MPUs. This module implements the MHU Interface (for secure and non secure channels) |
Message Handling Unit in NonSecure (r_mhu_b_ns_swint_get) | Driver for the MHU peripherals on RZ MPUs. This module implements the MHU Interface (Software Interrupt Get) |
Message Handling Unit in NonSecure (r_mhu_b_ns_swint_set) | Driver for the MHU peripherals on RZ MPUs. This module implements the MHU Interface (Software Interrupt Set) |
Message Handling Unit in Secure (r_mhu_b_s) | Driver for the MHU peripherals on RZ MPUs. This module implements the MHU Interface (for secure and non secure channels) |
Message Handling Unit in NonSecure (r_mhu_ns) | Driver for the MHU peripherals on RZ MPUs. This module implements the MHU Interface (for secure and non secure channels) |
Message Handling Unit in NonSecure (r_mhu_ns_swint_get) | Driver for the MHU peripherals on RZ MPUs. This module implements the MHU Interface (Software Interrupt Get) |
Message Handling Unit in NonSecure (r_mhu_ns_swint_set) | Driver for the MHU peripherals on RZ MPUs. This module implements the MHU Interface (Software Interrupt Set) |
Message Handling Unit in Secure (r_mhu_s) | Driver for the MHU peripherals on RZ MPUs. This module implements the MHU Interface (for secure and non secure channels) |
I2C Master (r_riic_master) | Driver for the RIIC peripheral on RZ MPUs. This module implements the I2C Master Interface |
I2C Slave (r_riic_slave) | Driver for the RIIC peripheral on RZ MPUs. This module implements the I2C Slave Interface |
SPI (r_rspi) | Driver for the RSPI peripheral on RZ MPUs. This module implements the SPI Interface |
I2C Master (r_sci_b_i2c) | Driver for the SCI_B peripheral on RZ MPUs. This module implements the I2C Master Interface |
SPI (r_sci_b_spi) | Driver for the SCI peripheral on RZ MPUs. This module implements the SPI Interface |
UART (r_sci_b_uart) | Driver for the SCI peripheral on RZ MPUs. This module implements the UART Interface |
UART (r_sci_uart) | Driver for the SCI peripheral on RZ MPUs. This module implements the UART Interface |
UART (r_scif_uart) | Driver for the SCIF peripheral on RZ MPUs. This module implements the UART Interface |
SPI (r_spi_b) | Driver for the SPI peripheral on RZ MPUs. This module implements the SPI Interface |
I2C Communication Device (rm_comms_i2c) | Middleware to implement the I2C communications interface. This module implements the Communicatons Middleware Interface |
▼Input | Input Modules |
External IRQ (r_intc_irq) | Driver for the INTC_IRQ peripheral on RZ MPUs. This module implements the External IRQ Interface |
External IRQ (r_intc_nmi) | Driver for the INTC_NMI peripheral on RZ MPUs. This module implements the External IRQ Interface |
External IRQ (r_intc_tint) | Driver for the Interrupt Controller peripheral on RZ MPUs. This module implements the External IRQ Interface |
▼Monitoring | Monitoring Modules |
CRC (r_crc) | Driver for the CRC peripheral on RZ MPUs. This module implements the CRC Interface |
Watchdog (r_wdt) | Driver for the WDT peripheral on RZ MPUs. This module implements the WDT Interface |
▼RTOS | RTOS Modules |
FreeRTOS Port (rm_freertos_port) | FreeRTOS port for RZ MPUs |
▼Sensor | Sensor Modules |
Temperature Sensor Unit (r_tsu_b) | Driver for the TSU peripheral on RZ MPUs. This module implements the ADC Interface |
HS300X Temperature/Humidity Sensor (rm_hs300x) | Middleware to implement the HS300X sensor interface. This module implements the HS300X Middleware Interface |
HS400X Temperature/Humidity Sensor (rm_hs400x) | Middleware to implement the HS400X sensor interface. This module implements the HS400X Middleware Interface |
ZMOD4XXX Gas Sensor (rm_zmod4xxx) | Middleware to implement the ZMOD4XXX sensor interface. This module implements the ZMOD4XXX Middleware Interface |
▼Storage | Storage Modules |
QSPI Flash (r_xspi_qspi) | Driver for the xSPI peripheral on RZ MPUs. This module implements the SPI Flash Interface |
▼System | System Modules |
Event Link Controller (r_elc) | Driver for the ELC peripheral on RZ MPUs. This module implements the ELC Interface |
I/O Port (r_ioport) | Driver for the I/O Ports peripheral on RZ MPUs. This module implements the I/O Port Interface |
▼Timers | Timers Modules |
Timer, Compare Match (r_cmtw) | Driver for the CMTW peripheral on RZ MPUs. This module implements the Timer Interface |
Timer, General PWM (r_gpt) | Driver for the GPT peripheral on RZ MPUs. This module implements the Timer Interface |
Timer, GTM (r_gtm) | Driver for the GTM peripherals on RZ MPUs. This module implements the Timer Interface |
Timer, Multi-Function (r_mtu3) | Driver for the MTU3 peripherals on RZ MPUs. This module implements the Timer Interface |
Port Output Enable for GPT (r_poeg) | Driver for the POEG peripheral on RZ MPUs. This module implements the POEG Interface |
Realtime Clock (r_rtc) | Driver for the RTC peripheral on RZ MPUs. This module implements the RTC Interface |
▼Transfer | Transfer Modules |
Transfer (r_dmac_b) | Driver for the DMAC peripheral on RZ MPUs. This module implements the Transfer Interface |
▼Interfaces | The FSP interfaces provide APIs for common functionality. They can be implemented by one or more modules. Modules can use other modules as dependencies using this interface layer |
▼Analog | Analog Interfaces |
ADC Interface | Interface for A/D Converters |
▼Audio | Audio Interfaces |
PDM Interface | Interface for PDM audio communication |
▼Connectivity | Connectivity Interfaces |
CAN Interface | Interface for CAN peripheral |
I2C Master Interface | Interface for I2C master communication |
I2C Slave Interface | Interface for I2C slave communication |
I3C Interface | Interface for I3C |
SPI Interface | Interface for SPI communications |
UART Interface | Interface for UART communications |
Communicatons Middleware Interface | Interface for Communications Middleware functions |
▼Input | Input Interfaces |
External IRQ Interface | Interface for detecting external interrupts |
▼Monitoring | Monitoring Interfaces |
CRC Interface | Interface for cyclic redundancy checking |
WDT Interface | Interface for watch dog timer functions |
▼Sensor | Sensor Interfaces |
HS300X Middleware Interface | Interface for HS300X Middleware functions |
HS400X Middleware Interface | Interface for HS400X Middleware functions |
ZMOD4XXX Middleware Interface | Interface for ZMOD4XXX Middleware functions |
▼Storage | Storage Interfaces |
SPI Flash Interface | Interface for accessing external SPI flash devices |
▼System | System Interfaces |
ELC Interface | Interface for the Event Link Controller |
I/O Port Interface | Interface for accessing I/O ports and configuring I/O functionality |
MHU Interface (for secure and non secure channels) | Interface for Message Handling Unit |
MHU Interface (Software Interrupt Get) | Interface for Message Handling Unit (Software Interrupt Get) |
MHU Interface (Software Interrupt Set) | Interface for Message Handling Unit (Software Interrupt Set) |
▼Timers | Timers Interfaces |
POEG Interface | Interface for the Port Output Enable for GPT |
RTC Interface | Interface for accessing the Realtime Clock |
Timer Interface | Interface for timer functions |
▼Transfer | Transfer Interfaces |
Transfer Interface | Interface for data transfer functions |